All the Stars in the Heavens
by Adriana Trigiani
Honor and Integrity
by Aimée Avery and June Williams and Enid Wilson
Affairs of the Heart
by Aimee Adams
The Art of Travel
by Alain de Botton
The Course of Love
by Alain de Botton
As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust
by Alan Bradley
Speaking From Among the Bones
by Alan Bradley
The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches
by Alan Bradley
Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd
by Alan Bradley
by Alan Brennert
by Alan L. Hutcheson
Brave New World
by Aldous Huxley
The French Chef in America
by Alex Prud'Homme
The Girl from Krakow
by Alex Rosenberg
"And Who Can Be In Doubt Of What Followed?"
by Alexa Adams
Second Glances
by Alexa Adams
44 Scotland Street
by Alexander McCall Smith
At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances
by Alexander McCall Smith
Bertie's Guide to Life and Mothers
by Alexander McCall Smith
Chance Developments
by Alexander McCall Smith
Corduroy Mansions
by Alexander McCall Smith
Dream Angus
by Alexander McCall Smith
Friends, Lovers, Chocolate
by Alexander McCall Smith
Heavenly Date and Other Flirtations
by Alexander McCall Smith
La's Orchestra Saves the World
by Alexander McCall Smith
Love Over Scotland
by Alexander McCall Smith
The 2 1/2 Pillars of Wisdom
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Careful Use of Compliments
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Girl Who Married a Lion
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Handsome Man's De Luxe Café (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency #15)
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Perfect Hamburger and Other Delicious Stories
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Right Attitude to Rain
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Sunday Philosophy Club
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Unbearable Lightness of Scones
by Alexander McCall Smith
The Woman Who Walked in Sunshine
by Alexander McCall Smith
The World According to Bertie
by Alexander McCall Smith
Espresso Tales
by Alexander McCall Smith and Iain Mcintosh
Harriet Bean and the League of Cheats
by Alexander McCall Smith and Laura Rankin
The Cowgirl Aunt of Harriet Bean
by Alexander McCall Smith and Laura Rankin
The Five Lost Aunts of Harriet Bean
by Alexander McCall Smith and Laura Rankin
The Courtesan
by Alexandra Curry
The Last One
by Alexandra Oliva
Me And Mr Darcy
by Alexandra Potter
The Ghost and the Femme Fatale
by Alice Kimberly
The Ghost and the Haunted Mansion
by Alice Kimberly and Cleo Coyle
Educating Alice
by Alice Steinbach
Without Reservations
by Alice Steinbach
The Year She Fell
by Alicia Rasley
The Summer Guest
by Alison Anderson
The Dark Days Club
by Alison Goodman
Katherine of Aragon, The True Queen
by Alison Weir
Death Becomes Them
by Alix Strauss
The Closing of the American Mind
by Allan Bloom
The Other Side of the Island
by Allegra Goodman
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much
by Allison Hoover Bartlett
Fifty Things to Do When You Turn Fifty
by Allison Kyle Leopold and Ronnie Sellers and Gerit Quealy
by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
Austensibly Ordinary
by Alyssa Goodnight
The Same Sky
by Amanda Eyre Ward
Captain Wentworth's Diary
by Amanda Grange
Colonel Brandon's Diary
by Amanda Grange
Edmund Bertram's Diary
by Amanda Grange
Henry Tilney's Diary
by Amanda Grange
My Blood Approves
by Amanda Hocking
Finding Mr Darcy
by Amanda Hooton
Damage Done
by Amanda Panitch
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The Coincidence of Coconut Cake
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by Amy Elizabeth Smith
How to Eat a Small Country
by Amy Finley
Miss Dreamsville and the Lost Heiress of Collier County
by Amy Hill Hearth
A Year of Programs for Teens 2
by Amy J. Alessio and Kimberly A. Patton
Small Admissions
by Amy Poeppel
Italian Diabetes Cookbook
by Amy Riolo
The Ultimate Mediterranean Diet Cookbook
by Amy Riolo
When Autumn Leaves
by Amy S. Foster
Whispering Vines
by Amy Schisler
Girl Waits with Gun
by Amy Stewart
Somewhere Out There
by Amy hatvany
by Andrew Smith and Sam Bosma
by Andrew Fukuda
The Signal Flame
by Andrew Krivak
Light Come Shining
by Andrew McCarron
Journeys Home
by Andrew McCarthy and National Geographic Travl Team
The Nazi Hunters
by Andrew Nagorski
100 Sideways Miles
by Andrew Smith
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by Andrew Wilson
Quiet As They Come
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State of Wonder
by Ann Patchett
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Overcoming Perfectionism
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by Ann o'loughlin
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Every Last One
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Miller's Valley
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Rise and Shine
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by Anne Flett-Giordano
A Christmas Escape
