Wordless Gratitude

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Icon Wordless Gratitude

Post by Scott »

I just wrote this today. Let me know what you think! :D

Wordless Gratitude

I'm thankful for the seemingly endless years
I spent feeling so misunderstood
The many tears
The lonely nights
The motivation to battle these words
to make sense of the mess
to weave them into strings
That fall from me to this world
And may brushingly touch people passing by

I'm thankful that I have seemed
to only ever be good at loving people from a distance.
Distance is the best vantage point
to see the world's unseen
to see those most in need
to see what most don't see

I'm thankful for the quiet neglect
that let me hear the omnipresent spirit
always with me
like a parent wise beyond words
and loving beyond measure
an invincible blanket of happiness and peace
I found the space between words
Peace in the bosom of silence
The all-accepting eternal canvas upon which
the ephemeral noise is painted

When I am most myself
I let the colors of all I thought was me
And melt away
I fade into the warm canvas's quiet transcendental embrace
And the words disappear
And all that's left is wordless gratitude

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Post by Shirley Ann Riddern Labzentis »

I really like it! It is very thought-provoking. I'll need to read it over and over again to get the true meaning of your words. Congratulations!
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Post by flaper1234 »

Keep tup the good work!
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Post by Michelle Chafins »

I like it, my favorite part "distance is the best vantage point" that is so true.
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Post by Surabhi Rani »

You have put your thoughts so nicely into words. I like the title of the poem, 'Wordless Gratitude.' The beginning of the poem is very appealing. It grows in depth and potency towards the end - 'Like a parent wise beyond words and loving beyond measure.' Also, I appreciate the theme of transcendence in the poem.
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Post by Surabhi Rani »

You have put your thoughts so nicely into words. I like the title of the poem, 'Wordless Gratitude.' The beginning of the poem is very appealing. It grows in depth and potency towards the end - 'Like a parent wise beyond words and loving beyond measure.' Also, I appreciate the theme of transcendence in the poem.
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Post by Jennifer Wade 5 »

Like how the words if the poem make the readers feel and under stand what your saying. The poem is just long enough to get your point across without repeating yourself for dragging it long.
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Post by Sushan Ekanayake »

This poem beautifully captures the profound solace in life's quieter moments. Finding gratitude in the silence and distance allows a rare, clear view of life's intricate tapestry. It's a poignant reminder of how our struggles shape us and lead to serene acceptance.
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:lire4: $u$han €kanayak€ :text-feedback:
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Post by Risper Ouma Anyango »

I really love this poem and it has taught me to be thankful during my times of hustle. One-day I will look back and be thankful too
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Post by Gihan Samir »

It's a profound, thought-provoking and heart-melting poem.You just poured your soul and heart onto paper.As poetry is over-flow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility, your poem proves it.It manifests strength, insight, love,hope,peace and gratitude.I really like it and I relate to the whole experience of the poem.
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Post by Kajori Sheryl Paul »

What a beautiful poem! Thank you! Very few people can say that "found the space between words
Peace in the bosom of silence"
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Post by PinkBibi »

Beautiful... Twitter brought me here.
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Post by Pimporn Chandee1 »

This poem is so emotionally touching and I definitely appreciate the feelings you feel and shared.
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Post by Loretta Morris 1 »

I enjoyed reading the poem " Wordless Gratitude" I love the title. I learned from your poem that you are thankful for life. The feelings and experiences you expressed in your poem is part of life. We grow through these transitions in life and learn from them. You confessed to this in your poem. The poem is awesome! :D
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Post by Tanya McCullough »

I love the poem too, as it transmits the viewpoints of those that are alone, or may have more introspective views of life. And being introspective can be a very positive thing. You see things that others are too busy, or too mindless to care about. You see where the beauty is where again, so many are too busy to take a stop, smell the flowers or the coffee and embrace what is there.
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