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Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 03 Aug 2016, 11:49
by L Anthony Skelton
Not unless I only wanted to write stories about my teeth falling out or missing college classes (college was years ago for me).

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 12:58
by RobinStock
I most definitely pull ideas from dreams. Sometimes just the color of someone's hair, or a very specific setting - sometimes a whole story. I love it when I wake up remembering a vivid dream!

I used to have a recurring dream - a wall of fire in the basement of my childhood home, and my father going back to save our cats. It sticks with me even to this day...there's got to be a way to work that into a story! ;-)

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 14:14
by saikak
Dreaming is my favorite thing in the whole wide world; mostly because I have no idea that I'm dreaming and it's nice to get away from the only world we have ever known. I once dreamed about an in-between place, sort of like purgatory, after death. You have to go through many trials in order to cross several different bridges and hills and forests with other people who are stuck in this stage. When you finally get to the end of the journey, you'll have to make a choice between two separate portals: one leads you back to Earth and the other leads you forward into afterlife. This dream inspired me to write about this girl stuck in a coma because this guy crashes his car into hers, and they have to cross bridges together in their own heads, even though she technically hates him. I tried to lighten the story by making the pair bicker all the time and introducing other cool characters. I think a lot of good stories pass on profound messages when they're more coveted and lighthearted, like Harry Potter and To Kill a Mockingbird.

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 17 Jun 2017, 16:45
by Vivian Paschal
I've come up with some really good stuff from dreams. I don't dream much and I hardly remember my dreams, but I don't forget the ones which are highly organised and catchy. I always put them in writing the moment I wake up. In fact, I'm working on a series that stemmed from a dream. None of the books is published, but I've gotten good reviews from people who have read them.

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 09 Aug 2017, 22:27
by Rebecca Henderson
It seems to me that all my wacky dreams come after I've consumed chocolate too close to bed-time . . . :oops:

I think dreams are a great way to get ideas. I've heard that dreams are a bit like our brains looking at what happened during the day and shelving it all away in our long-term memories. I can wake up sometimes and figure out, okay, that weird sequence came from this actual event that happened, but where X came from, I'm lost for words!

When writing, I think it is good to use dreams or even just parts of them. You might see connections in a way that you hadn't before or even find inspiration. I usually just discuss my dreams with my boyfriend and we laugh about the weird things we both dream about.

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 02:26
by yellosteel
Sleeping and dreaming for me did not always occur simultaneously. Sometimes one may sleep and not dream and vice versa. I have had instances wherefore have dreamt with my two eyes wide open....unbelievable? Lol. In any case,whenever I did (dream) whatever i see in my dream may serve as raw materials for my write-ups.

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 05:57
by Mallory Whitaker
I've gotten a couple ideas from dreams. It's not something I can rely on. I do find that I get a lot of ideas when I'm lying in bed and trying to sleep.

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 09:54
by sohollywood07
I have actually never written anything (other than reviews) but I did have a crazy dream one night and just had to jot it down in case I ever got the "itch" to write something! I love reading so much and think it would be awesome to be able to write my own novel some day, but my brain seems to lack the same enthusiasm and won't give me any good/original ideas to write about (except for that one dream)

My favorite novels are weird mystery/thriller/supernatural type ones and I feel like those are the kinds that come from dreams.

Maybe one day I'll get motivated to sit down and make something out of it!!

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 09:30
by BoyLazy
Right now I am dreaming about becoming a writer

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 16:20
by Gifty Naa Akushia
I also get ideas through dreams but most of the times I wake forgetting the important parts of the story.

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 26 Oct 2017, 14:18
by Brandi Noelle
This doesn't happen to me often, but there was one dream that led to a short story of mine. When I woke, I had no idea what the dream was about, but a distinct pair of red stilettos were the only lasting impression. It stuck with me and while I pondered the significance of these shoes, a short story was born.

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 20 Dec 2017, 08:04
by fergie
I love dreaming, but maybe that's just because I'm lazy and love sleeping! I often have very vivid, bizarre dreams but usually once I wake up they' disappear and leave just a feeling rather than any real memory of them. Sometimes I do wake up (or justify keeping on sleeping) thinking, "Wow, that's a brilliant idea for a short story". But when I'm properly awake, it's always really not :?

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 22 Dec 2017, 13:54
by Mizzgraham711
Honestly, I diffuse Cedarwood Essential Oils to keep away my bad dreams. The medication that I take gives me nightmares like crazy. It has been a very long time since I have actually enjoyed dreaming :(

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 31 Dec 2017, 02:27
by BookHausJ
To write your dreams to a book? We're talking of when you woke up? I don't know if that would sell. Most people wants a real life stories. It's really hard to fantasize your Goal in Life. No action just dreams. I don't know if it works. If someone has a Goal or something to achieve in life, more action is better.

Re: Ideas from Dreams

Posted: 04 Jan 2018, 01:15
by Whippet
I love stories with a dreamy atmosphere/voice/character. Naturally when writing this is my default mode -- dreamy :D. And dreams can be a nice source of ideas, but I collate them together, sometimes with a conscious idea I've had, or something I've heard from a friend or seen on the news for example, to get a more rounded idea together. I think dreams are too thin and hazy to base much off of otherwise, no matter how I love the dreaming itself.