The Mindset
by Ace Bowers
Ryan Daniels: Good Night, Firefly
by Ada Aguilar
Billion Dollar Start-Up
by Adam Miron, Sébastien St-Louis, Julie Beun
Hunters of the Columbian Mammoth
by Adrian Del Valle
by Adrian del valle
Inspector Mage
by Aleese Hughes
by Alex Fayman
Mirrored Sword Part One
by Allan Hands
Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops
by Allison Hong Merrill
We Don't Just Eat Lettuce!
by Allyn Raifstanger
The Weeping Woman of Putten
by Alyce Bailey
No More Dodging Bullets
by Amy Herrig
The Consummate Communicator
by Amy S Hamilton
The Eye of Ra & The Children of Isis
by Andrea Franks
Folder or Crumpler
by Andrew Groelinger
by Andrew Slac
Beneath the Surface
by Andrew Teague McCollister
Queen of Highwings
by Andri E. Elia
Worldmaker of Yand - Eltanin
by Andri E. Elia
Shadow Song
by Anita Morrish
My Every Breath
by Anna Maynard
From nowhere to now here
by Annick Guirate
That One Person
by Annie Farris
Supreme Realization
by Anthony Nayagan
God, Science and the Bible
by Arnold V Page
What the River Wants
by Arthur Byrd
The Great Awakening
by Arthur F Seymour
Walden 3.0
by Arthur Sullivan & Mary Houghtaling
The Journey of an American Woman
by Ashley Becker-Whipple
Happiness is All We Want!
by Ashutosh Mishra
by Ayn Cates Sullivan
As The Secrets Turn
by B. Truly
Sonar The Surge
by B. Truly
Manifesting Miracles
by Barbara E Harris
Jenny's Heroes
by Barry Litherland
Shifting Sands
by Barry Litherland
Waves Break (on Unknown Shores)
by Barry Litherland
by Beatriz M. Robles
Trapped in Pairadice
by Becky Bronson
The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci
by Belle Ami
The Girl Who Loved Caravaggio
by Belle Ami
Jack London and Racism in America
by Ben Goldstein
by Ben Pickering
In the Land of Myth
by Bernard Kuckuck
SPIRITUALITY Modern Disciples of Jesus Christ
by Bettina E Obernuefemann
Christmas Murder
by Betty Schultz
The Process of Living
by Bill DeBarba
Links in the Chain
by Billy Christie
What Makes America Great
by Bob Dowell
The Other Side of Crisis
by Bob Herpe
Fishing for Dr Richard
by Bob Kimmerling
Keys to Healthy Communication
by Bobby R Patton, Rusalyn H Andrews, Jennifer Page Daily
Isazisi:The Book
by Bongani Yona
The Other Side Of Healing
by Bonnie Fogler
by Booth Milovnik
Mysteries you can't put down
by Brad Bennett
The Fifth Strain
by Brady Moore
The Limitless Real Estate Leader
by Brenda Fontaine
In the Shadow of a Dark Star
by Brent R. Mekosh
by Brian Josepher
Snow Sometimes Falls
by Brian Ming
On the Precipice of the Labyrinth
by Brian Snowden
Solar Winds: Providence Ends
by Bryan G. Shewmaker
The Child Development and Positive Parenting Master Class 2-in-1 Bundle
by Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana
The Girl in the Yellow Scarf
by C. Ray Frigard
The Making of Evil
by C. Ross Dutton
Miss Centipede
by CP Wilson
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Split Adam
by Calix Leigh-Reign
The Site
by Carlos Valrand
by Cathy Burnham Martin
It's All Good: Times and Events I'd Never Want to Change
by Charles Sacchetti
The Magic Lantern
by Charles Townsend
The Magician's Secret
by Charles Townsend
To God Be The Glory! We Must Never Give Up
by Charles Wiley
by Charlie Sheldon
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
A Shield in the Shadows
by Cheryl Bristow
Registered Trademark
by Cheryl Hodgson J.D.
