Review by Fahd James -- Worldlines by Adam Guest

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Fahd James
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Latest Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Review by Fahd James -- Worldlines by Adam Guest

Post by Fahd James »

[Following is a volunteer review of "Worldlines" by Adam Guest.]
Book Cover
4 out of 4 stars
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Worldlines by Adam Guest is one of the best science fiction novels I have ever read. The story is simple, straightforward and never ceases to fill the reader with suspense throughout the whole book. The main character of the novel is called Gary Jackson. He is in his early twenties, and he is a physics student at university. One of his experiences early on in the story is very thought provoking. It invites the reader to acknowledge the infinite possibilities that are presented to someone just before they make a choice.

The main character’s life takes an unexpected turn when he is accused of committing a serious crime. Unfortunately, Gary has no memory of having committed it, but the evidence against him is very strong. There are eye witness accounts and CCTV footage. Will he be found guilty or will he be acquitted of his charges? How will he possibly prove his innocence? The author presented these questions, and that kept me glued to the book until the very end.

As the story unfolds, Adam Guest highlights a few lessons that one can apply to their life. Gary is sent to prison while investigations take place, and as he awaits trial. He decides to take up as many activities as he could to make the most of the time he is in prison. Some activities are things he never did while he was outside of prison. One thing to take from this is that, one must make full use of the resources that are available in whatever circumstance they find themself in. The main character has a very supportive family. His family helps him get through the trying times by visiting him regularly. This outlines the importance of having good relations with one’s family and friends.

One thing I like about the novel is that, the story is a first-hand personal account of the main character. Personally, I really like novels written like this, because it puts me in the shoes of the main character. This gives me a very good understanding of the events that happen to, and around the main character.

The book has a few scenes of violence. It also has a few lightly described erotic scenes, but leaves the finer details to the reader. For that, Worldlines is more suitable for a mature audience, especially those who are not very sensitive to violence. I found almost no grammatical mistake in the book. Therefore, I give the book a rating of 4 out of 4 stars. The story is brilliantly written, and I really enjoyed reading it. I look forward to reading more novels by Adam Guest.

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