Space Opera Book Discussion 2021

For September 2021 Genre Discussion we will be reading Space Opera books.
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Space Opera Book Discussion 2021

Post by gali »

This month will be reading books Space Opera books which is a subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that emphasizes romantic (my favorite genre).

"Space opera is a subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that emphasizes romantic, often melodramatic adventure, set mainly or entirely in space, generally involving conflict between opponents possessing powerful (and sometimes quite fanciful) technologies and abilities. Perhaps the most significant trait of space opera is that settings, characters, battles, powers, and themes tend to be very large-scale."

Here are some questions/topics to guide some discussion:
  • Share the title and author of the book you read.
  • Were there other genres woven into the text? If so, which one(s)?
  • Targeted audience?
  • Is this something you would recommend? If so, to whom?
Thank you for sharing! :tiphat:
A retired Admin
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