Review of Are You Love Smart or Love Stupid

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grace ruhara
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Review of Are You Love Smart or Love Stupid

Post by grace ruhara »

[Following is a volunteer review of "Are You Love Smart or Love Stupid" by Dr. Rachel Sims.]
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5 out of 5 stars
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Dr. Rachel Sims, the author of Are You Love Smart or Love Stupid? is a marriage counselor who helps clients deal with "dying" relationships and has extensive expertise in managing relationship problems. Whether readers are dating, in a committed relationship, married, or just looking for love, she is the ideal person to help them debunk the myths around their relationships. Through this book, readers can gain insights that will support them in taking their relationships to new heights by understanding what they need to learn, relearn and unlearn. Whether age matters in a romantic relationship and whether children should come first in a marriage are among this book's topics of discussion.

The book is one hundred and twenty-nine pages long. This allows the reader to read it in only a few hours. Furthermore, the information is divided into reasonable portions so that readers get to explore a distinct topic before moving on to the next. The book's organization is commendable and makes the reading experience enjoyable instead of presenting the content in prose style without informing the readers of the issues the author addresses.

The book's calming effect on my reading experience was what I found most appealing. As readers read through the book, they will be able to evaluate their relationships, pinpoint the myths hurting them and understand the importance of healthy communication in producing healthy relationships. The author's use of realistic real-life examples to clarify and elaborate the author's message helps readers see they are not the only ones with complicated relationships. This makes them understand that they are not alone and motivates and inspires them to work on their marriages and keep them intact. Another thing I adored about the book was how the author reinforced her ideas with well-known songs, movies, and celebrities like the Kardashians. This made the discussions relatable and made for an exciting way to educate readers.

I found no aspect of this book to be particularly disliked. I appreciated the author's straightforward language, which made it easy for me to comprehend what she was saying and made the reading experience more enjoyable. I also commend Dr. Rachel for her content development strategy. After each topic, she provided takeaways and detailed the dos and don'ts of that particular issue. These takeaway points allow the reader to decide what they think is best for their relationship without necessarily being told what they must do.

The book is incredibly well edited; I discovered no grammatical mistakes or errors. For these and the reasons mentioned earlier, I give this book five stars out of five stars. I recommend this enlightening book to all readers who want to be in a romantic relationship or are already in one because it will help them disprove all the myths they've heard or practiced that have harmed their relationship. The book will make their romantic relationships more manageable, enjoyable, and worth fighting for.

Are You Love Smart or Love Stupid
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