by Alex Fayman
It's Easier to Dance
by Annie Harris-Meachem
The Message?
by Avam Hale
Melanie's Evanescent Journey
by B Truly
Satan and Me and OBE
by Bob Dowell
The Limitless Real Estate Leader
by Brenda Fontaine
The Vatican Protocol
by Brian Gallagher
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Split Adam
by Calix Leigh-Reign
The Good Fight
by Dan E. Hendrickson
Unveil your Intimate Self
by Elena Georgiadou
by Frankie B. Rabbit
by Garon Whited
Nightlord: Sunset
by Garon Whited
The Sword Swallower and a Chico Kid
by Gary Robinson
Crude Currency
by Gary Stull
A Spiritual Dog: "Bear"
by J. Wesley Porter
Freedom Is For The Birds
by JM Sutherland
The Coal'd War
by James Alan Thompson
Goodnight Irene
by James Scott Byrnside
His Special Little Girl - Incest in a Christian Home
by Jody Lynn Rutherford
Damn the Diagnosis
by Joel Nathan
Executive Hoodlum
by John Costello
A Roadmap To Career Success
by John G Bendt
Decide Success
by John M Baumann, BBA, JD
Morning Is Always Nigh
by John Wickersham
by Jordan Harcourt-Hughes
Write Your Family Story
by Judy Helm Wright
The Skye in June
by June Ahern
Small Change
by Keddie Hughes
Nobody Knows
by Larry Schneiderman
The Broadcast
by Liam Fialkov
30th Century: Escape (First Edition)
by Mark Kingston Levin, PhD
If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your But's
by Mark L. Wdowiak
One Way or Another
by Mary J. Williams
The Buried Secrets of Peonies
by Mernegar Dorgoly
Murder in Memory
by Mike Thorne
The Pre & Post College Student Pocket Guide to Success
by Renee J. Bey
I'll Point to Heaven
by Rhett G. Wintch
And Then I Met Margaret
by Rob White
Voyage of Pearl of the Seas
by Ruth Finnegan
Lessons From a Difficult Person
by Sarah H. Elliston
The Different Kinds Of Monsters
by Seth Chambers
Citizen Cárdenas
by Steve Cole
First Fruits
by Susan Butler
Chip’s World: Complex #31 and The Caretaker
by Thomas Hill
Bluewater Walkabout
by Tina Dreffin
The Unfortunate Expiration of Mr. David S. Sparks
by William F. Aicher
Illustrated Short Fiction of William H. Coles: 2000-2016
by William H. Coles