The Silence of Children
by Chris Lewando
Almost Mortal
by Christopher Leibig
The Hand Bringer
by Christopher J. Penington
Finding Joy with an Invisible Chronic Illness
by Christopher Martin
The Court of Capricorn
by Christopher Range
How to Define Yourself
by Chuck Clifton
Wounded Angels
by Chuck Miceli
winter branches
by Coda Plain
Teachings of a Shaman
by Corey Stultz
by Craig B. Whelden
Massacre at Agua Caliente
by Craig Rainey
Terms of Service
by Craig W. Stanfill
Tales from the Gray Area
by Curtis Stephen Burdick
The Commander
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Living Legend
by Dan E. Hendrickson
Atonement to a Greater God
by Dan Martin
Against The Ruin
by Dana G Devine
The Love , Heartache, and Devotion of a Mom and Grandma
by Darcie Joy Miller
The Residue of Our Desires
by Darcy Green
He Goes Out Weeping
by David A. Fiensy
God's Plan For Your Future
by David Charles Cole
Sister B
by David Charles Hart
A World Diverse
by David Edmond CD
Drone Child
by David H. Rothman
The Diary Of An Immortal (1945-1959)
by David J Castello
Break the Chains of Dieting
by David Medansky
by David Samuelson
The Eleventh Commandment
by David W. Florence, M.D.
Seeds of Hope
by Debbie Tremel
The Tears of Gethsemane
by Deborah Faulks
House of Pain
by Denna Holm
Unremembered Victory
by Dennis H. Klein
Beyond the Clouds, the Sky is Blue
by Dennis Santos
Mirror, Mirror...? A Modern Day Fairy Tale
by Dodie Meister
Personality and Personhood
by Donna Silveira
This Is Your Last Warning
by Donna Silveira
E M P Honeymoon
by Dorothy May Mercer
Functional Dysfunction
by Dr C. Errol Ball
Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
All In Divine Order
by Dr Monica Young Andrews
The Secrets To Living A Fantastic Life...
by Dr. Allen Lycka & Harriet Tinka
Barbara Streisand: On The Couch
by Dr. Alma H. Bond Ph.D.
Once Upon a Scare
by Dr. Bon Blossman
Neither Safe Nor Effective (2nd Edition)
by Dr. Colleen Huber
The Pro-Achievement Principle
by Dr. Deborah Bright
Doctoroo & the Case of the Hacking Hippo
by Dr. Rachel B. Wellner
Doctoroo & the Case of the Picnic Pirates
by Dr. Rachel B. Wellner
What The Pet Food Industry is Not Telling You
by Dr. Stephanie Krol
Will's Adventure to the Candy Mountain
by Dr.Gerry Haller
Tactile Therapy: Volume One
by Durell Arrington
Prints In the Snow
by E. F. Townsend
by E.W. Johnson M.D.
A Story Of Bad
by Edward M. Krauss
Down Heartbreak Boulevard
by Efren O'Brien
Carrasco '67
by Elaine Broun
Michelangelo, the Byzantines, and Plato
by Elena Ene D-Vasilescu
Pastoring is Not What You Think
by Elijah Oladimeji
Wild Path to the Sacred Heart
by Ellen Dee Davidson
The Billionaire's Runaway Bride
by Emery Cruz
The Kahler Files #1--More or Less than Human
by Eric Safflind
The Kahler Files #4
by Eric Safflind
Judas Priest
by Eric Stephen Booth
Success with Goals
by Eric T. Whitmoyer
The Intelligence Factor
by Erik Fisher
Covet Not
by Errin P. Stowell
Sophia Violet and the Fiery Orb
by Evangeline Greene
Old Stone Face
by Eve Gwartney
The Two Worlds in Which we Live Physical and Spiritual
by Evelyn Rozier
Man Mission
by Eytan Uliel
9 Rules to Dominate Your Money and Learn What 67% of Adults Don’t Know
by Finley Lewis
The Memoir Man
by Frances Webb
Double Redemption
by Francis Gene Collins
Dynomike: Pay It Forward
by Frankie B. Rabbit
An Imperfect Crime
by Fred G. Baker
Agatha the Beloved Queen
by Fred Pilcher
by Fred Witzgall
Grace Revealed
by Frederick J. Sievert
Truth and Evil
by G. Edward Martin
The Watchmaker’s Doctor
by G. M. T. Schuilling
The Exfiltrator
by Garner Simmons
Darkness of Blue
by Gary A James
Sheppard's Quest
by Gary Caplan
Tookie Before Tim
by George Kaplan
Beyond Balancing The Books
by George Marino, CPA, CFP
Beyond Pipe Dreams and Platitudes
by Geraldine K. Piorkowski, Ph.D.