by Anne Perry
A Christmas Message
by Anne Perry
The Cater Street Hangman
by Anne Perry
Treachery at Lancaster Gate
by Anne Perry
Saint Maybe
by Anne Tyler
Vinegar girl
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Affections and Wishes
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The Truth According to Us
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No Reservations
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Jane Austen's Mr. Darcy
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The German Girl
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The World's Greatest Books, Volume 3
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The World's Greatest Books, Volume 9
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Run Barefoot Run Healthy
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Along the infinite Sea
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by Cynthia M. Bulik
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Snow Falling on Cedars
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One Day
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First Impressions
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by Demitria Lunetta
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by Denise Hildreth Jones
The Taming of the Chew
by Denise Lamothe
Yours truly, Mr. Darcy
by Denise O'Hara
A Drink Before the War
by Dennis Lehane
Darkness, Take My Hand
by Dennis Lehane
Gone, Baby, Gone
by Dennis Lehane
Shutter Island
by Dennis Lehane
The Drop
by Dennis Lehane
World Gone By
by Dennis Lehane
by Derek E. Sullivan
Skulduggery Pleasant
by Derek Landy
Written in My Own Heart's Blood
by Diana Gabaldon
Cooking for the Week
by Diane Morgan and Dan Taggart and Kathleen Taggart and Leigh Beisch
Library Teen Advisory Groups
by Diane P. Tuccillo
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Tasting Club
by Dina Cheney and Charles Schiller
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by Dinah Sanders
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by Dodie Smith
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by Don Engebretson and Don Williamson
Darcy's Second Chance
by Don H. Miller
The Resolute Suitor
by Don H. Miller
Henry Fitzwilliam's War
by Don Jacobson
Miss Bennet's First Christmas
by Don Jacobson
The Keeper
by Don Jacobson
Meal by Meal
by Donald Altman
God Save the Mark
by Donald E. Westlake
New York City
by Donna Dailey and Ellen Dupont and Esther Labi
The Waters of Eternal Youth
by Donna Leon
How to De-clutter and Make Money Now
by Donna Smallin Kuper
Organizing Plain & Simple
by Donna Smallin Kuper
Unclutter Your Home
by Donna Smallin Kuper
Team of Rivals
by Doris Kearns Goodwin
All the Single Ladies
by Dorothea Benton Frank
The Game of Kings
by Dorothy Dunnett
Sunday Kind of Love
by Dorothy Garlock
The Salmon of Doubt
by Douglas Adams
Last Chance to See
by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine
Rightful Heritage
by Douglas Brinkley
Getting Organized in the Google Era
by Douglas C. Merrill and James A. Martin
We Are The Hanged Man
by Douglas Lindsay
Blue Labyrinth
by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Crimson Shore
by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
What Teachers Can't Do
by Douglas Wood and Doug Cushman
A Child's Wound
by Dwayne Kavanagh
A Chance Meeting
by E.A. Batten
A Change of Heart
by E.A. Batten
Queen Lucia
by E.F. Benson
A New Earth
by Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now
by Eckhart Tolle
Only Love Can Break Your Heart
by Ed Tarkington
The Complete Works
by Edgar Allan Poe
An Englishman In Madrid
by Eduardo Mendoza and Nick Caistor
In the Country of the Blind
by Edward Hoagland
True Compass
by Edward M. Kennedy
Audrey and Bill
by Edward Z. Epstein
With Malice
by Eileen Cook
Love's Fool
by Elaine Owen
One False Step
by Elaine Owen
Simplify Your Life
by Elaine St. James
Sex with Kings
by Eleanor Herman
The No Time to Cook! Book
by Elena Rosemond-Hoerr
by Elie Wiesel and Marion Wiesel
by Elizabeth Adams
A January for Jane
by Elizabeth Ann West
A Winter Wonder
by Elizabeth Ann West
By Consequence of Marriage
by Elizabeth Ann West
The Blessing of Marriage
by Elizabeth Ann West
A Touch of Classic & Contemporary Holiday Bundle
by Elizabeth Ann West and Barbara Silkstone
Mr. Darcy Loves Elizabeth Bennet
by Elizabeth Ann West and Barbara Silkstone and Kristi Rose and April Floyd
Mr. Darcy's Daughters
by Elizabeth Aston
The Darcy Connection
by Elizabeth Aston
The Second Mrs. Darcy
by Elizabeth Aston
Talk Before Sleep
by Elizabeth Berg
The Dream Lover
by Elizabeth Berg
The Hamilton Affair
by Elizabeth Cobbs
North and South
by Elizabeth Gaskell
Believing the Lie
by Elizabeth George
Big Magic
by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Signature of All Things
by Elizabeth Gilbert
A Hidden Fire
by Elizabeth Hunter
Getting It Right
by Elizabeth Jane Howard
The Historian
by Elizabeth Kostova
All Stories Are Love Stories
by Elizabeth Percer
No Place for an Angel
