by Amy Lou Jenkins
The Billionaires’ Handbook
by Andrew Stevenson
My Every Breath
by Anna Maynard
Sonar The Surge
by B. Truly
Temptation Trials Rebellion
by B. Truly
Temptation Trials Revolution
by B. Truly
Manifesting Miracles
by Barbara E Harris
When It's Over
by Barbara Ridley
Walk Shepherdess, Walk
by Barrett Cobb
The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci
by Belle Ami
by Ben Pickering
Realm Journey
by Ben Schneider
From Earth to Terra
by Beverly Jenness
Indian Immigrant
by Biku Ghosh
by Billie Kowalewski
Empower Yourself for an Amazing Career
by Blanca M De La Rosa
What Makes America Great
by Bob Dowell
Spirit of the Season
by Brian Lamont
Individual Advantages
by Brian S Smith
Expecting the Good
by Brigitte Cutshall
The Girl in the Yellow Scarf
by C. Ray Frigard
Monsters in the Hallway
by Capt. Jim Kosmo
Fossil Detectives and the Mysterious Skull
by Caren Bonds Hanson
Beyond Dreams
by Carlotta Amerio
Hippie Woman Wild
by Carol Schlanger
Victoria's War
by Catherine A. Hamilton
Journey of a Bedroom Poet
by Catherine Napalai Faulder
Followers of Lightning
by Charles Bentley
by Charles J Haubner III
Knowing He's There
by Charles Sacchetti
by Charlie Sheldon
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
The Girl In White Pajamas
by Chris Birdy
Are Your Kids Naked Online?
by Chris Good and Lisa Good
by Christina Moss
The Court of Capricorn
by Christopher Range
The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy, Box Set
by Claire Youmans
by Craig Steele
by Craig B. Whelden
Massacre at Agua Caliente
by Craig Rainey
The Biblical Clock
by Daniel Friedmann and Dania Sheldon
Massacre Rocks
by Dave Lundgren
Mysteries of Brettenwood
by David Blank
And Man Made God In His Image
by David Done
The High Sign
by David S. Heeren
Reaching the Shore
by Davin Jake Douma and BonnieJane Hall
The Tears of Gethsemane
by Deborah Faulks
Practice the Jealous Arts
by Delia C. Pitts
Claimed by Nicolai
by Denna Holm
House of Pain
by Denna Holm
Blind Black Sheep
by Dick Robinson and Faith Block
The Fine Print and Other Yarns
by Dinesh Verma
Mirror, Mirror...? A Modern Day Fairy Tale
by Dodie Meister
Wellness Toolbox
by Don Roberts
by Don Womble
Two Sheldon Iowa Summers
by Donald De Vries
Personality and Personhood
by Donna Silveira
Five Knocks
by Donna Vincent Roa
Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
The Secrets To Living A Fantastic Life...
by Dr. Allen Lycka & Harriet Tinka
The 5-Day Stage Fright Solution
by Dr. David Lee Fish
Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure
by Dr. Debra Ford
Daily Pulse: the rhythm of the Tao
by Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D
A Dream For Peace
by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah
The Mirrors
by E F Townsend
Looking Glass Friends
by E L Neve
Too Many Secrets
by EB Corbin
The Cult Next Door
by Elizabeth R. Burchard, Judith L. Carlone
Highlight Real
by Emily Lynn Paulson
Code Name: Dodger
by Eric Auxier
Judas Priest
by Eric Stephen Booth
The Intelligence Factor
by Erik Fisher
Little Bluebird
by Erin Murphy Welch
Sophia Violet and the Fiery Orb
by Evangeline Greene
At the Feet of Serenity
by Eve Gwartney
The Invisible Realm
by Evelyn Dunbar Webb
Riding Shotgun on the Normal Stage
by F. Richard Allen
The Magdalene Malediction
by F. Scott Kimmich
Gonzo Station
by Fernando Ochoa
Terror In Manila
by Frank Q. Aurillo Jr
Dynomike: Pay It Forward
by Frankie B. Rabbit
Dynomike: What's Heartfulness?
by Frankie B. Rabbit
The Queen of Xana
by Fred Pilcher
The Attuned
by Gary B. Haley
Sheppard's Quest
by Gary Caplan
Saving the Karamazovs
by Gary Goldstick
The Sword Swallower and a Chico Kid
by Gary Robinson
Stranded In The Wild
by Gary Rodriguez
Dyed Souls
by Gary Santorella
Tookie Before Tim
by George Kaplan
The Courier
by Gordon J. Campbell
Twinkle twinkle little starr
by H. M. Irwing
The Bright One of the Skillful Hand
by Hugh Marchand
Killing Vincent; The Man, The Myth, and The Murder
by I. Kaufman Arenberg MD
A Kingdom's Cost
by J. R. Tomlin
The Copyist
by Jack Karasch
The Demon of the Well
by James B. Hendricks
Flat Top Mountain Ranch -- the beginning
by James E Doucette
The Last Assassination
by James E Doucette
Russia's Biggest Hack
by James E. Doucette
The Not So Great American Novel
by James E. Doucette
A Second, Less Capable Head
by James Hanna
Call Me Pomeroy
by James Hanna
Shackles and More Gripping Tales
by James Hanna
I am a Soldier, First and Always: The Distinguished Career of Major General Winfield Scott Hancock
by James Harold Kelly
Bloody Redemption
by James Meenagh
Managing With Respect
by James P DuBreuil
by James Ross Godbe
Goodnight Irene
by James Scott Byrnside
Unspeakable Acts (New Edition)
by Janet Leigh Green
All in the Head
by Jean Francois Rogeon
Do the Gods Hear Our Prayers?
