Choose to Soar
by Annie Meehan
From GED to PhD
by Barbara Crump
Surviving the Business of Healthcare
by Barbara Galutia Regis PA-C
It's All Mental
by Blake Silverman
by Catalina DuBois
Obsidian Tomorrow
by Chad Wannamaker
by Chandra Shekhar
The Lost Keep
by Charles Embrey Jr
The Magician's Secret
by Charles Townsend
Remembering the Future
by Christopher Conte (editor)
This May Be Difficult to Read
by Claire Rubman
Terms of Service
by Craig W. Stanfill
The Prophecy of the Heron
by Craig W. Stanfill
The Rock at the Bottom
by Cynthia Hilston
From Hell to Home
by DJ Power
The Half Book
by Dan Duffy
Fair Game Foul Play
by Daniel Pascoe
Kaleidoscopic Shades
by David A. Neuman
Chad’s Triumph
by Diana Meyer
A Compromising Position
by Diane Merrill Wigginton
Thin Places
by Diane Owens Prettyman
Original Wisdom
by Donna Bond
Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
A Dream for Peace
by Dr.Ghoulem Berrah
by E.W. Johnson M.D.
by E.W. Johnson M.D.
The Truth About Elves
by Ekta R. Garg
by Ellen Dee Davidson
I Wonder Why It's Christmas
by Esther Ekunola
Man Mission
by Eytan Uliel
Scale at Speed
by Felix Velarde
Billy Jones's Father
by Fred Engh
Agatha the Beloved Queen
by Fred Pilcher
Grace Revealed
by Frederick J. Sievert
Truth and Evil
by G. Edward Martin
The Sword Swallower and a Chico Kid
by Gary Robinson
Sh*t Happens
by Gavin L James.
A dream for peace
by Ghoulem Berrah
The Covid Murders
by Greg Vigdor
The Wicked Wives
by Gus Pelagatti
War is Just a Word
by I.J. Gysen
B-17s Over Berlin
by Ian Hawkins
Tent City Convoy
by J. Stewart Willis
The Yewberry Way
by Jack Gist
Devil Among Us
by Jack Winnick
Devil in False Colors
by Jack Winnick
East Wind, 2nd Edition
by Jack Winnick
East Wind, Second Edition
by Jack Winnick
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
by Jack Winnick
Sonora Pass
by Jaime Olmos
Find Your Freedom
by Jamie Hopkins and Ron Carson
by Jean Hackensmith
Your S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Blueprint
by Jean Tien
Helpers Anonymous
by Jeanne Tiberio
Comfort in the Wings
by Jennifer Collins
Certain Cure
by Jennifer Valoppi
Tree of Redemption
by Jim Davidson
Conscious Energy and the Evolution of Philosophy
by Joe P. Provenzano
Contact with the Future
by Jon Taylor
Burn Zones
by Jorge P. Newbery
Debt Cleanse
by Jorge P. Newbery
Trusting God Beyond Limits
by Juliana Gardiner
Swimming in a Sea of Stars
by Julie Wright
House of Eire
by June Gillam
Dante's Demons
by K.L. Barstow
The Parrot's Perch
by Karen Keilt
Rescue Me
by Katherine Starr
The Bulletproof Missionary
by Keriz Rosado
Of the Earth
by Kim Cousins
Marc Marci
by Larry G. Goldsmith
From Refrigerator Chaos to Keto
by Laurie De Camillis
Against the Glass
by Linda M. Habib
The Caroler
by Liza Martini
Apricot Marmalade and the Sangsuwan Equation
by Lon Orey
Verity Easton
by M. Rebecca Wildsmith
How to Succeed After 55
by M.M. Amon
Veil of Secrecy
by Margaret Franceschini
Live Your Life of Abundance
by Margo Spilde
Along the Way
by Mark DuPre
30th Century:
by Mark Kingston Levin PdD
First Survivor
by Mark Unger
Fragile Courage
by Martha E. Casazza
Their Winter Burn
by Mary Ann Trail
Now or Never
by Mary Wasche
Make Your Message Matter
by Michelle Bybel
Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless
by Mitzi Perdue
They Love You Until You Start Thinking for Yourself
by Monica Omorodion Swaida
Once We Were Family
by Nancy Saling Graham
Once Upon A Time In Afghanistan
by Nazila Sawhney
Deceptive Calm
by Patricia Skipper
Life Lessons From the Color Yellow
by Patricia Walkow
Trouble Ain't Nothin' But a Word
by Paul O Scott
Developing Resilience
by Penny Christian Knight
Wild World
by Peter S. Rush
Blood of the Pharoahs
by Pierce Roberts
Jake Fortina and the Roman Conspiracy
by Ralph R. "Rick" Steinke
South of Good
by Randall Reneau
Cruel Lessons
by Randy Overbeck
Books of Being
by Retsim Laudividni
Maestro Monologue
by Rob White
The Maestro Monologue
by Rob White
Somebody’s Watching You
by Robin D'Amato
Many Rides, Many Stories
by Rohit Srivastava
When No One Else Believed
by Ron Tripodo
Dancing on Bones
by Ross Gordon
UNUM: Infinity and Eternity
by Rudy Ernst
Catnip of Life
by Sharla Lee
Found: Health, Wealth and Time in a Grocery Bag
by Sheryl Rothert
Get Out of My Bed
by Shirley Wooten Rose
Last Dance
by Stephen Manning
by Steven A. Yagyagan
Cruise Ship Heist
by Stuart St Paul
Paris in the Springtime
by Susan Aylworth
Time for Justice
by Susan C Muller
Holding Fire
by Ten Awesome Writers!
The Caregiver
by Troy Donahue Jackson
Where Is Your Eternal Destiny?
by Vi Lindemuth
Where Is Your Eternal Destiny? Heaven or Hell
by Vi Lindemuth
Man's Search for Meaning
by Viktor Frankl
Slay the Dragon
by William McGinnis
Warrior Entrepreneur
by Zachary L Green
veils of secrecy
by margaret franceschini