Review of Wake Up and Workout

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Love Ukaegbu
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Review of Wake Up and Workout

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[Following is an official review of "Wake Up and Workout" by Deidra Ward.]
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4 out of 5 stars
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If you have ever been overweight or are currently struggling to get in shape, you will relate to the author's story. This book, Wake Up and Workout, by Deidra Ward, details the author's journey of weight loss and getting back in shape. It includes her challenges, decisions, and how she made lifestyle changes that helped her get in shape.

One of the major things that causes weight gain, especially in women, is having children. This was the same in the author's case. Being a mother of 2, she stopped paying attention to her weight and health as a whole. This led to weight gain and other symptoms that accompany weight gain, such as fatigue, lack of energy, and excessive sweating, even in cold weather or after a shower. She decided to see her doctor, prepared to hear about her health conditions. After a meeting with her doctor, she decided to change her life.

Having decided to face her challenge head-on, the first thing she did was accept that she had a problem. Then, she followed this decision with simple lifestyle changes like not drinking alcohol or soda, not taking sweets, and paying attention to her body and how she was feeling at the time. She advises that people not downplay the seriousness of their health conditions, irrespective of how minor they might seem. She emphasises the importance of feeding your body what it needs, such as lots of water, highly nutritious food, and exercise. She explains in detail how to incorporate these changes in our lifestyle and how to help us transition into healthier living.

What I liked about this book is how detail-oriented it is. She mentioned minute details that anyone can relate to, such as people talking about your weight issues but never saying it in front of you. These details made me relate better to the author's story. I also like that she includes recipes and tips on exercising so that you would enjoy it rather than see it as a job. I also appreciate that she included a workout routine that could help start their exercise journey.

There is nothing I dislike about this book. As someone who has struggled with weight loss in the past, I found this book to be of great help as the author broke it down into simple details that are easy to understand. The book is written in a friendly and educating tone, which made me feel like the author truly understood how I felt. The book is also well-written and self-explanatory. Despite the many things I liked about this book, I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. I am deducting a star because I found many grammatical errors while reading; these errors impacted my reading experience, hence a star deduction. I recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight or get in better shape.

Wake Up and Workout
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