Review of The Price of Worthlessness

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Seqhatsi Shata
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Review of The Price of Worthlessness

Post by Seqhatsi Shata »

[Following is a volunteer review of "The Price of Worthlessness" by Gloria Eveleigh.]
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4 out of 5 stars
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The Price of Worthlessness by Gloria Eveleigh is a non-fiction book based on a true story. As a middle child in Littlehampton, Petra is 14 years old and lives with her family of three children. Sadly, due to her efforts at trying to be "normal," she falls for a ploy to get exploited for sex. Her misfortune begins with Marvin, her boyfriend, who coerces her into rape. Marvin trafficked Petra for an aristocratic judge, who kept her as a sex slave for his wealth. Later, her second intended escape, aided by a vicar in disguise, fails, and she ends up in a much more dire place. A massage and manicure parlor that uses young women for sexual servitude. Miraculously, she escapes. She finds her faith in God, bringing joy and happiness at last.

Reading this book was very enlightening for me. The foreshadowing of DS Frampton discussing a 14-year-old girl's rape case quickly brought me to shock and awe. Each chapter has a captivating title, such as "Heartbreak," which kept me turning each page. There’s also an element of surprise in the play, as seen in Marvin asking Petra for a threesome with his uncle. The book provided information and knowledge on the subject of sex trafficking. It is done by professionals we look up to: the chief inspector, the teacher, and even the judge. Through all the pain and suffering Petra endures, it is gratifying that she meets friends such as Chelsea and Terence. These friends bring light to her dark days.

In conclusion, the book demonstrates the global issue of sex trafficking and sexual assault clearly. Characterization is excellent as it brings characters to life, and as a reader, I could relate to the five friends of Petra who lost their hope for freedom due to prolonged exploitation. I recommend the book to victims and survivors of sexual exploitation, parents, young adults, and anyone who wants to read about sex trafficking. However, I do not like that the book mostly narrates Petra's experiences and little of those of her family and friends, even though it is written in third-person narration. Due to some typos, I give the book 4 out of 5 stars[ /b].

The Price of Worthlessness
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