San Francisco Values
by Geri Spieler and Rick Kaplowitz
When Time Stood Still
by Gisela Roediger
Think Like A Wall Street Analyst
by Glenn Engel
The Intrepid Brotherhood
by Gordon Graham
Restoring Your Child's Mental Health
by Gracelyn Guyol
Loneliness in the Pocket
by Graeme Stuckings
The Warramunga's War
by Greg Kater
The Hearts You Give Lift Our Voices Eternally
by Gregory Hebert
The Wicked Wives
by Gus Pelagatti
Surviving Chaos
by Harold Phifer
So, You're Raising Your Grandkids!
by Harriet Hodgson
Provocative Catholic
by Hilary L. Hunt M.D.
The Bright One of the Skillful Hand
by Hugh Marchand
War is Just a Word
by I.J. Gysen
The Haunted House
by IB Gumnut
Contemplacion. Thoughts and Poems.
by Ileana Gonzalez Monserrat
A Pebble That Floats
by Imelda Lahoz Argel
Out of the Bronx, a Memoir
by Irene Sardanis
Noble Traitor
by J R Tomlin
Slave to King
by J.E. Hibpshman
The Trials of Frank Strong, Attorney at Law
by J.T. Hartman
The Unraveling
by JP Franklinn
Country Boy City Boy A Journey That Ain't Over Yet
by James Cooley
Flat Top Mountain Ranch -- the beginning
by James E Doucette
Russia's Biggest Hack
by James E. Doucette
The Not So Great American Novel
by James E. Doucette
The Unlikely Cowboy
by James E. Doucette
Call Me Pomeroy
by James Hanna
Shackles and More Gripping Tales
by James Hanna
by James Schannep
Find Your Freedom
by Jamie Hopkins and Ron Carson
His Sunrise My Sunset
by Jan Hurst
Drowning a Ghost
by Janson Mancheski
The Maltese Attack
by Jay Perin
by Jayme A. Oliveira Filho and Jayme S. Alencar
American Papers: My love letters to America
by Jayme Alencar de Oliveira Filho
The Narcisissm Epidemic
by Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell
Helpers Anonymous
by Jeanne Tiberio
by Jeannie Nicholas
The Part That Burns
by Jeannine Ouellette
Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
The Dream Primer
by Jeff Meyer
GRIT: A Family Memoir on Adversity and Triumph
by Jeff Moyer
Squeeze Plays
by Jeffrey Marshall
Refugee On a Pendulum
by Jemil Metti
Snatched Up to Heaven!
by Jemima Paul and Arvind Paul
Snatched Up to Heaven for Kids
by Jemima Paul, Arvind Paul
Irma's Daughters
by Jennie Linnane
River Kids
by Jennie Linnane
Maximise Your Child’s Performance
by Jennie Segar
Do you know how another knows to be?
