The Road to Little Dribbling
by Bill Bryson
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Volunteer Revolution
by Bill Hybels
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
There Was A Little Girl
by Brooke Shields
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Where God Was Born
by Bruce Feiler
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Mere Christianity
by C. S. Lewis
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Queen's Vow
by C.W. Gortner
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Pay It Forward
by Catherine Ryan Hyde
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
David Copperfield
by Charles Dickens
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Day Diana Died
by Christopher Andersen
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Thorn Birds
by Colleen McCullough
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
by David Howarth
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
by Dee Brown
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Lords of the Earth
by Don Richardson
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Peace Child
by Don Richardson
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Royal House of Windsor
by Elizabeth Longford
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Nanny McPhee Returns
by Emma Thompson
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
A Farewell to Arms
by Ernest Hemingway
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Sun Also Rises
by Ernest Hemingway
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
This Side of Paradise
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
by Fannie Flagg
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Hills of Tuscany
by Ferenc Máté
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey
by Fiona Carnarvon
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
by Frank Delaney
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
A Lotus Grows in the Mud
by Goldie Hawn and Taylor Wendy Holden
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
A Chronology of Native Americans
by Greg O'Brien
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Bartleby, the Scrivener
by Herman Melville
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Moby Dick;
by Herman Melville
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
by Herman Melville
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
White Jacket or, the World on a Man-of-War
by Herman Melville
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Benito Cereno
by Herman Melville and Wyn Kelley
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England
by Ian mortimer
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Something About Ann
by J. Everett Prewitt
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Peace, War, and Politics
by Jack Anderson and Daryl Gibson
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
A Pirate Looks at Fifty
by Jimmy Buffett and Leona Nevler
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
by Johanna Spyri and Angelo Rinaldi and Beverly Cleary
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Becoming Jane Austen
by Jon Spence
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Life in a Medieval Castle
by Joseph Gies and Frances Gies
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Nowhere Else on Earth
by Josephine Humphreys
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
A History Of Derbyshire
by Joy Childs
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Brontës
by Juliet Barker
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Mistress Shakespeare
by Karen Harper
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Princess Diana - Her Last Love
by Kate Snell
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Royals
by Kitty Kelley
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Someday, Someday, Maybe
by Lauren Graham
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Little Women
by Louisa May Alcott
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Eats, Shoots & Leaves
by Lynne Truss
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Gone With the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Mission Possible
by Marilyn Laszlo
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Mrs. Astor Regrets
by Meryl Gordon
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
God Seen Through the Eyes of the Greatest Minds
by Michael Caputo
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Untold Story
by Monica Ali
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Riddle of the Ice
by Myron Arms
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Scarlet Letter
by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Thomas E. Connolly and Nina Baym
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
On the Beach
by Nevil Shute
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
by Nicholas Davies
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Grizzly Maze
by Nick Jans
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
These Three Remain
by Pamela Aidan
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Way We Were
by Paul Burrell
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
A Royal Duty
by Paul Burrell and Steve Dennis
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Island
by Peter Benchley
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Man's Rise to Civilization
by Peter Farb
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Vineyard Enigma
by Philip R. Craig
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Boleyn Inheritance
by Philippa Gregory
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Constant Princess
by Philippa Gregory
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Other Queen
by Philippa Gregory
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Queen's Fool
by Philippa Gregory
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Virgin's Lover
by Philippa Gregory
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The White Queen
by Philippa Gregory
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Essence of Provence
by Pierre Magnan
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
My Trip To Adele
by R.I.Alyaseer and A. I Alyaseer
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Born Royal
by Richard Hough
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
by Robert M. Pirsig
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Mrs. Shakespeare
by Robert Nye
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
I, Elizabeth
by Rosalind Miles
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
America's Queen
by Sarah Bradford
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
My Story
by Sarah Ferguson
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Professor and the Madman
by Simon Winchester
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
by Stacy Schiff
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
On Writing
by Stephen King
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
England For All Seasons
by Susan Allen Toth
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Sarah's Key
by Tatiana de Rosnay
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
The Diana Chronicles
by Tina Brown
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Titanic Survivor
by Violet Jessop and John Maxtone-Graham
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Perfume from Provence
by Winifred Fortescue
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3
Stevie Nicks
by Zoë Howe
Sketches_by_Shell's rating: 3