by Jeff Henrikson
Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
GRIT: A Family Memoir on Adversity and Triumph
by Jeff Moyer
The Mother of Black Hollywood: A Memoir
by Jenifer Lewis
Aussie Bush Yarns
by Jennie Linnane
River Kids
by Jennie Linnane
Put Comfortable Shoes in my Coffin
by Jennifer Girardi McCloskey
Hearts Set Free
by Jess Lederman
The Comeback Coach
by Jesse Braverman with Gordon F. Sander
War Serenade
by Jill Wallace
Fall Boys and Spring Girls
by Jim Gibbons
Life in a Box
by JoDee Neathery
Just in Time
by Joan L Jackson
Altered Reality
by Joel Knox
The Thundering Herd
by John E. Peltier
Morals Clause
by John E. Riddle
Morning Is Always Nigh
by John Wickersham
The Carbynarah Chronicles, Book #1
by Jon Franklyn
You Can Totally Do This
by Joy Tonbara Ikumoinein
I Can See Peace
by Julie Penshorn
The Barnyard Buddies Meet a Newcomer
by Julie Penshorn
The Barnyard Buddies STOP for Peace
by Julie Penshorn
Beyond Denial
by Juri Vancans
Praying for a Miracle When it's Hopeless
by KDawson
When Lions Roar
by Karen Leigh Gruber
Salt of the Earth
by Kate Moschandreas
A Day in Eternity
by Kathryn Gabriel Loving
Pressing Flowers
by Katie Blanchard
Bones and the Treasure Map
by Kevin Beck
Special Deliveries
by Kevin Kington M.D. and Jas Scarff
The Lost Identity Casualties
by Kim Ekemar
Natural Cures: Stay Healthy Naturally
by Kimley Armour
Voices of Hope
by Kristine Irwin
Why Can't Johnny Just Quit?
by Kyle Oh
Walking with Angels
by L. S. Stanley
The Juicy Fruit Man
by LaMar Going
by Lamar Rutherford
Tales from the Riverside
by Larry Landgraf
Finding The Exit
by Lea A. Ellermeier
Santa's Smelly Socks!
by Len Foley
Story of Lord Leon and the Gaffer Above. Observed By the Boy In the Tin Bath
by Leon Parrish
The Sugar Queen
by Lina Kennedy
You Got This!
by Linda Bjork
by Linda Heavner Gerald
Pogo's Tale: The Life of a Therapy Dog
by Linda Lutes
Unhappy Warrior: the Life and Death of Robert S. Starobin
by Linda Rennie Forcey
by Lindah Mogeni
Lingering Poets
by Logan Lamech
Paddle to Paddle
by Lois Chapin
The Prodigy Slave, Book One: Journey to Winter Garden
by Londyn Skye
The Brass Rail
by Luther Robison
The Lightbearers The Hidden History Sessions
by M. D. Alexander
The Lightbearers, The Book of Kaiizen
by M. D. Alexander
The Lightbearers, The Gathering
by M. D. Alexander
Rescue Her Heart
by M. L. Taylor
Blade Forged In Darkness
by M.A.N.
