Review of Through The Test of Time

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Aleesha Jarral
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Review of Through The Test of Time

Post by Aleesha Jarral »

[Following is a volunteer review of "Through The Test of Time" by D. Angel.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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D. Angel's impactful book "Through the Test of Time" unveils the author's life's brutal and turbulent journey. D. Angel's life narrative serves as an example of fortitude and atonement. The author guides the reader through personal experiences, including co-parenting, divorce, alcohol and sexual addiction, life after jail, and more. The universality of these issues validates the importance of dedicating time to delve into this book. Despite the recurring challenges resulting from his actions, D. Angel eventually overcomes his shortcomings and deeply ingrained tendencies. Grab a copy of this memoir to unravel the mystery surrounding his metamorphosis. The strength of the book lies in its ability to prompt introspection. By detailing the author's struggles, readers are encouraged to reflect on their challenges and acknowledge the perseverance required to overcome adversity. Those immersed in the author's personal story are profoundly affected by the narrative's honesty and sensitivity.

Angel understands from the beginning what led to his poor choices and how they would impact him. His quest for freedom and human connection leads him to frequent clubs and parties, where he encounters like-minded female partners. Unfortunately, his love life takes a turn for the worse, resulting in physical violence, multiple custody disputes, unstable employment, financial difficulties, and more. Readers are swept into an emotional whirlwind, experiencing the crests and troughs of this transformative journey. The author's skill in distancing from the cycle of toxic behavior becomes a central theme. A profound connection unfolds between the reader and the narrative through the book's immersive storytelling, evoking a range of emotions from sheer astonishment to fiery rage.

There wasn't anything I disliked about this book. It was impeccably edited; even upon close inspection, I couldn’t find any errors. I would rate it 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend this book to an adult audience who loves to read self-control memoirs. It contains a significant amount of profanity, so it may not be suitable for a younger audience.

Through The Test of Time
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