Review of In It Together

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Adrian Bouknight
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Review of In It Together

Post by Adrian Bouknight »

[Following is a volunteer review of "In It Together" by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.]
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5 out of 5 stars
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Eckhart Aurelius Hughes' "In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us" offers a unique perspective on self-help and personal growth. The narrative takes a deep dive into how we understand ourselves and relate to others. There are chapters in the book that present philosophical ideas about self-identity, along with practical advice on how to apply these philosophical perspectives to our day-to-day lives.

Hughes spends time discussing the idea of the “true self,” noting how we are more than just our physical bodies, personalities, clothing, skin color, job, or degree. Rather, he suggests that all people are conscious and that a universal nature connects everyone, which can lead us toward peace and unity.

Hughes further explores challenging topics such as suicide and our lack of empathy for others, such as starving children, as a means of imploring readers to seek out their “true self” on the journey toward spiritual freedom.

I really appreciated Hughes' references to popular figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Albert Einstein. I also enjoyed the broader, inclusive nature of the book and its promotion of equality. This is a much-needed philosophical outlook in today’s world of division and tribalism. I also appreciated Hughes' references to concepts like natural selection and biological evolution, and how these ideas align with qualities that contribute to personal growth and development. However, it was surprising that the book made no mention of Charles Darwin or his thoughts on the relationship between consciousness and the theory of evolution.

I appreciated Hughes’ reference to the Golden Rule from the Sermon on the Mount and how it relates to introspection and how we perceive ourselves.

Overall, “In It Together” was thoughtful and engaging. It appeared to have been professionally edited and well-written. I would certainly recommend this book to people who appreciate self-help literature. I really do not have anything negative to say about the book. For these reasons, I am giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. I look forward to reading the reviews of others and engaging more with the content of the book through online discussion groups.

In It Together
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Post by Gerry Steen »

Your review describes the essence of this book. The true self is the concept that I spent the most time and effort pondering. In the end, it made complete sense to me. Only by accepting our true self will we be able to find peace. At some point I will give this book a second read. I did not review it yet, as I did not feel ready to. :techie-studyinggray:
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Post by Stephen Christopher 1 »

We both agree on how great this book is. What I most appreciated (and I've touched on this with you before) is how this isn't like other self-help books. There's new and fresh ideas here and that's very welcome.
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Post by Elizabeth-Tush4Christ »

This is a philosophical book that sheds some light on the term true self and consciousness. This review provides valuable insights into what readers should look to gain from the book, and I appreciate the thoughtful details embedded in the narrative. As you mentioned, the reference to Charles Darwin would have added depth and more details, and I’m excited to see more from the author, as I believe there is more from where this came. Thanks for the detailed and insightful review.
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Post by Kshitija Sonawane »

There are a lot of self help books in the market. It is really difficult to translate that into real life though. I hope that whoever reads this book gets through their problems safely. You did a good job with the review.
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Post by Alissa Nesson »

This book really wasn’t my cup of tea. I found some of the conclusions to be absurd, and the repetition made the book much longer than it needed to be. I thought it was largely pretentious and not very original. But I appreciate your review, and I’m glad you enjoyed it.
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