by Alex Fayman
The Hummingbird & The Narwhal
by Annie Higbee
The Incarnation
by Arthur Telling
The Journey of an American Woman
by Ashley Becker-Whipple
In the Shadow of a Dark Star
by Brent R. Mekosh
God is Willing
by Charlene Murray
The Magician's Secret
by Charles Townsend
Loverless Love
by Christopher Guerin
Terms of Service, Book 2: The Prophecy of the Heron
by Craig W. Stanfill
Reflections: Words From the Soul
by Dan Babcock
Time Before Time
by Dan DuBose
Magi Apprentice
by Dan E. Hendrickson
Charlie's Diner
by Dennis F Killeen
Chad’s Triumph
by Diana Meyer
The Good Barrister
by Diane Coia-Ramsay
America: Lost in Place
by Dr. Joe Brickner
by Ian P. Eviston
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
by J.K. Rowling
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
By Accident
by Joanne Greene
Dagger's Destiny
by Linnea Tanner
The Prodigy Slave, Book One: Journey to Winter Garden
by Londyn Skye
Children of Violence
by Luke Gherardi
Chasing Dragons between Dimensions
by Matthew Emmanuel Weinberg
The Transcendental Tangle: Untying the Enigmatic Knots of the Infinite
by Matthew Emmanuel Weinberg
Once Upon A Time In Afghanistan
by Nazila Sawhney
His Majesty's Posse
by Noah Bond
LaBlance Fish Tales Two
by Peter F LaBlance
Pearl River Mansion
by Richard Schwartz
Because He Loved Us
by Sharon Williams
The Great Migration
by Steve Ramirez
by Steven A. Yagyagan
Mustache Rydes
by Steven A. Yagyagan
Immortals' Requiem
by Vincent Bobbe
The Mirror Box
by Wade W. Bergner
With Love, from Planet B
by Zaayin Salaam