Review of Big, Brave Voice

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Ukaegbu Confidence
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Review of Big, Brave Voice

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[Following is an official review of "Big, Brave Voice" by Emily A. Reed.]
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5 out of 5 stars
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Big, Brave Voice: Advice for Children Living with Food Allergies by Emily A Reed is a colorful children's book containing advice for children with allergies. The author wrote this book to teach her son George, who has severe food allergies, about self-advocacy. In this book, we follow brave and smart George, who is allergic to eggs and nuts. He gets really sick when he eats them, no matter how small. Whenever George goes to any celebrations, as he loves celebrations and parties, he often brings his own food, which makes him feel embarrassed and sad. 

I really love how the book was written. I could say this is an emotional book for me because I could resonate with its theme as someone who has allergies. I loved how the author projects George as a hero because it takes a lot of courage to carry your own food to a party because you prioritize your health. There are some people who would not put themselves first and instead eat everything they should not be eating just to look cool among their friends. This book passes a valuable lesson to children with allergies. It is much better to put your health first over looking cool. I loved the part where he asked about the content of the food served, clearly stating that he cannot have some kinds of food. Through this book, children will learn to ask these brave questions instead of being timid and eating whatever they're offered. This book is also educational for people who aren't allergic but have people close to them who are. This way, they know how best to look out for their loved ones. 

I do not have anything to criticize about this book. I loved that I could relate to the book to some extent. This book was colorful and had some rhymes in it that would suit the tastes of children twelve years and below. The book was also excellently edited, as I did not find any errors while reading. I loved the colorful illustrations by Rachel Dove, Marie Marquaire, and Sumegha Malhotra, and the superhero theme will also resonate with the kids. Considering all of the excellent aspects of the book, I rate it a perfect five out of five stars.

Big, Brave Voice
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Big, Brave Voice: Advice for Children Living with Food Allergies by Emily A. Reed is a children's book that teaches self-advocacy for kids with food allergies. The story follows George, who is allergic to eggs and nuts, and highlights his experiences of managing allergies at celebrations and parties. Through George's journey, the book addresses his feelings of embarrassment and sadness when he needs to bring his own food to events, helping young readers navigate similar challenges.
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A splendid review indeed!. Big, Brave Voice: Advice for Children Living with Food Allergies by Emily A Reed resonates with me very well. I am pleased at how the reviewer has been able to outline the details of the book. Its awe-inspiring how the author has delivered the contents in the book. This will help me help those around me and others who face challenges of food allergies.
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