Review of Bluewater Walkabout

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Latest Review: Bluewater Walkabout by Tina Dreffin

Review of Bluewater Walkabout

Post by Chiamaka_Glory »

[Following is a volunteer review of "Bluewater Walkabout" by Tina Dreffin.]
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4 out of 5 stars
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Bluewater Walkabout by Tina Dreffin is a memoir that recounts the adventures of a daring mother and her family as they embark on a life-changing journey to Africa. They encounter many challenges and obstacles along the way. Did Tina fulfill her dream of exploring Africa? Did they survive the challenges they faced? Get a copy to find out more.

It begins with an introduction that defines a walkabout, its origins, and how it's linked to Tina's journey. From a young age, Tina always enjoyed exploring the wild side of life. She behaved like a tomboy, contrasting with Lilly, her younger sister. Tina went through a terrible childhood, a painful miscarriage, and even rape. She used to work as a real estate broker but felt unfulfilled in life. A phone call was all it took to change her life forever. Tina fell in love and got married to Peter, who had similar adventurous interests as her. Then they gave birth to two boys, Adam and Warren. The voyage helped her face her fears and past hurts so her mind could heal and be free from these traumas.

This book is not just a memoir of Tina's voyage to Africa; it covers central themes such as teenagehood, parenting, etc. I like how the author attached motivational quotes at the beginning of each chapter. The pictures equally helped me paint vivid images of their numerous adventures. I commend the author for being bold enough to share her story. Most rape victims are afraid to speak up because of how people will see them. This book would motivate them to speak up to ease their healing process. I admire the author's effort in combating the struggles of teenagehood, as she practically raised the kids on a boat. During the voyage, the family's bond grew as they experienced good and bad together. This book taught me much about sea animals like otters and ocean sunfish. I love how Adam and Warren were willing to go on the voyage. I'm glad they had fun as they learned about different cultures, which forever changed their perspective on life.

There's one thing I didn't like about the book. The author is quite conversant with sailing vocabulary, which is prevalent throughout the book. However, it made it difficult for me to understand the author's diction.

For this reason, I rate it 4 out of 5 stars. I could only spot one error while reading. Overall, it is an excellent read because it has many life lessons. 

I recommend it to adults who love memoirs and adventurous stories. It is also recommended for those who wish to recover from past hurts and experiences like rape, sexual harassment, or losing a child.

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