neomxd21's Bookshelves


neomxd21's Shelves

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[url=]Ready Player One[/url]

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neomxd21's Currently Reading Shelf

The Gunslinger

The Gunslinger
by Stephen King

neomxd21's Top 3 Books

Ready Player One

Ready Player One
by Ernest Cline
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

View these and all of neomxd21's top-rated books in neomxd21's 4-star shelf!

neomxd21's 'To Read' Shelf

Sea Leopard

Sea Leopard
by Craig Thomas

West of Eden

West of Eden
by Harry Harrison

War and Peace

War and Peace
by Leo Tolstoy

neomxd21's Previously Read Shelf

4-Star Shelf (34) | 3-Star Shelf (20) | 2-Star Shelf (1) | 1-Star Shelf (0)

4 Star Shelf

Ready Player One

Ready Player One
by Ernest Cline
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet
by Jack Campbell
neomxd21's rating: 4

3 Star Shelf

Allenby of Arabia

Allenby of Arabia
by Brian Gardner
neomxd21's rating: 3

Assault on Soho (The Executioner #6)

Assault on Soho (The Executioner #6)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Battle Mask (The Executioner #3)

Battle Mask (The Executioner #3)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

California Hit (The Executioner #11)

California Hit (The Executioner #11)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Jersey Guns (The Executioner #17)

Jersey Guns (The Executioner #17)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Miami Massacre (The Executioner #4)

Miami Massacre (The Executioner #4)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Renegade Agent (Mack Bolan - The Executioner #47)

Renegade Agent (Mack Bolan - The Executioner #47)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Terrible Tuesday (The Executioner #34)

Terrible Tuesday (The Executioner #34)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Terrorist Summit (Mack Bolan - The Executioner #44)

Terrorist Summit (Mack Bolan - The Executioner #44)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Thermal Thursday (The Executioner #36)

Thermal Thursday (The Executioner #36)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Tuscany Terror (Mack Bolan - The Executioner #54)

Tuscany Terror (Mack Bolan - The Executioner #54)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

Vegas Vendetta (The Executioner #9)

Vegas Vendetta (The Executioner #9)
by Don Pendleton
neomxd21's rating: 3

2 Star Shelf

Fish Wielder

Fish Wielder
by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
neomxd21's rating: 2