Official Review: Let’s Mountain Bike!

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Rosemary Wright
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Official Review: Let’s Mountain Bike!

Post by Rosemary Wright »

[Following is an official review of "Let’s Mountain Bike!" by Paul Molenberg.]
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4 out of 4 stars
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“Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” I extracted that intriguing quote by Albert Einstein from Let’s Mountain Bike!, which is written by Paul Molenberg. This book gives much insight into the sport of mountain biking. It provides comprehensive information and advice for all riders, whether complete beginners or experienced riders. It’s a guidebook for those who want to improve their cycling performance.

Molenberg begins the book by introducing readers to mountain biking and highlighting its benefits. In an engaging way, he discusses the different types of mountain bikes and their parts. Also, he tells about bike accessories, how to purchase a good bike at a good price, how to prepare yourself and the bike, how to ride, types of bike crashes, and how to avoid crashes. Again, he tells about the types of mountain bike races. He proceeds to show how to prepare for and partake in a race successfully. In summary, the book provides all one needs to know about the above sport, without giving unnecessary details.

This is a good book to read if you’re interested in mountain biking. Being easy to read, it’s very intriguing and informative. The author presents his points in a coherent and an instructional manner. Included are some beautiful, colorful pictures and diagrams, which give better understanding of what the author is telling about. In addition, there is an interesting and inspiring quote, related to the world of biking, at the beginning of each chapter. At the end of the book, Molenberg gives endnotes including URLs for additional information. However, this is a technical book, containing a lot of mechanical details. Hence, if you don’t enjoy books with such details, then this one is not for you.

Consisting of twenty chapters, Let’s Mountain Bike! discusses other useful topics like knowing your local trails, riding skills, mental focus and state of mind, obstacles, wearing protective equipment, endurance, strength training, flexibility training, hydration, supplements, how to eat healthily, bike care, trail etiquette and so on. Sincerely, I have nothing negative to tell about it because it was exceptionally written.

Altogether, the book is engaging and enlightening. Therefore, I rate it 4 out of 4 stars. Regarding editing, it was professionally edited; I noticed just one grammar error. Moreover, I couldn’t rate it lower because it’s well written and the author presents his ideas in an intriguing way. I recommend it to mountain bikers or anyone who is interested in the sport of mountain biking.

Let’s Mountain Bike!
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Post by Helene_2008 »

I used to ride my bike a lot before I had children. Hopefully I can get back into it when they get older. I really like the quote you included in the opening of your review. I'll have to check this book out!
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Post by Brendan Donaghy »

I do ride a bike, though I've no ambitions to ride it across mountains. Steep slopes cause me enough problems. Might have a look at this one though, it sounds interesting.
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Post by Miller56 »

I think this book would be valuable just to have the information on trails. I take my bike to the bike shop for repairs so unless it is something simple, this book would contain too much information for me. I am not sure if this is a book I would want. I suspect all the trails are places I would not normally haul my bike. Thanks for the review.
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Post by Stephanie Elizabeth »

This is something that could be useful for me as I am prone to accidents on my bike; maybe I am lacking in coordination or maybe I just need to read this detailed guide. As always, thanks for the lovely review!
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Post by HeatherEi »

I have been looking for other ways to stay active. This sounds like the book to read for that!
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Post by Ricky 7 »

I do love bikes because they are the least kind of machines One would have while Young or old. I use to own one but not anymore. Out of the review by Wright am willing to go through this book any of this fine days in oder to not only know more about bikes but also mountain biking
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Post by Ferdinand_Otieno »

This is an informative non-fiction book on mountain biking, nature, exercise, sports, and comprehensive advice for all riders. It has a free sample on Amazon Kindle and has a well-written OnlineBookClub review that highlighted it perfectly. Congrats @letsmountainbik on the BOTD.
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Post by Sroberts30 »

I am not very into biking unless it's a motorcycle. But the reviews that I read made it sound like a very informative book to read if your into biking. I will definitely inform my family and friends about this book.
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Post by Tavaiel26 »

From your review, it looks like the book covers all the basics for beginners just getting into mountain biking. I will keep this book in mind.
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Post by NetMassimo »

I'm not into mountain biking but from the review this book seems very useful for the amount of information offered to people who want to start doing that.
Ciao :)
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Post by Kibet Hillary »

I have never thought of mountain biking as a sport, but I bet this is a big resource for anyone who'd like information on this sport. Thanks a lot for the well-written and informative review.
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Post by Ngozi Onyibor »

I have always loved biking, from a distance, but I am too wussy to learn how to properly ride one. Perhaps this book will give me the courage I need to learn how to ride a bike.
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Post by Aan Granados »

I am not into riding a mountain bike, so I'll pass on this one. Also, the technical mechanical details are a turn off for me. Thanks for your review.
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Post by Amy+++ »

I like the opening quote you used in your review. This book isn't really for me, I enjoy walking more than riding bikes. Great review though.
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