Review of The MISOGI Method

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Carolina Guerra
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Review of The MISOGI Method

Post by Carolina Guerra »

[Following is a volunteer review of "The MISOGI Method" by Jody B. Miller.]
Book Cover
3 out of 4 stars
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The MISOGI method by Jody B. Miller is an invitation to growth. If you have ever set a goal that seemed impossible and conquered it anyway, you could take in this process easily. If not, you have a clear guide with many examples right here.

The book explains the difference between a ritual and a tradition. Then, it moves to the meaning of MISOGI and its applications to modern life. Later it takes you through a self-knowing process and encourages you to practice this method by giving you some tools and examples. Finally, the book includes transcripts of Jody B. Miller’s TEDx talk and some interviews with fascinating and inspiring people.

The book holds your hand through the planning, the journaling, and the taking action part. I loved that every chapter had a space to take notes and practice the proposed exercises. And the summary at the end of the chapters was helpful.

The interviews were engaging; however, I would have preferred to see them summarized instead of transcribed. The author chose to use them as testimonies, but as a result, this limited the potential for insight into the journey she is inviting us to take. Although those are interesting conversations, I did not enjoy that part as much as the rest of the book, where I felt closer to Jody's writing.

The book is easy to read. It is well-edited. The first part is delightful; it has a particular point of view that connects directly to the reader. But since the interviews are a big part of the book, almost half of it, and they introduce a change of style and structure that breaks that connection with no reflections or anything else between each transcript; I give it 3 out of 4 stars . It would work better if the chapter is tagged as an annex, if it takes fewer pages, or if the interviews were links in the part of the additional resources. That last section is a compilation with great value at the end of the book.

I did enjoy this reading. My reservations are just about structure. I believe any book that inspires you to grow, as The MISOGI method does wonderfully, is a great companion.

I recommend this to anyone looking for a change in their life. If you feel inclined to do something bold and have been stalling, then this could be that little push you need to start.

The MISOGI Method
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