Review of In It Together

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Review of In It Together

Post by quiltingrose »

[Following is a volunteer review of "In It Together" by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.]
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4 out of 4 stars
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Eckhart Aurelius Hughes has written a modern day philosophic book In It Together that provides truths about inner struggles that when practiced can lead one to acceptance and love. The book covers such subjects as temptation, evil, and helping oneself to a happier existence. Hughes provides the key to helping ourselves. It is evident that Hughes is passionate in sharing this message about the struggles that every human being deals with in this life. Truths and self-help ideas are given to encourage readers to be able to free the spirit. These truths are presented in a way that they are applicable to people whether religious or non-religious.

The message that Hughes shares is helpful for finding contentment in the world we live in today. I believe that if we apply the thought provoking lessons Hughes has presented we will certainly enrich our lives. The highlight of this book and the most change making truths for me were toward the end of the book when this author demonstrates how we as humans can learn to help ourselves and accept who we are. This was worth reading.

Although there is a great amount of helpful paths to finding acceptance and help for ourselves, I must honestly say that after beginning the book there was a point in which I wanted to quit reading the book. The first chapters were off-putting on the first read. One of the topics—children starving—came across in a harsh tone. We as humans should be angry about children starving and the author’s sincerity will stir up feelings of many varieties. After reading further, I found the text to be encouraging and enlightening. On the second read, I was able to apply the passion of Hughes’ entire book and felt I was better able to understand the message.

In It Together is not an easy read. Some passages must be digested slowly and mulled over to absorb and get the most impact of the helpful truths that Hughes has shared from his heart. I suggest a second read because there will be concepts that will pop out that were unnoticed when reading In It Together the first time around. The passion put forth by the author is evident throughout the passages. ThIs book is worthy and deserving of time spent reading it. I rate this book 4 out of 4 stars.

Everyone can find some way to improve themselves from the truths shared in this book, but the true seekers of change and freedom from the “untruths” we tell ourselves are the specific people who will benefit. Finding truths of love and acceptance in this book and applying just one of them would make reading In It Together worthwhile and freeing.

In It Together
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