by Jennifer & Dennis Chong
Put Comfortable Shoes in my Coffin
by Jennifer Girardi McCloskey
Certain Cure
by Jennifer Valoppi
Children of the Godlight
by Jerre Tanner
At Day's End, I'll Always Be Me
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Dreams Are to Be Lived
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Filling Up a Hole
by Jerry A. Greenberg
The Price of Dreams
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Minor Arcana
by Jerry Lambert
Cruising Through The Teens, Easier Than It Seems
by Jerry Schaefer
The Comeback Coach
by Jesse Braverman with Gordon F. Sander
Proud to Be Me Rosalinda Part 2
by Jesse Moreno
Tree of Redemption
by Jim Davidson
Fall Boys and Spring Girls
by Jim Gibbons
Enemy Immortal
by Jim Meeks-Johnson
Money Faucet
by Joe Calderwood
Ocean Acidification and the Apocalypse
by John Arfstrom
Stage Fright
by John Gore
Musings of an old American during the Pandemic
by John Martin Ramsay
Always Before Me
by John Servant
The Arrow That Flies By Day
by John Servant
A Vanishing Kind
by John Wamsley and Stephen L Davey
Morning Is Always Nigh
by John Wickersham
Debt Cleanse
by Jorge P. Newbery
Love, Time Is Gone
by Joseph Bartley Haltom III
The Origin
by Joseph DiPierro
Advanced Lotto Rotation System
by Joseph Z Vlasic
The Power of Thanksgiving
by Joyce Addo-Atuah, PhD
At the End of the Day
by Judy Condon
Twice a Daughter
by Julie Ryan McGue
Swimming in a Sea of Stars
by Julie Wright
by Julien Ayotte
The Treasure
by Julien Ayotte
House of Dads
by June Gillam
House of Eire
by June Gillam
by Kadon Landon Peterson
The Silence of Ray
by Karen Fletcher
Grit & Granite
by Katherine Lee Johnson
Saving Superman
by Kathleen Sales
Resilience: A Workbook
by Kathryn Den Houter, Ph.D.
Love Yourself & Lose Weight: The Success Story of Self Love
by Katie Lips
Soul Seeker
by Kaylin McFarren
The World In My Eyes
by Kayode Michael Arimoro
A Pale View of the Hills
by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Truth Together
by Kelly Rodgers
Culture Jock
by Kenny Noble Cortes
The Bulletproof Missionary
by Keriz Rosado
The Adventures of Dressy Jessie and LC Jones
by Kimberly Cortes
On Becoming Me: Memoir of an 80's Teenager
by Kirsten Pursell
by Kristal DeSantis
A Tome of Order Magic
by Kyle
Walking with Angels
by L. S. Stanley
The White Coat Effect
by L.B. Wells
Deceitful Survival
by LC Lee
by Lamar Rutherford
The Last Consort
by Lauren Schultz
Free Fish Friday
by Lee Stone
The Writer's Roadmap
by Leigh Shulman
I'm Swimming in the Toilet... PLEASE DON'T FLUSH!
by Len Foley
Santa's Smelly Socks!
by Len Foley
Story of Lord Leon and the Gaffer Above. Observed By the Boy In the Tin Bath
by Leon Parrish
Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Having a Bad Life
by Lewis Kempfer
Connecting the Dots
by Lia Russ
The Sugar Queen
by Lina Kennedy
Raven's Peak
by Lincoln Cole
Recycled Hope
by Linda Drugan
Unhappy Warrior: the Life and Death of Robert S. Starobin
by Linda Rennie Forcey
Amulet's Rapture
by Linnea Tanner
Dagger's Destiny
by Linnea Tanner
Two Faces of Janus
by Linnea Tanner
Side Hustle Blueprint
by Lise Cartwright
Lingering Poets
by Logan Lamech
Paddle to Paddle
by Lois Chapin
The Prodigy Slave, Book One: Journey to Winter Garden
by Londyn Skye
The House of Spark
by Luminita Laflash
How To Be Successful
by M. Curtis McCoy
How to Succeed After 55
by M.M. Amon
Derrick of Death
by Malvina Lerma
Call me Dragon
by Marc Secchia
The Maple Seed Helicopter
by Marco Collina
Breast Cancer, an Emotional Journey
by Margaret Phalor Barnhart
Midwinter Turns to Spring
by Maria Veloso
Plume of Fire
by Marie Fostino
No Accidental Missionary
by Marilyn Feldhaus
The Ordinary Doll
by Mario Kiefer
The Ordinary Life
by Mario Kiefer
We Drank Wine
by Marion Reidel
Kindred Journeys
by Marjorie Tapley-Olson
The Mars Debacle
by Mark Dean Stratus
Along the Way
by Mark DuPre
If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your But's
by Mark L. Wdowiak
Riven Calyx
by Mark Leon Collins
Betrayal of Faith
by Mark M. Bello
Best Evidence
by Mark S. Osaki
First Survivor
by Mark Unger
A Script For Aspiring Women Leaders
by Mark Villareal
Will of The Hill
by Marshall Cobb
Love and Sabotage
by Martha Tolles
Another Poor Cow
by Martins Agbonlahor
2X2 on the Ark: Five Secrets of a Great Relationship
by Mary J Giuffra, PhD
One Way or Another
by Mary J. Williams
Bonds of Love and Blood
by Marylee MacDonald
3 Magic Dreams
by Matt Bolton Art
Eggstravagant Easter Eggs
by Maya Elston
Private Lucky
by Melissa Guzzetta, Hendrik Gillebaard
The Keepers
by Michael D Komeshak
Gateways to Psychotherapy
by Michael Hegarty
Christ Without a Bride
by Michael J. Ray
One Step at a Time
by Michael L. McCord
Sandra Eden's War
by Michael Low
Killing Abel
by Michael Tieman
El Paso
by Michael Van Cleve
Better Not Bitter
by Michelle Cowan
Please Don't Tell Cooper He's A Dog
by Michelle Lander Feinberg
by Mike J.B.
