Review of The Price of Worthlessness

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Bwoy ianoh
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Review of The Price of Worthlessness

Post by Bwoy ianoh »

[Following is a volunteer review of "The Price of Worthlessness" by Gloria Eveleigh.]
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4 out of 5 stars
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When it was said the good ones are not yet born, it seemed senseless, but when a reader interacts with The Price of Worthlessness by Gloria Eveleigh, the phrase has some sense in it since Marvin, a friend proposed to Petra by her teacher, had other intentions for a girl he doubled in age.

Amidst the surging rates of inflation, terrorism, unending wars, and the like, something else is slowly eating up our society. Sex trafficking is a vice that takes place in so many countries through so many channels that question the legitimacy of the judicial system and all those systems aimed at protecting innocent children. 

Marriage comes out as just an official event, which does not justify sexual chastity, as the thriving of these businesses depends on the market, which I can confidently say is highly filled with married individuals who choose to venture out for whatever reasons. The world is portrayed as being a very hostile place that urges one to tread with caution to avoid getting ensnared in all the traps that are set to capture unaware subjects.

Family, in a way, stands out as the only piece of life that one can always count on, no matter what life throws our way. It is also quite obvious that people should not rush when it comes to relationships but wait, or rather, study their partners, to avoid being caught up in unwanted, toxic, and even life-threatening relationships. I disliked how human beings can be so inhumane especially men.

I give the book 4 out of 5 stars . This is because I noticed a number of grammatical errors, which put the book under professional editing. It also made use of some derogatory terms that demean human value. I would recommend the book to youth in order to give them a heads-up of how terrible a misplaced step can land them in hell, literally.

The Price of Worthlessness
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