Review of In It Together

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Slayton Natasha Tillett
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Review of In It Together

Post by Slayton Natasha Tillett »

[Following is a volunteer review of "In It Together" by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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What are the struggles in life for? Most times, I am lost in my world of thoughts trying to understand why problems that can be easily solved are killing lots of people. Reading In It Together by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes changed a lot in my life, especially at this moment when I am desperately seeking answers. I can gladly say that this is the book of the moment.
In this book, we saw the two yous. The first is the real, or your consciousness, and this represents the deeper and more profound self. This part of you is concerned with your deeper values, beliefs, and the essence of who you are beyond just physical appearance or immediate action. The second is the false self, and this refers to the bodily self. Understanding these two concepts helps us get a clear picture of our behavior and inner struggles. The author discusses this concept of duality as a way to understand human behavior, not in terms of any particular religious or philosophical belief. The content of this book is way beyond this and teaches a lot. 
This book offers a unique understanding of human nature and behavior by presenting complex ideas in a way that is accessible and thought-provoking and quotes from different philosophers. The author's ideas and philosophies were so intriguing that I was so absorbed because these are things that have been difficult for me to understand, but then reading the book, it was just explained effortlessly. I loved the fact that no particular group was attacked by the philosophies or ideas the author provided, so anyone can read this book without feeling attacked.
I agreed with the ideas and philosophies the author gave, and I am glad that this book helped in answering most of my questions I have been seeking answers to. I didn’t come across any dislikes or flaws while reading, plus the book was properly edited without any errors. Having said this, I would rate this book five out of five stars. I would recommend this book to lovers of philosophy and self-help books.

In It Together
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