Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage?

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Re: Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage?

Post by Salah bourouba »

I absolutely agree. Not because it is a great sin for us in Islam. But there is no good that comes out if u have sex with a stranger. U could get pregnant and have a bastard. You could get sexually transmitted diseases. You could get mental breakdowns. If the guy dumps you or treats you like garbage. And because that pleasure only last for a split second whereas the aftermath last a life time.
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Post by MsChet Cherry »

I remember when abstaining from sex before marriage is a thing of honour and respect. But nowadays, premarital sex has been normalised and seen as a culture.
The truth is, if one can't abstain, they should at least avoid multiple partners.
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Post by Chris Alex Powell »

From a Christian point of view, I would agree that abstinence is the key. I cannot make this same argument for several other situations because what should really be preached against is having several partners. People could abstain all their lives and still have several partners after marriage. I do believe, however, that abstinence would prevent some of the situations we have today, like the presence of so many STDs.
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Post by AllTooWell »

Hellen Muriithi wrote: 04 Jan 2023, 22:59
jeminah28 wrote: 03 Jan 2023, 02:37 Sexual abstinence before marriage?

I agree with this explanation from the author. :tiphat: It helps avoid negative thoughts from a conflict, especially insecurities. From my own experience, it's a way of consoling myself against any doubts. Sexual abstinence also helps me in counseling, particularly with the young ladies. Usually, women are the most affected by their own wrong choices about premarital sex.
I beg to differ. We are putting sex on a pedestal, completely forgetting the factors at play that influence those who have sec before marriage (voluntary). The fact that we live in a liberal world full of information that is accessible even to minors makes it quite insensitive to judge those who have sex before marriage. Ours is a society where parents release the holds on their children when they get to campus, in the pretext of adulthood.
I agree with you. Sex should not be put on a pedestal, is a natural and healthy way to express love, affection, and individuality. I wanted to wait, but I felt pressure to wait because of what people might think of me if I started having sex, it was on a pedestal that made me freak out when I started to understand that waiting does not equal a healthy, long-lasting, and loving marriage. It is important to know your body, your likes, and dislikes, and if you and your partner are compatible before marriage. Divorce is not easy, cheap, or a solution to every incompatibility, nor should a couple think of divorce just because of sex, but marriage won't be easy or healthy if one of the partners is shy about their sexual preferences or are completely incompatible.

A healthy sexual life does not imply abstinence, and abstinence does not mean the person is having a healthy sexual life.
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Post by Natasha Hlongwane »

Sexual abstinence before marriage is great. It provides clarity of thought about the progression of the relationship and if it'll even last in the long run.
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Post by José Cortez »

Sexual abstinence before marriage is a wonderful decision. It would be even more wonderful is people begin to look more at the fact that sexual abstinence can be for both genders so that a couple can enter a marriage sexually pure.
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Post by Meghan Sica »

I don't think abstinence before marriage is realistic in this day in age. Most people end up having multiple marriages. While I don't agree you should be out having sexual relations with every other person, I just don't think not having sex is ideal either. Plus, not everyone wants to get married. After all, marriage is just a piece of paper. If you are truly devoted to eachother, you don't even need to get married.
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Post by Christine Palmer »

Ms Chet wrote: 07 Feb 2023, 09:03 I remember when abstaining from sex before marriage is a thing of honour and respect. But nowadays, premarital sex has been normalised and seen as a culture.
The truth is, if one can't abstain, they should at least avoid multiple partners.
Yes! There has to be something between complete abstinence before marriage and having casual sex with many different partners.

I agree with waiting until you are in a committed and serious long-term relationship, but I would never recommend getting married without being intimate with that person. Marriage is forever. Finding out after making the commitment that you are completely incompatible or one person is physically unable to consummate would be devastating.
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Post by Phoebe Felix »

I believe in our world today, sexual abstinence is a matter of personal preference. It doesn't matter the explanations the author gave, people will still choose to do what they want to do.
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Post by ThankGod Onyishi »

I agree with the author's views. Sexual abstinence before marriage should be praticised. People should also learn that they should strive to stay faithful to their partners after marriage too.
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Post by Anthony Ekemezie »

I agree with sexual abstinence before marriage not just because the Bible preaches about it, but because it saves one from a lot of dire consequences. It is quite sad that today many people don’t practice it due to peer pressure.
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Post by Bef Ozo »

It is sad to see that most people don't think that this is a thing again. The world has settled for random sex and not caring about the disadvantages. I think this book will awaken the awareness of the youths on this topic.
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Post by Alys Sterk »

Cristina Corui Mihailescu wrote: 06 Jan 2023, 12:33 Being a teacher, I should agree with the biblical teachings on abstinence. However, nowadays the world sees you as weird if you are still a maid when you get married. So the only advice I give my female students is to wait till at least 17 years of age and to do it out of love, not fun...
Ah...the joys of teens! In the past, I've always tried to steer clear of these conversations. Personally, I believe a person should wait until marriage and I believe that sex during the teen years just adds another layer of emotion and complications to their lives. Before I started teaching high school, I didn't really understand how powerful their emotions are with love.
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Post by Bradley Shelvie »

Jeminah Jeremie wrote: 03 Jan 2023, 02:37 Sexual abstinence before marriage?

I agree with this explanation from the author. :tiphat: It helps avoid negative thoughts from a conflict, especially insecurities. From my own experience, it's a way of consoling myself against any doubts. Sexual abstinence also helps me in counseling, particularly with the young ladies. Usually, women are the most affected by their own wrong choices about premarital sex.
I think this may be a two-pronged issue, which l boils down to personal preference. From a religious point of view though, which is also the author's view, abstinence is good, but I don't think it's a measure of how fulfilled someone will be. If it is my choice to make, I'll definitely explore as much as I can.
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Post by Bradley Shelvie »

To add a different perspective, there's something called sexual compatibility. There's nothing as disheartening as tying the knot and taking your vows, only to discover it's dull in wonderland. A considerable amount of divorces are usually because of unmet sexual needs, which is an angle the author didn't explore.
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