Section Roads
by Mike Murphey
Living in Color
by Mike Murphy
The Dragons of Chiroptera
by Milan Seeff
A Secret Life
by Mina Bancheva
Bird in a Snare
by N.L. Holmes
Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn't Make Me a Better Person
by Nancy Stordahl
Mirrors of Life
by Neal Owens
A Cobbler's Tale
by Neil Perry Gordon
Animal Village
by Nelda LaTeef
The Talking Baobab Tree
by Nelda LaTeef
Mama's Daycare
by Ngozi Edema
Nights in Rodanthe
by Nicholas Sparks
A Witch in Time Saves Nine
by Nikki Broadwell
Emotional Cure for Autism
by Norio Ando
An Open Wound
by O Persaud
Confessions of a Manaholic
by P. Pierre
Chaos Rising
by P.D. Blackwell
Trapped in Glass
by Pam Records
Angels Watching Over Me
by Pam Ware & Linda Dipman
Fates Sweet Passion
by Patricia Crumpler
The Clouds Still Hang
by Patrick C Notchtree
The Honorable Knight
by Patrick John Donahoe
The Noble Mercenary
by Patrick John Donahoe
The Price of Dreams
by Paul Clark
Start Late, Finish Happy
by Paul E Kotz
Profiles in Kindness
by Paul E. Kotz
The Importance of Now
by Paul Schumacher
The Vanished
by Pejay Bradley
A Trail of Blood
by Peter Goldman with Nicola Malatesta, PI
The LadyKillers War
by Peter Goldman, with Nicola Malatesta, PI
A New God in Athens
by Peter Kornis
Masquerade Ball
by Peter Rouleau
Wild World
by Peter S. Rush
"LOGJAM of a Beauteous MIND"
by Peter Simon Karp
A Child Left Behind
by Phil Hutcheon
Elizabeth's Garden
by Phillip Leighton-Daly
Three Strike Runner
by Pierce Everett
Deape Woods
by Prudence O'Haire
The Face of Fear
by R. J. Torbert
Toni the Superhero
by R.D. Base
Cat Detectives in the Korean Peninsula
by R.F. Kristi
My Trip To Adele
by R.I.Alyaseer and A. I Alyaseer
Don't Re 'Tire', Re 'Fresh'!
