America's Army
by Beth L. Bailey
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Foreign Agent
by Brad Thor
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Confederate Heartland
by Bradley R. Clampitt
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Little Blue Reasoning Book
by Brandon Royal
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Psychology of Music
by Carl E. Seashore
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Charles C. Mann
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Charles C. Mann
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
“Bully for the Band!”
by Charles George and Herbert George and Jere George and Osman George and James A. Davis
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Defend the Realm
by Christopher Andrew
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Christopher Small
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Music, Society, Education
by Christopher Small and Robert Walser
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
American Nations
by Colin Woodard
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
In Search of Time
by Dan Falk
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Talent Code
by Daniel Coyle
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Daniel H. Pink
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Americans 1
by Daniel J. Boorstin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Americans 2
by Daniel J. Boorstin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Americans 3
by Daniel J. Boorstin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Creators
by Daniel J. Boorstin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Discoverers
by Daniel J. Boorstin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Image
by Daniel J. Boorstin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The World in Six Songs
by Daniel J. Levitin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
This Is Your Brain on Music
by Daniel J. Levitin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Thinking Fast or Slow
by Daniel Kahneman
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Our Patchwork Nation
by Dante Chinni and James Gimpel
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
On Combat
by Dave Grossman and Christensen and Loren W. and Gavin de Becker
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by David Eagleman
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Albion's Seed
by David Hackett Fischer
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Genius in All of Us
by David Shenk
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Tiger Trap
by David Wise
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Rock 'n' Roll Soldier
by Dean Ellis Kohler and Susan VanHecke
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Where the Crawdads Sing
by Delia Owens
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Art Instinct
by Denis Dutton
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Spectator and the Spectacle
by Dennis Kennedy
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Forever War
by Dexter Filkins
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
War and Decision
by Douglas J. Feith
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Triumph of the City
by Edward L. Glaeser
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Parallels and Paradoxes
by Edward W. Said and Daniel Barenboim
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
German Cooking
by Eleanor A. Hinsch
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Arts and the Creation of Mind
by Elliot W. Eisner
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Psychology of Beauty
by Ethel Dench Puffer Howes
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The True Story Of Kill Or Be Killed In The Real Old West
by Eva Gillhouse and Jim Huebner
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
With the Colors
by Everard Jack Appleton
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Ovations & Encores
by Everett Reed
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Origins of Political Order
by Francis Fukuyama
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
GI Jive
by Frank Furlong Mathias
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Talent is Overrated
by Geoff Colvin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Political Mind
by George Lakoff
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Mel Bay Presents Infantry Bugle Calls of the American Civil War
by George Rabbai
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Three Cups of Tea
by Greg Mortenson
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Through the Language Glass
by Guy Deutscher
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Harold Bloom
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Tacit and Explicit Knowledge
by Harry Collins
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
A Johnny Reb Band from Salem
by Harry H. Hall
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Orchestral Conductor Theory of His Art
by Hector Berlioz
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Art of Intelligence
by Henry A. Crumpton
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
On China
by Henry Kissinger
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
D DAY Through German Eyes - The Hidden Story of June 6th 1944
by Holger Eckhertz and Sprech Media
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Art, Mind, And Brain
by Howard Gardner
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Creating Minds
by Howard Gardner
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Ian Mortimer
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Bunch of Amateurs
by Jack Hitt
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Off the Road
by Jack Hitt
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Winner-Take-All Politics
by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Art of Not Being Governed
by James C. Scott
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
A World I Never Made
by James LePore
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Oath
by Jeffrey Toobin
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Call the Midwife
by Jennifer Worth
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Call the Midwife
by Jennifer Worth
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Shadows of the Workhouse
by Jennifer Worth
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
How To Deliver A TED Talk
by Jeremy Donovan
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
How We Decide
by Johan Lehrer
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Art as Experience
by John Dewey
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Experience and Education
by John Dewey
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
How We Think
by John Dewey
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Stealing Elections
by John Fund
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
What Language Is
by John McWhorter
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
A Different Kind of Teacher
by John Taylor Gatto
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Three Cups of Deceit
by Jon Krakauer
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Thomas Jefferson
by Jon Meacham
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Belief and Power in Myth
by Joseph Campbell and David Kudler
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Mythic Dimension - Comparative Mythology
by Joseph Campbell and David Kudler and Antony Van Couvering
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Myths to Live By
by Joseph Campbell and Johnson E. Fairchild and David Kudler
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Standing Next to History
by Joseph Petro
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies
by Joseph Schmuller
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
2,001 Most Useful German Words
by Joseph W. Moser and Dover Publications Inc.
