LaraLove23's Bookshelves


LaraLove23's Shelves

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Going To Read (5)

Previously Read (28)

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LaraLove23's Currently Reading Shelf

LaraLove23's Currently Reading Shelf is empty! :cry:

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LaraLove23's 'To Read' Shelf

Raven's Rise

Raven's Rise
by Lincoln Cole

POWERING UP! 3rd Edition (released Sept. 2017)

POWERING UP! 3rd Edition (released Sept. 2017)
by Anne Doyle

The Expansion

The Expansion
by Christoph Martin

Ironbark Hill

Ironbark Hill
by Jennie Linnane

Raven's Fall

Raven's Fall
by Lincoln Cole

LaraLove23's Previously Read Shelf

4-Star Shelf (18) | 3-Star Shelf (7) | 2-Star Shelf (3) | 1-Star Shelf (0)

4 Star Shelf

Brave New World / Brave New World Revisited

Brave New World / Brave New World Revisited
by Aldous Huxley and Christopher Hitchens
LaraLove23's rating: 4

Democracy in America

Democracy in America
by Alexis de Tocqueville and Isaac Kramnick and Gerald Bevan
LaraLove23's rating: 4


by Elie Wiesel and Marion Wiesel
LaraLove23's rating: 4


by George Orwell
LaraLove23's rating: 4

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
by J.K. Rowling
LaraLove23's rating: 4

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
by J.K. Rowling
LaraLove23's rating: 4

The Runaway Jury

The Runaway Jury
by John Grisham
LaraLove23's rating: 4

The Testament

The Testament
by John Grisham
LaraLove23's rating: 4


by John Hersey
LaraLove23's rating: 4

Disposable People

Disposable People
by Kevin Bales
LaraLove23's rating: 4

The Giver (The Giver, #1)

The Giver (The Giver, #1)
by Lois Lowry
LaraLove23's rating: 4

Ender's Game

Ender's Game
by Orson Scott Card
LaraLove23's rating: 4

3 Star Shelf


by Ayn Rand
LaraLove23's rating: 3

Animal Farm

Animal Farm
by George Orwell
LaraLove23's rating: 3

The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye
by J. D. Salinger
LaraLove23's rating: 3

The God Delusion

The God Delusion
by Richard Dawkins
LaraLove23's rating: 3


by Veronica Roth
LaraLove23's rating: 3


by Veronica Roth
LaraLove23's rating: 3

The Divergent Series

The Divergent Series
by Veronica Roth
LaraLove23's rating: 3

2 Star Shelf

The Fountainhead

The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand
LaraLove23's rating: 2

Raven's Peak

Raven's Peak
by Lincoln Cole
LaraLove23's rating: 2

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
by Phillip K Dick
LaraLove23's rating: 2