by Rafiq
Death Inside Diamond Head
by Randolph Mase
Deadly Waters: The Vietnam Naval War And Its Aftermath
by Randy Miller
Hard Knocks: Memoir of a Small Moment
by Ray Lopez
by Raymond Reed Hardy
Gold Digger
by Rebecca Rosenberg
Death by Chaos
by Renaii West
The Road to Management
by Rene Medina
Atlantis Revealed
by Riaan Booysen
Making Sense of Life Explaining Genes & Telepathy
by Richard Alabone
Hill of Souls
by Richard Davids
The Reikel Conspiracy
by Richard Rees
The Wrong Side of the Glass
by Rick Incorvia
Witnesses to The Crucifixion
by Ricky Carstensen and James E. Doucette
Like She is in Him
by River Smith
And Then I Met Margaret
by Rob White
The Maestro Monologue
by Rob White
Blood Summer 1862
by Robert Hauser
The Vasterbottensost Affair
by Robert Mucci
Home Again 2020
by Roberta M Roy
God For A Day
by Robin R Rabii
The Lost Years of Billy Battles
by Ronald E. Yates
Crown of Crimson
by Rose Reid
Make The Dirt Fly
by Rosina VanHardeveld
by Roxanne Bland
Memoir of a Closet Christian
by Roy Warren
Unfaltering Trust
by Roy Ziegler
Loss and Discovery
by Russell M. Linden
Memoirs of the Senator's Wife
by S. M. Ford
The Last Lumenian
by S.G. Blaise
The 19th Bladesman
by S.J. Hartland
Lily's Quest
by S.J. Savage
One Hand Two Hearts
by S.K. Alfstad
Guardians of the Solar Shield
by Sam Bleicher
The Hyena's Stare
by Sandra Clark
A Few Trivial Felonies
by Sandra Sperling
The Tiger's Eye
by Scott Delaney
Achieve Your Dreams
by Scott Hughes
Little Bird
by Seth Chambers
Her Lost Words; Her Broken Silence
by Shantanel Payne
by Shea Rose
April's Heart
by Shilah Ferr
One Moment, Just an Eternity
by Smaragdi Mitropoulou
Survival of Species
by Sol Rothman
Future Plans
by Stacy Lee
Exit the Labyrinth
by Stephanie Kay Bendel
Payback-Tales of Love, Hate and Revenge
by Steve Bassett
Dad, Why Are You Still Talking About Saul Alinsky, He's Been Dead Since 1972?
by Steve Borovay
A Woman's Prerogative
by Steven C. Brandt
Omega Crisis
by Steven E. Wilde
by Strobe Witherspoon
Callisto 2.0
by Susan English
Foretold: An Epic Spiritual Journey
by Susan Smith Davis
Rebirth in Acadi
by Susan Swanson
Penelope Sherbanne
by Susan Uriarte
Eddie the Elephant’s Magical Ear
by Suzanne Picerno, MA,MBA
Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
Chaos in Our Schools
by T.L. Zempel
What If They Knew
by T.R.Hendrick
"Shirley" Goodness & Mercy
by Tanya L Holland
Gimble Spy
by Tayma Tameem
Memory Thieves
by Tayma Tameem
by Tayma Tameem
The Stolen Heir
by Tayma Tameem
The Unborn
by Tayma Tameem
In the Year of the Rabbit
by Terence A. Harkin
The Impossible Mock Orange Trial
by Thad G. Long
by Tim Smith & Dr. Richard
Bluewater Walkabout
by Tina Dreffin
Ark of the Apocalypse
by Tobin Marks
Let The Children Come
by Tom Fay
World, Incorporated
by Tom Gariffo
When Life Doesn't Turn Out the Way We Hoped It Would? Volume 1
by Tom Wick
On the Steps of St. Dymphna
by Tony Rocco
Pepperoni Pizza Pinching Chimps
by Tracey C Ayres
by Trevor Daffyd
Taken by Twilight
by Tricia Barr
Think and Live Longer
by Trip Goolsby, MD and LeNae Goolsby JD
Final Chance
by Van Fleisher
Bet On Yourself
by Vernard L Hodges
Playing Chess with God
by Verne R. Albright
God’s Victorious Army
by Vicki Troup
Making Life-Changing Decisions
by Victor Chukwu
The Hoyden and the Rake
by Victoria Price
The Fear Doctor
by Vincent Stevenson
The Mirror Box
by Wade W. Bergner
Spirituality for REAL
by WakunDaMa
Spirituality for REAL
by WakunDaMa
Private Lives of Orchids
by Walter Fitzgerald
Paint Her Dead
by Wanda Shelton
What Would The Founding Fathers Tell Us Today?
by Werner Neff
Big Things Have Small Beginnings
by Wes Berry
Wolves of Laconia
by William A. Lamon
by William Reese Hamilton
Preppers Medical Handbook
by William W Forgey
Father's Gold Secret
by Wu, Sing-yung, MD, PhD
Of Zots and Xoodles
by Zarqnon the Embarrassed
5 Secrets of The Matrix
by Zsa Zsa Tudos
From Muddy WATER
by allan davis
India in Chaos
by k c agrawal
& Life Goes On...
by major thomas