Review of In It Together

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Byron Dsouza
In It Together VIP
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Review of In It Together

Post by Byron Dsouza »

[Following is a volunteer review of "In It Together" by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.]
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5 out of 5 stars
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In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes is a philosophical book that delves into human struggle and finding true inner peace and spiritual freedom (a.k.a., self-discipline). The author wishes the readers find their spiritual freedom in being happy and content in the present, be it the present pain that will lead to future happiness or the present happiness itself. The suggestions at the end of the book are truly admirable and valuable, as they will make one realize how beautiful and content one already is, rather than hating the current painful situation while we strive to achieve our future goals.
When we look at the world today, we see how brutal and selfish humans generally are. Having said that, I loved how the author described methods to overcome that and suggested many ways to do that in the end. "The beautiful heaven you may see is the heaven you carry with you, and in a way that beautiful heaven is you." I could relate to this sentence, as I truly believe that we all strive to go to heaven one day, but what if that heaven is right here within you and me? We can create heaven by being good to ourselves and everyone around us, seeing heaven in everything, accepting the present, and being content in the present.
The only thing I didn't like in the book is that the beginning is too philosophical and will go over your head most of the time. So, there were many occasions when I would read a sentence more than once to finally understand it. However, I am not a philosophical person by nature, so I get that, and it did not affect my overall experience while reading the book.
I would happily rate this book 5 out of 5 stars, as the negatives I mentioned did not stop me from reading. The second half of the book is very motivating, and everything begins to make so much sense. The book is exceptionally well edited, as I did not find any errors.
I recommend this book to all readers, as it has the power to bring out the best in you. You will begin to love the "real you" (exactly the way you are). 

In It Together
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