Review of Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

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David Sensenta
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Latest Review: Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise by John K Danenbarger

Review of Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Post by David Sensenta »

[Following is a volunteer review of "Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise" by John K Danenbarger.]
Book Cover
3 out of 4 stars
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As Geena receives what some may say is the most seemingly devastating news of her life, she falls apart, not because of it but rather due to the memories that flow through her mind as a cascade of events leading to where and who she is today. The past comes streaming down hard as rushing thundering showers from a high levelled waterfall as she sits in the corner of her bedroom. Her origins have so much horror one could think karma truly exists but has a different mood of payback.

John K Denenbarger’s Entanglement- Quantum and Otherwise has the making of a very complicate telenovela, and perhaps it was what the author intended for it, as the title might implies. The suspenseful nature leaves you questioning and doubting but wanting more. From ignorant slave trades to unsuspected murders, the stories that make up Geena’s life fit best for the 7 pm sitcoms that were once common around, or perhaps still are. One other aspect I found impressive is the literature broadness and lexical resourcefulness, truly impeccable. The author seemed to have done quite an extensive research on every topic they put in their story telling, which for me gave the book a literal feel to it, as a good story must have hints of truths in it. The scientific elucidations were, or at least convincing enough to be.

However, like many sitcoms would have it, the cliff hungers left little to be desire for me as I felt they were overly prolonged before their, no longer anticipatory, “aahs”. They were sufficient for the plotlines, I can admit, but they were dragged on too long for one to actually connect the dots once revealed. They made sense but were lacking withal, for a book that comprised of five parts with at least ten subparts to only have hair-raisers from the first chapter partly divulged in the sixth subsection of the third chapter. Something like a television series whose first season you’ve finished and now have to wait two years before the next airing is done, you’d lose track of the story. Which, to some extent, John seemed to have also done, seeing as to how other stories would but cut short or fast forwarded without broadly explaining “what was what”. I guess the irony dies on me here, if the writer envisioned this piece as one for the soap operas.

I would give this book a rating of 3.3 out of 4. While it is lacking in general storyline connectivity, due to the constant suspense, the book possesses a uniqueness that is rarely seen in other books, a personal connection with the reader. However, for a narrative or descriptive novel, it sometimes lost its conceptual direction, failing to captivate the reader long enough to resist temporal distractions.
The book shows the gender positivity of the author, embracing the rainbow colours and its spectrum components in his narrative, I recommend this book to anyone that has love of drama embedded in them and thrilling crime lovers. The content of the book of an adult nature and would be well suited for really ‘imaginative’ readers.

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise
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