The Pygmy Dragon
by Marc Secchia
Kidnapped by Columbus
by Marc Wilson
The Little Book of Dental Questions
by Marcia Mawae
No Accidental Missionary
by Marilyn Feldhaus
The Ordinary Doll
by Mario Kiefer
A New American Evolution
by Mark Landau
Will of The Hill
by Marshall Cobb
Formatting Your Fantastic Book
by Mary Korte
Your Adventurous Life Awaits
by Maryann Remsberg and Brian Remsberg
I Am Not Gog
by Matthew James Hunt
We are Voulhire: A New Arrival under Great Skies
by Matthew Tysz
Damaged Goods
by Maurice L Martin Jr
Eggstravagant Easter Eggs
by Maya Elston
The McTavish Regressions
by McTavish & Buret
Private Lucky
by Melissa Guzzetta, Hendrik Gillebaard
The Champagne Tales
by Michael Amon
Destructive Interference
by Michael Christopher Carter
El Paso
by Michael Van Cleve
A Girl Like You
by Michelle Cox
by Michelle Obama
Different Family Structures
by Mildred Stallworth
Tears and Trombones
by Nanci Lee Woody
Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn't Make Me a Better Person
by Nancy Stordahl
The Secret of Magic
by Natassa Louppou
The Relik
by Nathan J Keller
Mirrors of Life
by Neal Owens
Mama's Daycare
by Ngozi Edema
The Devil's Astronaut
by Noah Bond
ADHD Can Be Improved With Your Bare Hands
by Norio Ando
Emotional Cure for Autism
by Norio Ando
The Sex Tourist
by Olivia Wild
Angels Watching Over Me
by Pam Ware & Linda Dipman
The War Within, the Story of Josef
by Patricia Walkow
The World of Ato
by Patrick Borosky
The Clouds Still Hang
by Patrick C Notchtree
The Honorable Knight
by Patrick John Donahoe
The Noble Mercenary
by Patrick John Donahoe
Profiles in Kindness
by Paul E. Kotz
Something Happened Today
by Paul E. Kotz
Return to Deadwood
by Paul Henry Johnson
A Fresh Hell: A Novel
by Pauline B Rogers
A Child Left Behind
by Phil Hutcheon
King Donald Khrump
by Phil O. Reilly pen name (Brian David Hill)
Three Strike Runner
by Pierce Everett
Deape Woods
by Prudence O'Haire
Cat Detectives in the Korean Peninsula
by R.F. Kristi
Don't Re 'Tire', Re 'Fresh'!
by Rafiq
Deadly Waters: The Vietnam Naval War And Its Aftermath
by Randy Miller
The Bigfoot Paradox
by Rebecca Coyte
Iron Crossed
by Renata Rose and Phil Rose
The Pre & Post College Student Pocket Guide to Success
by Renee J. Bey
Making Sense of Life Explaining Genes & Telepathy
by Richard Alabone
The Wrong Side of the Glass
by Rick Incorvia
Witnesses to The Crucifixion
by Ricky Carstensen and James E. Doucette
Misreading Judas
by Robert Wahler
God For A Day
by Robin R Rabii
The Life and Times of a Black Prince in America
by Robin R Rabii
Make Grandma Great Again
by Robin R. Rabii
by Roger A Glasgow
Rogue Captain
by Roger C. Dunham
The Lost Years of Billy Battles
by Ronald E. Yates
California: On the Edge of American History
by Ronald Genini
by Ronald McQueen
The War and Hannah Thaller
by Ronald McQueen
The Brotherhood of Merlin, Book Two
by Rory D. Nelson
Crown of Crimson
by Rose Reid
Mining for Alaskan Adventures
by Rose Rybachek
Make The Dirt Fly
by Rosina VanHardeveld
The Instant Champagne Expert
by Rudy Ernst
Why Do We Quote?
by Ruth Finnegan
The 19th Bladesman
by S.J. Hartland
Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons
by Sam Brand
Ten Directions
by Samuel Winburn
Toxic Side Effect
by Sandy Magner
Lessons From a Difficult Person
by Sarah H. Elliston
Magical house for sale
by Sathvik Jarajapu
Little Bird
by Seth Chambers
Dino's World
by Shawn Taverner
Model Marine
by Sondra Sykes Meek
In the Time of the Feathered Serpent
by Stanley Struble
Exit the Labyrinth
by Stephanie Kay Bendel
Dad, Why Are You Still Talking About Saul Alinsky, He's Been Dead Since 1972?
by Steve Borovay
"How to Kill in Comedy"
by Steve North
A Woman's Prerogative
by Steven C. Brandt
The Golden Window
by Steven C. Brandt
Dying Well
by Susan Ducharme Hoben
Surviving Anstey
by Susan Hancock
Foretold: An Epic Spiritual Journey
by Susan Smith Davis
Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
Idi & The Oracle's Quest
by T N Traynor
The Stolen Heir
by Tayma Tameem
The God Debate - Dawkins in Denial
by Terry Higham
Blue Valentine
by Thomas Cummings
Fall of the Raven
by Thymournia
Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery
by Tiffany Anderson
by Tim Smith & Dr. Richard
On the Steps of St. Dymphna
by Tony Rocco
Awaken You Wonderful We
by Van Duy Dao
Final Act
by Van Fleisher
Final Notice
by Van Fleisher
Bet On Yourself
by Vernard L Hodges
Immortals' Requiem
by Vincent Bobbe
The Fear Doctor
by Vincent Stevenson
Pity the Devil's Wife
by W. Hanelan
Astounding Memories in Developing Countries
by Waddah Chehadeh
Spirituality for REAL
by WakunDaMa
Spirituality for REAL
by WakunDaMa
Private Lives of Orchids
by Walter Fitzgerald
PYWRITE: A Contrarian's Approach to Investing
by Walter H. Weil
Restore Trust
by Werner NEFF
by William H. Coles
The Secret of High Impact Leaders
by Yoshiharu Matsui
Christmas with Snowman Paul
by Yossi Lapid
Stepping Up
by donalyn Powell