Review of A Pocketful of $20s

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Review of A Pocketful of $20s

Post by SimMar133 »

[Following is a volunteer review of "A Pocketful of $20s" by Madelaine Lawrence.]
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5 out of 5 stars
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A Pocketful of $20s by Madelaine Lawrence is a novel that focuses on the life of Lynn Price. Lynn is a nursing director and she struggles to find happiness as well as balance between her work and personal life. The main character decides to continue her mother’s tradition of giving 20$ to five strangers during Christmastime. Little does she know that this act will change her life on many levels, including her love life.

For me the most special thing about this book was Lynn’s determination in helping others. It started with just trying to carry on her mother’s tradition of giving 20$ to random people. However, she saw that those people needed much more than just 20$. She felt that she could make a significant difference in their life. Having a police detective, an orthopedic surgeon, and other talented doctors, nurses, and social workers, she was able to provide those people the care they required. I liked that she didn’t just hand them the money and walked away which is unfortunately what most people would see as enough. She was genuinely interested in helping them and getting to know their problems and trying to solve those issued together.

Another unique aspect of the book was its message. The book teaches the reader that even as small amount of money as 20 $ can alter people’s lives. It also shows that by helping others our life can be changed for the better as well. Helping those 5 people ultimate contributed to Lynns being happier than she was at the beginning. She was able to find herself while aiding others. I think that one of the most important lesson in this book teaches us about being helpful and mindful of those in need. It focuses the reader’s attention on not only helping by giving money. It broadens the idea of helping to having a conversation with people, asking about their problems and trying to help solve those problems.

This is a heartwarming book. In my opinion, it is a perfect position to read before Christmas. It gives the readers a different perspective and shows practical ways of helping others in need.
I didn’t find any grammatical errors. I also did not find anything no to enjoy bout this book. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.

I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to read a light yet meaningful book before Christmas. I think it is very pleasant and illuminating.

A Pocketful of $20s
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