Review of Colors

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Marisol Mendez
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Review of Colors

Post by Marisol Mendez »

[Following is a volunteer review of "Colors" by Samuel J Murray.]
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4 out of 4 stars
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What intrigued me most about this book's description was the mention of a family mystery in it. The possibilities of what that mystery could be filled my mind until I decided to read the story and see for myself. Colors by Samuel J Murray is a story that hooks you in from the start. This is a true story of an immigrant family and their memories of their father who had gone missing. It starts off with William Murray and his move from Glasgow, Scotland to Brooklyn, New York. The point of view rotates through generations of the family as they all tell their stories. In the end, it all connects and the answer to the mystery is not at all what I expected.

I felt like I was watching a documentary while reading this book. Everything is laid out so well and it is easy to get lost in this story. I feel truly honored to have read about this family’s history. I really enjoyed how the author included so much detail about every family member. It was very easy to stay on track and there was absolutely no confusion about each person and their stories. It is a short book with an abundance of detail! It is so very beautifully written. I am impressed that there is so much documentation among the generations of this family. It is not often that one can recollect actual family history through so many family members! I am happy that this stuff was written down because this family’s story is way too interesting to be forgotten.

I can’t think of any negative aspects to this book. It was so nicely written and thorough. It gets straight to the point and doesn’t skimp on any details. If I absolutely had to point out a negative aspect, it would be that it could be a little longer. This book was such an easy read, and I was able to finish it pretty quickly. I would have liked to enjoy the story for a while longer.

I give this book a rating of 4 out of 4. It was unique, well-written and truly fascinating. I did not find any errors, which tells me that this book was well-edited. It is something that I would recommend to my fellow book lovers.

I specifically recommend this book to high school age groups and above. I think that it is a good read for anybody, no matter their preferred genre.

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