Horror / Romance Recommendations ?

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Icon Horror / Romance Recommendations ?

Post by lovecrafted »

Hello there ! I'm Lyle ! I'm eighteen years old and have a deep love for psychological horror and romance literature. In the psychological horror aspect I prefer books that contain content about serial killers whether it be fiction or nonfiction. It can have a underlying supernatural element to it but I prefer it not. In the romance genre I prefer there to be lots of angst and sometimes I don't want a fairy-tale ending. Sometimes. Usually I do ! But I definitely don't want anything thats sickly sweet and innocent and feels like it fell out of a Disney movie. I like it if there is some " adult " scenes but its not required. Also, a cool combo of the two might be like a " Heathers " type of romance ? I don't know, I always found that an interesting concept. I also love anything that has to do with horses, especially ones out in the wild doing their thing like in " Paint The Wind " by Pam Munoz Ryan.
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