Review by Nebulakitsune -- The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow...

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Review by Nebulakitsune -- The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow...

Post by Nebulakitsune »

[Following is a volunteer review of "The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy Book 1" by Claire Youmans.]
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3 out of 4 stars
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When reading Claire Youmans book, The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy I found myself transported to a new kind of fantasy land, there in Japan. The story shows two young siblings facing the world head on as they try to get back home and find out who they are as well in the process. Meeting new faces, either with good intent or not they race against the clock to get back home. They soon realized that this was only a part of their journey.

What I enjoyed most about this book is that it's a good beginner young readers book. It not only shows a different part of the world but the different kinds of folklore of that time as well. The plot kept me coming back and wanting to see where these two would end up next and to see what new characters they would meet. That was also another good part were the different characters in the story and how they helped the two find their way.

The only issues that I had with reading this book was how it was paced. It felt like it was going to quickly in some parts where it could have slowed down and the world could be immersed more. There were also times where it felt as if I had skipped a part in the story and that there could have been a better transition on what was going on.

I would give this book a 3 out of 4 stars. I enjoyed the plot of this book so much and the characters that I was a little disappointed on the pacing of what was going on. I feel as if they took a little more time and spread out the pacing a bit more it would have grabbed at me more. The characters are what really kept me reading since I've never heard of a Toki-Girl or a Sparrow-Boy before and that kept my mind imagining what they looked like in their adventurers.

This book as stated earlier is a good beginner young reader book. This is the kind of book where it would show a younger reader a new part of the world and open their imagination. I can see someone relating to one of the siblings and wanting to see them accomplish their goals just like them. I will say that the ending got me and that I will be reading the next book in the series to see what happens to these siblings and where they will go next.

The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy Book 1
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