Nottage by Annice Marie Burdeos

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annice marie burdeos
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Nottage by Annice Marie Burdeos

Post by annice marie burdeos »

Wednesday noon, Nottage turned the corner
And blithered about something he knew so much about:

No one listened. For no one had a care.
They’d rather take a pear.
Walnut Pearce thought it clever to say
Nottage liked pottage in his cottage.
It was not true.
But no one knew.
Wednesday at noon, Nottage stepped out to find

And went along back thru the Downs with his big toe out of his
sock and out of his shoe.
There wasn’t much to say
On this his day.
In coming to be
No bigger than a pea.
A prim and proper man was he (right down to his name.
Without first or last. Was it the middle? He just might have to take a
Having tea.
After buying a mug for De.
In Grantchester, he’d been
When the clock struck ten
Or was it 10 to 3?
He’d swim the Lee.

A spangly crown
When taken down
There was a frown.
He had not won first place
For this, he felt second rate

And without a dinner plate.
He took rest
So as not to be a pest.
To take another pill
Made him ill.

In Harlan’s, he moved about
Looking for a hat
To put upon his head.
By the book it would be read.
Before he was dead.
And that’s what Nottage did Wednesday at noon.
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