a mother's intuition and struggle

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Re: a mother's intuition and struggle

Post by Radiant3 »

Most definitely, Mary Ellen would have noticed if something wasn't quite right with her son Louis, even if they did not share a close bond. Although, this was not the case, since she shared a strong bond with both Louis and Harry. The bond between a mother and child is undeniable. Parents tend to notice, intuitively, even slight changes in their children's behavior.

In a situation like this, the news would be devastating for a parent. This is where the sustaining power of faith and trust in God would be a source of strength. At times like this, parents need to be strong for their children and that strength can come through Faith, the support of family, friends, and those who have faced a similar situation.
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An attentive mother is always attuned to her children. It was Mary Ellen's attentiveness and intuition that helped her recognize that there was something wrong with her son. She clearly took note of his change in step and mood swings. I admired her response to the devastating news of her son's illness. She would not have been blamed if she had crumbled. But staying strong was the best decision ever. I don't know how I would respond in such a situation, but Mary has taught me something to do.
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Okoth Omondi
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Salah bourouba wrote: 02 Aug 2023, 11:35 do you think that marry ellen louis's mother would have realized that there was something wrong with her child if she didn't believe in her gut and had that real bond that a true mother-son/daughter has? also, how would you feel if you discovered something that horrifying happening to your child? would be crumble or would you keep the hope and do anything in your power to keep him alive and have good memories with him?

personally, I would be devastated, I think that I would really crumble and have denial for a period of time but my faith in god will help me up again and I believe that he will be better taken care of with the lord and the angels.
A mother's love is incomparable. A mother will always do anything for their kids. And again, women are always right about their instincts.
Concrete concept. 💫
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Do you know the saying, “a woman can feel her child in pain even 10000 miles away?” Even something that’s generally hidden from the child, a woman could get the intuition about it.
“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 161 AD -180 AD
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I don't think it's just mothers. Parents in general, have their instincts kick in whenever their child is in any form of danger.
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The bond between a parent and child can be incredibly strong, and often, a parent's intuition about their child's wellbeing is spot-on. If faced with a horrifying discovery about their child's health, reactions can vary greatly. Some might crumble under the weight of the news, while others might channel their energy into doing everything possible to create positive memories and experiences. Faith can be a powerful source of comfort and resilience in such situations. It's a deeply personal journey, and everyone navigates it in their own unique way.
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A mother's intuition is always correct. It is the bond she shares with her child so everyone should listen when she speaks.
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That's a devastating news for any mother who truly loves his/her child and for me. I don't pray for such but I would do everything possible to save my child and keep believing God for His healing hand upon my child.
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Post by Loretta Morris 1 »

A mother knows when something is wrong with their child. It is something that is built in her. Speaking from experience, I was devastated when I heard the awful news about my child. I went through many emotions and realized I had to keep focused and rely on my faith to keep my child alive and well and that is what happened.
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A mother's instincts are a precious gift, and I believe that trusting my gut is essential in making decisions that impact my child's life.
aub lamar
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A mother's intuition is a powerful and reliable force, often allowing her to sense her child's distress or needs before anyone else.
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