Review of In It Together

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Thomas Cudbertson
In It Together VIP
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Review of In It Together

Post by Thomas Cudbertson »

[Following is a volunteer review of "In It Together" by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes presents nothing more or less than a philosophy designed to free the soul. It makes the point which might seem controversial at first, that there is no problem of evil. The author then goes on to explain that for there to be evil then that would make God immoral and bad.

I would say this book is primarily a lesson on honesty. If you try to claim to be someone you are not or cover up a behaviour you know you are doing, even to yourself, that is lying and will eat at you. Conversely, being honest with yourself about where you are and what you are doing is the first step towards spiritual freedom. I like the suggestion to let go of judgemental language such as “should” and “ought”. Accepting the unchangeable reality leads to a greater appreciation of each passing moment for the beautiful experience it is. It is also important that the author mentions false positivity, which can become a denial of reality. Embracing these things leads to greater love, which can only form a fuller human being.

People with an interest in philosophy or changing their beliefs and behaviours should read this book. While it is more practical philosophy than academic philosophy, it still contains much of interest for anyone with an interest in philosophy. It is not for you if you do not want to be challenged. It may not be suitable for young children due to the complexities of the issues involved. Older teenagers who read this book and appreciate its message would be on a good starting point for the rest of their lives. Adults of all ages and genders will profit from reading this book.

There was nothing I did not like about this book. It was extremely well-edited. I did not notice any mistakes. I am therefore pleased to award this book 5 out of 5 stars.

In It Together
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