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Physics and Psychophysics of Music
by Juan G. Roederer
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
No Two Alike
by Judith Rich Harris
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Why America Is Such a Hard Sell
by Juliana Geran Pilon
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Development of Professional Expertise
by K. Anders Ericsson
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Kelly Gallagher
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Music and Musket
by Kenneth E. Olson
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Languages of the World
by Kenneth Katzner
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
American Political Parties and Elections
by L. Sandy Maisel
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Mind in Society
by Lev S. Vygotsky and Vera John-Steiner and Michael Cole and Sylvia Scribner and Ellen Souberman
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
On Killing
by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
How Popular Musicians Learn
by Lucy Green
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Beethoven's Letters, 1790-1826 V2
by Ludwig van Beethoven
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Volume 1
by Ludwig van Beethoven and Grace Jane Wallace
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
My Berlin Kitchen
by Luisa Weiss
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Nature of Things
by Lyall Watson
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Money-Driven Medicine
by Maggie Mahar
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Malcolm Gladwell
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Tipping Point
by Malcolm Gladwell
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Martin Makary
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Agile Gene
by Matt Ridley
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Origins of Virtue
by Matt Ridley
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Travels in the Interior of North America, Part I,
by Maximilian Wied and Reuben Gold Thwaites
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Michael Lewis
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Liar's Poker
by Michael Lewis
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Big Short
by Michael Lewis
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Thinking German Translation
by Michael Loughridge and Michael Loughridge and Ian Higgins
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Michael Michalko
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Believing Brain
by Michael Shermer
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Domesday Quest
by Michael Wood
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Story of England
by Michael Wood
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Parties Versus the People
by Mickey Edwards
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Good Business
by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The German Cookbook
by Mimi Sheraton
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Signal and the Noise
by Nate Silver
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Natori Masazumi
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Niall Ferguson
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Empires of the Word
by Nicholas Ostler
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Oliver Sacks
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Mind's Eye
by Oliver Sacks
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Early Concert-Life in America
by Oscar George Theodore Sonneck
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
All In
by Paula Broadwell and Vernon Loeb
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Icarus Syndrome
by Peter Beinart
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Great War
by Peter Hart
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Audience Economics
by Philip M. Napoli
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Phillip T. Hevener
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
On Conducting
by Richard Wagner and Edward Dannreuther
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Beyond Outrage
by Robert B. Reich
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Year 1000
by Robert Lacey
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Berlin Cookbook. Traditional Recipes and Nourishing Stories. The First and Only Cookbook from Berlin, Germany, with many
by Rose Marie Donhauser and Florian Bolk
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Building Expertise
by Ruth Colvin Clark
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Efficiency in Learning
by Ruth Colvin Clark and Frank Nguyen and John Sweller
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Stephen S. Hall
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Music of the Civil War Era
by Steven H. Cornelius
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
How the Mind Works
by Steven Pinker
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Better Angels of Our Nature
by Steven Pinker
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Blank Slate
by Steven Pinker
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Stuff of Thought
by Steven Pinker
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Learnability and Cognition
by Steven Pinker and Jacques A. Mehler
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Connections and Symbols
by Steven Pinker and Jacques Mehler
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
My Music
by Susan D. Crafts and Daniel Cavicchi and Charles Keil and Music in Daily Life Project
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology
by Susan Hallam and Ian Cross and Michael H. Thaut
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs in the Future
by Susan Way-Smith
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Brass Bands of the World
by Suzel Ana Reily
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Healing of America
by T.R. Reid
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Greatest Knight
by Thomas Asbridge
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The drums would roll
by Thomas C. & LANGELLIER RAILSBACK and John P. Langellier
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
It's Even Worse Than It Looks
by Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson
by Thomas Jefferson
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Practicing Mind
by Thomas M. Sterner
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Bleeding Talent
by Tim Kane
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Thinking Statistically
by Uri Bram
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
by Valerie Plame and Sarah Lovett
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
My Sixty Years on the Plains
by William Thomas Hamilton
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Past as Prologue
by Williamson Murray and Richard Hart Sinnreich
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Volume 01
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Stan Cornett's rating: 4
Known and Unknown
by Donald Rumsfeld
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
How to Analyze People on Sight
by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Ways of Listening
by Eric F. Clarke
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
An Alexander Technique Approach to Musicians' Injuries
by Ethan Kind
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
by Geoff Smart
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Don't Think of an Elephant!
by George Lakoff
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Decision Points
by George W. Bush
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Proof through the Night
by Glenn Watkins
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Spirit and Music
by H. Ernest Hunt
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
German Idioms
by Henry Strutz
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Will Your Vote Count? Fixing America's Broken Electoral System
by Herma Percy
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Hard Choices
by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Connecticut’s Fife and Drum Tradition
by James Clark
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
by James Agee and Walker Evans
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
All Aboard
by Jim Loomis
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Arts Marketing Insights
by Joanne Scheff Bernstein and Philip Kotler
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Everything Scrabble
by Joe Edley and John D. Williams Jr.
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Grow Your Band's Audience
by Joe Taylor Jr.
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
More Guns, Less Crime
by John R. Lott Jr.
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Sound Targets
by Jonathan Pieslak
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Essentials in Conducting
by Karl Wilson Gehrkens
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Cassius M. Clay
by Keven McQueen
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
The Performing Arts in a New Era
by Kevin McCarthy and Julia Lowell and Arthur Brooks and Laura Zakaras
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Music, Informal Learning and the School
by Lucy Green
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
by Martin Atkins and Cynthia Plastercaster and Suicide Girls and Henry Rollins and Jade Dellinger and T
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
The Mayo Clinic Diet
by Mayo Clinic
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
The Merriam-Webster Official Scrabble Players Dictionary
by Merriam-Webster and D.K. Publishing
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Developing Solutions with Office 2000 Components and VBA
by Peter G. Aitken
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Throw Them All Out
by Peter Schweizer
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
In My Time
by Richard B. Cheney
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Winning Go
by Richard Bozulich and Peter Shotwell
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Taste of Old Germany
by Rita Bergstrom
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Fat Chance
by Robert H. Lustig
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
e-Learning and the Science of Instruction
by Ruth Colvin Clark and Richard E. Mayer
Stan Cornett's rating: 2
Systema No Contact Combat
by Vartan Mamiko
Stan Cornett's rating: 2