Review of Dangerous Escapades
- Troy Reardon
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- Latest Review: Dangerous Escapades by Ian D. Withers
Review of Dangerous Escapades
I am one of the people who say that there are more memoirs than there are people who are interesting enough to write one. So when I set out to read Dangerous Escapades by Ian Withers, I didn’t have high hopes. Would this man’s life really live up to the title? It took only two or three pages for me to realize that my preconceived ideas were completely wrong. Ian Withers has absolutely lived a life worthy of a memoir. I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to read about it.
The book takes you on a journey through Ian’s illustrious career. He starts from humble beginnings as a carpenter. The twists of fate land him a job as a private investigator. He grows and develops his skills. Through opportunity and ambition, he becomes a very successful private investigator and even a security advisor for a small nation. His adventures include collecting debts, investigating politicians, finding lost children, thwarting terrorist plots, and much more. I found myself wondering how one man could be involved in so many different adventures. The book contains many child rescue stories, which I found both exciting and heart-wrenching. It is difficult and painful work, and I respect him greatly for doing it.
Not only is Ian’s story engaging, but his writing is very good as well. Ian’s memories of past events are incredibly detailed. His storytelling is enthralling and captivating. It almost feels like you are reading a novel instead of a memoir. I would finish one story and immediately start the next one. I knew that each story would have some new and exciting surprises.
I give the book a 5 out of 5. The book is well-written, well-edited, and full of engaging content. I plan to have my dad read it. I recommend it to anyone who loves spy movies, detective shows, and real-life shenanigans.
Dangerous Escapades
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