December Holidays (Dec '22)

For December 2022, we will be reading holiday-based and/or winter-based books.
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Heidi M Simone
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December Holidays (Dec '22)

Post by Heidi M Simone »

Do you celebrate a holiday this month? What holiday(s) do you celebrate?
"There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul." – Unknown
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Crs webco
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Post by Crs webco »

We celebrate multiple daughter's and her husband's birthdays, my niece's birthday, my nephew's birthday, our anniversary, and then the greatest birthday of all, the birth of Jesus on Christmas day. Oh dear, can't forget New Year's Eve!
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Heidi M Simone
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Post by Heidi M Simone »

Webco1577 wrote: 01 Dec 2022, 16:39 We celebrate multiple daughter's and her husband's birthdays, my niece's birthday, my nephew's birthday, our anniversary, and then the greatest birthday of all, the birth of Jesus on Christmas day. Oh dear, can't forget New Year's Eve!
Wow!! So many birthdays and your anniversary! What a special month for you and your family. :) Christmas is a big one in our family, too! I didn’t even think about New Year’s Eve!
"There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul." – Unknown
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Heidi M Simone
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Post by Heidi M Simone »

The main holiday we celebrate is Christmas this month. Having two little ones, my husband and I are trying to solidify what we do and how we celebrate Christmas to build our own and unique traditions that hopefully, one day, our kids will enjoy and treasure.
"There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul." – Unknown
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Post by Crs webco »

Family traditions are great. The one Christmas one in our family that stands out for me is the wrapping paper solution. I have 3 children....all in their 40's now....who are extremely bright...just a little motherly prejudice there.... and one day when the oldest was about 4, I realized that she could identify my handwriting from my husband's. This could present problems for tags on packages saying "from Santa". Not willing for an early end to this tradition of both my parents and my husband's parents, I began to brainstorm. The solution that I came up with was to wrap "Santa" presents in a distinctive wrapping paper for each child. The first few years it was fairly simple...Santa's, snowmen, and angels. As the years passed, the wrapping got a little more distinctive...background color, etc. We played this game through my daughter's Senior year in high school. That was a classic year. Other teens were "part of the family " by then and finding enough distinctive papers was way too expensive to consider. I wrapped everything in the same paper that year...The Twelve Days of Christmas"!" I also put them all under the tree. There was a number tag on each package that went from first to enter the family to number 12, the last. It was hilarious watching them sitting around the tree, trying to figure out who's package was who's!
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Post by Crs webco »

Oh dear, I forgot the best part! I always wrapped stocking stuff in their paper so they would come rushing to the tree on Christmas morning holding a piece of their wrapping paper in their hands.
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Heidi M Simone
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Post by Heidi M Simone »

Webco1577 wrote: 01 Dec 2022, 20:17 Family traditions are great. The one Christmas one in our family that stands out for me is the wrapping paper solution. I have 3 children....all in their 40's now....who are extremely bright...just a little motherly prejudice there.... and one day when the oldest was about 4, I realized that she could identify my handwriting from my husband's. This could present problems for tags on packages saying "from Santa". Not willing for an early end to this tradition of both my parents and my husband's parents, I began to brainstorm. The solution that I came up with was to wrap "Santa" presents in a distinctive wrapping paper for each child. The first few years it was fairly simple...Santa's, snowmen, and angels. As the years passed, the wrapping got a little more distinctive...background color, etc. We played this game through my daughter's Senior year in high school. That was a classic year. Other teens were "part of the family " by then and finding enough distinctive papers was way too expensive to consider. I wrapped everything in the same paper that year...The Twelve Days of Christmas"!" I also put them all under the tree. There was a number tag on each package that went from first to enter the family to number 12, the last. It was hilarious watching them sitting around the tree, trying to figure out who's package was who's!
You are absolutely allowed to say your children are bright! :D

I absolutely love this idea! I never thought about how one day my kids will recognize my and my husband's handwriting. I may have to adopt this tradition into our own! I also love that there were other teens that were "part of the family" when your kids were older. So cute! The "The Twelve Days of Christmas" wrapping sounds like so much fun!

Interestingly enough, I did not grow up believing in Santa, but my husband did. I actually struggled with how much Santa should be included this time of year. I think I've found a good balance, but since my little ones are so little (2 years old and 6 months old), I got a little more time to find what works best for our family. :)
"There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul." – Unknown
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Heidi M Simone
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Post by Heidi M Simone »

Webco1577 wrote: 01 Dec 2022, 20:24 Oh dear, I forgot the best part! I always wrapped stocking stuff in their paper so they would come rushing to the tree on Christmas morning holding a piece of their wrapping paper in their hands.
Aww, I love this, too! Sounds like Christmas was/is a lot of fun for your family! :)
"There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul." – Unknown
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Post by Hazel Mae Bagarinao »

Christmas holiday is my favorite. Today Dec 15, we will start our 'simbang gabi' as Catholics until Dec.23. The Whole family will attend it, so it's a bonding time for us. In PH, we usually have 'lechon baboy' on Christmas day and New years day. And on Dec. 27, my little niece's birthday, and we will celebrate it in Jollibee together will the whole family. The Christmas season is a great feeling for me. A lot of food, family gatherings, presents, and everything special. We joyfully celebrate Jesus' birth.
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