The Space & Time Through Which I Love You

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The Space & Time Through Which I Love You

Post by Scott »

I just wrote this poem this morning! Let me know what you think!

In addition to the plain text version further below, you can view a video version of this poem with any of the following links:

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Or, if you prefer to just read it straight up, here is the plain text version:

The Space & Time Through Which I Love You
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes

When I love you most
I no longer see you with these eyes
I no longer have eyes at all
My eyes and your eyes
Become like the space between two stars
Through which the light in me
Sees the light in you

Our brain waves sync
Our minds meld
Consciousness becomes revealed
as one
Like lakes that merge
We are the water

Was it obstacle or only illusion
that ever separated us?
I don't know
But I do know this:
To be with you is to be back home

With teary eyes
You looked at me
You asked me how
Could I ever forgive you
I looked you back
and told you this
And I've come to realize
I've never meant something more:
I see the light in you.
I see the light is you.

These growing walls
and shifting plates
These growing distances
creating lakes
Pulling us
so far apart

It's getting colder
It's getting dark

But when I think of you
I remember this
The light in you
was the light in me
I see the clearness of the water
I see the emptiness of the space
I see what seems so very invisible
And remembering you
feels like home

And I don't miss you
Don't get me wrong
And yeah that's there
just like a cloud
But the secret truth
is with me now
I see the invisible
I love you still
It's a happy thought
to remember you


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