Review of Beneath the Muscle

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Nyasha Gogoma
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Review of Beneath the Muscle

Post by Nyasha Gogoma »

[Following is a volunteer review of "Beneath the Muscle" by Lauren Powers.]
Book Cover
3 out of 4 stars
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Beneath The Muscle: Unleash Your Inner Champion is an autobiographical work by Lauren Powers, a ten-time heavyweight bodybuilding champion, entrepreneur, and founder of Powers Fitness Events. In this book, Lauren shares her life and divulges her secrets to success in a conversational style interspersed with bite-sized pearls of wisdom. She lays herself bare, exposing her trials and triumphs, glorious success and glaring failures alike. The book is full of stories of how she refuses to adhere to the status quo and pursues passion and adventure instead. Her philosophy is: if someone else can do it, so can I. With this insight, she encourages readers to likewise pursue their wildest dreams and ignore the "naysayers". Lauren gently coaxes us all to find our passion and thus unleash our true inner champion. In her words, “Strength isn’t just about being physically strong or having a muscular body. It's about what lies beneath the muscle.”

I did not know what to expect when I picked up this book, but one thing was certain. I was intrigued by the cover photo, and I wanted to know what lies beneath the muscle. Though not interested in bodybuilding, I am interested in becoming the fittest version of myself. I appreciated this book because the author did not hold back. She was open about some poor lifestyle choices she had made as a young person and did not try to deny her human nature. I enjoyed the relaxed and sisterly tone of the book too. It was as though my elder sister were telling me her life story and giving me tips on how to succeed in my own right. Furthermore, I liked the free workbook that came along with my copy of the book as it emphasized the need to actively participate in my change.

I'm struggling to find anything I did not like about this book; I think it was a well-written, quick and engaging read.

Though self-help books are generally not my genre of choice, I enjoyed this one. I attribute this to the manner of delivery and its brevity. It was not someone telling me what to do for pages on end. Rather, it was someone telling me what she did and why it worked for her. Therefore, I rate this book 3 out of 4 stars overall.

I recommend this book to anyone looking for success and simultaneously wondering what goes on in the mind of a highly successful individual. What makes successful people tick? How do they achieve such massive success? How do they cope with failure? If you have always wanted to know what it takes to be a champion, then this book is for you.

Beneath the Muscle
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