It's Easier to Dance
by Annie Harris-Meachem
The Disembodied
by Anthony Hains
Abate the Nuisance
by Bill Sage
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
Trust Me, I’m a Careworker
by Christopher Bulteel
Teachings of a Shaman
by Corey Stultz
The Cartel Crusher
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Good Fight
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Diary Of An Immortal (1945-1959)
by David J Castello
Willy's Ballgame
by Dennis N. Ricci
Unveil your Intimate Self
by Elena Georgiadou
The Word Collector
by Evelyn Dunbar Webb
Riding Shotgun on the Normal Stage
by F. Richard Allen
The Watchmaker’s Doctor
by G. M. T. Schuilling
by Garon Whited
Nightlord: Sunset
by Garon Whited
Something About Ann
by J. Everett Prewitt
Demon Freaks
by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
Executive Hoodlum
by John Costello
The Fatness
by Mark A. Rayner
30th Century: Escape (First Edition)
by Mark Kingston Levin, PhD
If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your But's
by Mark L. Wdowiak
Hiking Tall: Survival on Mount Whitney
by Marvin D. Cope
When Angels Play Poker
by Maura Oleary
Murder in Memory
by Mike Thorne
Effective Leaders and Leadership
by Mildred Stallworth
Serendipity Mystery: Diary of a Snoopy Cat
by R.F. Kristi
Rogue Captain
by Roger C. Dunham
Master the Law of Attraction
by Steven Marie
First Fruits
by Susan Butler
Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
Ripcord Recovery
by T.T. Sawyer
The God Debate - Dawkins in Denial
by Terry Higham
Chip’s World: Complex #31 and The Caretaker
by Thomas Hill
Bluewater Walkabout
by Tina Dreffin
The Vampire Secret
by Tricia Barr
Immortals' Requiem
by Vincent Bobbe
The Unfortunate Expiration of Mr. David S. Sparks
by William F. Aicher
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Hope Deferred
by Carole Dougherty
by Charles J Haubner III
The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy, Box Set
by Claire Youmans
Roadmap to the End of Days
by Daniel Friedmann
The Candle Room
by Daniel K. Gentile
Mysteries of Brettenwood
by David Blank
by David Taylor Black
The Fine Print and Other Yarns
by Dinesh Verma
Of Illusions and Ink Spills
by Divya Hirani
Five Knocks
by Donna Vincent Roa
The 5-Day Stage Fright Solution
by Dr. David Lee Fish
The Cult Next Door
by Elizabeth R. Burchard, Judith L. Carlone
When Ice Cream is Not Enough
by Ellen Gendelman
The Piketty Problem
by Garth Hallberg
Dyed Souls
by Gary Santorella
The Prize
by Geoffrey M Cooper
How to Dance with the Universe
by Goran Spasa
The Crimson Heirlooms
by Hunter Dennis
A Kingdom's Cost
by J. R. Tomlin
A Spiritual Dog: "Bear"
by J. Wesley Porter
Freedom Is For The Birds
by JM Sutherland
The Coal'd War
by James Alan Thompson
The Last Assassination
by James E Doucette
A Second, Less Capable Head
by James Hanna
Call Me Pomeroy
by James Hanna
Goodnight Irene
by James Scott Byrnside
Love and Compassion Is My Religion
by Jane Zarse
It's My Party
by Jeannette Watson
Beyond Embarrassment
by JoAnne Lake with Julia Parker
His Special Little Girl - Incest in a Christian Home
by Jody Lynn Rutherford
A Roadmap To Career Success
by John G Bendt
by Jordan Harcourt-Hughes
Blood and Roses
by Jordan Petrarca
Burn Zones
by Jorge P. Newbery
Write Your Family Story
by Judy Helm Wright
Dodging Satan
by Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
A Day in Eternity
by Kathryn Gabriel Loving
Small Change
by Keddie Hughes
The Lost Identity Casualties
by Kim Ekemar
Real Secrets Of Life
by Krishna Jagarnath
Nobody Knows
by Larry Schneiderman
The Broadcast
by Liam Fialkov
Raven's Peak
by Lincoln Cole
Beautiful Imperfections
by Marjorie Vernelle
The Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series
by Mark M. Bello
The Buried Secrets of Peonies
by Mernegar Dorgoly
by Michael Campbell
by Michele I. Khoury
The Reel Sisters
by Michelle Cummings
The Sex Tourist
by Olivia Wild
What Happened To Flynn
by Pat Muir
The War Within, the Story of Josef
by Patricia Walkow
Iron Crossed
by Renata Rose and Phil Rose
I'll Point to Heaven
by Rhett G. Wintch
In Your Dreams
by Rick Incorvia
The Water Trade
by Rob Smith
And Then I Met Margaret
by Rob White
The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman
by Robin Gregory
4 Shots
by Roger C. Blomquist Ph.D.
The Improbable Journeys of Billy Battles
by Ronald E. Yates
California: On the Edge of American History
by Ronald Genini
by Ronald McQueen
Literacy and Orality
by Ruth finnegan
Lessons From a Difficult Person
by Sarah H. Elliston
The Navigator II
by Steve Coleman
Citizen Cárdenas
by Steve Cole
Deadly Focus
by Sue Hinkin
When Pigs Fly
by Susan Fries
Idi & The Oracle's Quest
by T N Traynor
by Tara Basi
World, Incorporated
by Tom Gariffo
Illustrated Short Fiction of William H. Coles: 2000-2016
by William H. Coles