Island Games
by Caleb J. Boyer
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Split Adam
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Torn Desires (Chosen by the Vampire Kings#2)
by Charlene Hartnady
by Charles J Haubner III
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
The Expansion
by Christoph Martin
Teachings of a Shaman
by Corey Stultz
Angels & Demons
by Dan Brown
The Da Vinci Code
by Dan Brown
The Good Fight
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Tragedy of King Lewis the Sixteenth
by David Lane
Programmed To Kill
by David Murray
Willy's Ballgame
by Dennis N. Ricci
Mistress Suffragette
by Diana Forbes
Of Illusions and Ink Spills
by Divya Hirani
Do a Little Wrong
by Don Dahler
The Deserving
by Efren O'Brien
Unveil your Intimate Self
by Elena Georgiadou
When Ice Cream is Not Enough
by Ellen Gendelman
Vampire Kisses
by Ellen Schreiber
The Word Collector
by Evelyn Dunbar Webb
Evie's Unfairytale
by Evie Berg
by Garon Whited
Nightlord: Sunset
by Garon Whited
The Piketty Problem
by Garth Hallberg
The Sword Swallower and a Chico Kid
by Gary Robinson
Crude Currency
by Gary Stull
How to Dance with the Universe
by Goran Spasa
Marrying a Playboy Billionaire
by H M Irwing
Night of a Thousand Whispers
by Howard Kiel
Something About Ann
by J. Everett Prewitt
A Kingdom's Cost
by J. R. Tomlin
A Spiritual Dog: "Bear"
by J. Wesley Porter
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
by J.K. Rowling
Demon Freaks
by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
A Lifetime Of Fishing
by Jack Walsh
The Coal'd War
by James Alan Thompson
The Maze Runner
by James Dashner
A Second, Less Capable Head
by James Hanna
It's My Party
by Jeannette Watson
Ironbark Hill
by Jennie Linnane
Beyond Embarrassment
by JoAnne Lake with Julia Parker
Damn the Diagnosis
by Joel Nathan
Executive Hoodlum
by John Costello
by Jordan Harcourt-Hughes
Blood and Roses
by Jordan Petrarca
Burn Zones
by Jorge P. Newbery
Write Your Family Story
by Judy Helm Wright
The Skye in June
by June Ahern
Banished Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
Twisted Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
Daily Warrior
by Kim Alfreds
Nobody Knows
by Larry Schneiderman
Wounded (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter)
by Laurell K. Hamilton
Sigfried’s Smelly Socks!
by Len Foley
The Broadcast
by Liam Fialkov
The Everett Exorcism
by Lincoln Cole
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
30th Century: Escape (First Edition)
by Mark Kingston Levin, PhD
If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your But's
by Mark L. Wdowiak
The Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series
by Mark M. Bello
One Way or Another
by Mary J. Williams
When Angels Play Poker
by Maura Oleary
The Buried Secrets of Peonies
by Mernegar Dorgoly
Murder in Memory
by Mike Thorne
Effective Leaders and Leadership
by Mildred Stallworth
Tears and Trombones
by Nanci Lee Woody
Angel Eyes (Violet Eyes #3)
by Nicole Luiken
What Happened To Flynn
by Pat Muir
The War Within, the Story of Josef
by Patricia Walkow
The Honorable Knight
by Patrick John Donahoe
My Trip To Adele
by R.I.Alyaseer and A. I Alyaseer
I'll Point to Heaven
by Rhett G. Wintch
The Unbound Soul
by Richard L. Haight
In Your Dreams
by Rick Incorvia
The Lightning Thief
by Rick Riordan
And Then I Met Margaret
by Rob White
The Touch
by Robert Flynn III
4 Shots
by Roger C. Blomquist Ph.D.
When No One Else Believed
by Ron Tripodo
by Ronald McQueen
Achieve Your Dreams
by Scott Hughes
The Banned Book about Love
by Scott Hughes
Breaking Dawn
by Stephenie Meyer
by Stephenie Meyer
New Moon
by Stephenie Meyer
by Stephenie Meyer
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)
by Suzanne Collins
Idi & The Oracle's Quest
by T N Traynor
by Tara Basi
Holding Fire
by Ten Awesome Writers!
The God Debate - Dawkins in Denial
by Terry Higham
Chip’s World: Complex #31 and The Caretaker
by Thomas Hill
Bluewater Walkabout
by Tina Dreffin
The Vampire Secret
by Tricia Barr
Final Notice
by Van Fleisher
by Veronica Roth
by Veronica Roth
Insurgent (The Divergent Series #2)
by Veronica Roth
End of the Last Great Kingdom
by Victor Rose
Immortals' Requiem
by Vincent Bobbe
One for the Road
by Will Roberts
The Unfortunate Expiration of Mr. David S. Sparks
by William F. Aicher
Guardian of Deceit
by William H. Coles
Illustrated Short Fiction of William H. Coles: 2000-2016
by William H. Coles
The End of the Beginning
by Zachary Eichholz