Review of Love Isn’t Always the Answer

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Clauson Justin
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Review of Love Isn’t Always the Answer

Post by Clauson Justin »

[Following is an official review of "Love Isn’t Always the Answer" by Shelley L. Levisay.]
Book Cover
4 out of 5 stars
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"Love Isn’t Always the Answer" by Shelley L. Levisay is a memoir that shares Shelley's journey through a toxic relationship with Matthew. Shelley’s parents got divorced when she was young. Despite her broken family and poor social life, she grew up to be a successful lawyer. Being a person who longed for attention and wanted to please people, she ended up meeting a narcissist who seemed to care about her and provide her with attention. As their relationship progresses, Matthew manipulates and abuses her. Shelley seems stuck in a cycle of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse. What happens next?

Shelley took me on a rollercoaster of emotions throughout my reading, from anger during their early dating to sympathy and anxiety, especially during the tense court sessions. I appreciate Shelley's ability to be honest while she shared her story. Through her relationship with Matthew, she described the causes and factors that contribute to and the effects of mental health issues like personality disorders, narcissism, codependency, and anxiety on a person and people around the person. I also love her accessible explanation of the concept of gaslighting. Shelley blended educational content on the essence of mental health.

Although I appreciate Shelley's honesty and efforts in this book, the flow of the narrative was interrupted by some sentences that ended abruptly, and I felt that she had more to say. Then, the repetition of some scenes from the first part in the court sessions was detracting to me. But I enjoyed the rich information Shelley's journey presented me with and the seamless blend of drama and law. I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars because I noticed a lot of errors in it.

This book will appeal to young people; it is important to observe and address mental health-related issues in their personal and romantic lives. They will learn to love themselves, focus on self-development, and maintain healthy boundaries.

Love Isn’t Always the Answer
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