by Elizabeth Spencer
My Name Is Lucy Barton
by Elizabeth Strout
The House By The Lake
by Ella Carey
by Elle Strauss
Reluctantly Charmed
by Ellie O'Neill
The Glass Mountain and Other Polish Fairy Tales
by Elsie Byrde
Identical Strangers
by Elyse Schein and Paula Bernstein
The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic
by Emily Croy Barker
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Lady Anne and Lady Catherine
by Emma Farrance
My Darcy Vibrates
by Enid Wilson
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Nothing Short of Dying
by Erik Storey
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For Whom the Bell Tolls
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How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
by Ernie J. Zelinski
The Joy of Not Working
by Ernie J. Zelinski
The Wheel Spins
by Ethel Lina White
Black Rabbit Hall
by Eve Chase
Intuitive Eating
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Decline and Fall
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by Ezekiel Boone
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by Fannie Flagg
I Still Dream About You
by Fannie Flagg
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The Deception Artist
by Fayette Fox
The Mysterious Affair at Longbourn
by Felicia Carparelli
Collateral Damage
by Fern Michaels
Final Justice
by Fern Michaels
Hokus Pokus
by Fern Michaels
Under the Harrow
by Flynn Berry
The Tuscan Sun Cookbook
by Frances Mayes and Edward Mayes
by Frances Murray
A Year in the World
by Frances mayes
Mister Monkey
by Francine Prose
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City on Fire
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The 30-Day Love Language Minute Devotional Volume 1
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The 5 Love Languages
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The Hanged Man
by Gary Inbinder
The Seat of the Soul
by Gary Zukav
A World of Expectations, Book 1
by Gayle Lynn Messick
A World of Expectations, Book 2
by Gayle Lynn Messick
When Food Is Love
by Geneen Roth
Women, Food and God
by Geneen Roth
The Masked City
by Genevieve Cogman
The Lost Art of Walking
by Geoff Nicholson
The Cottage Next Door
by Georgia Bockoven
The Regulars
by Georgia Clark
Little Girl Gone
by Gerry Schmitt
Attending a Ball
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What She Knew
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Crossing Oceans
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by Gloria Steinem
Circle of Friends Cookbook
by Gooseberry Patch
Circle of Friends Cookbook - 25 Mac & Cheese Recipes
by Gooseberry Patch
Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food
by Gordon Ramsay
Kiss Me Hello
by Grace Burrowes
His Bloody Project
by Graeme Macrae Burnet
The Bob Watson
by Greg Bardsley
The Watermelon Seed
by Greg Pizzoli
Coming Out Atheist
by Greta Christina
The Groucho Letters
by Groucho Marx
The Dunwich Horror and Others
by H.P. Lovecraft and Robert Bloch and August Derleth and S.T. Joshi
by Hank Parker
The Improbability of Love
by Hannah Mary Rothschild
Mystic Summer
by Hannah McKinnon
The Lake Season
by Hannah McKinnon
The Good Thief
by Hannah Tinti
by Hans King and Michael Bernard Beckwith
Citizen Kane
by Harlan Lebo
Go Set a Watchman
by Harper Lee
Uncle Tom's Cabin
by Harriet Beecher Stowe
French Fried
by Harriet Welty Rochefort
Syndrome W
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Wrong Turn, Right Guy
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by Heather Huffman
Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star
by Heather Lynn Rigaud
Jennifer Johnson Is Sick of Being Single
by Heather McElhatton
Dear Amy
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In the Frame
by Helen Mirren
The Romanov Sisters
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Staying Sharp
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The Wings of the Dove
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Sailor and Fiddler
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Picture Miss Seeton
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by Hillary Jordan
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Chance Harbor
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Try Not To Breathe
by Holly Seddon
The Language Inside
by Holly Thompson
Welcome to Last Chance
by Hope Ramsay
The Immigrants
by Howard Fast
A People's History of the United States
by Howard Zinn
The Way of the Gun
by Iain Overton
I'm Thinking of Ending Things
by Iain Reid
Unbillable Hours
by Ian Graham
The Fifth Gospel
by Ian Caldwell
Will Starling
by Ian Weir
Polish Fables
by Ignacy Krasicki
Reclaiming Travel
by Ilan Stavans and Joshua Ellison
Instruments of Darkness
by Imogen Robertson
Make It Ahead
by Ina Garten
Easy As Pie - Recipes and Ideas
Easy Gourmet Pizza - Recipes & Tips
by Instructibles Authors
Against All Odds
by Irene Hannon
Night and Day
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Under the Net
by Iris Murdoch
Lust for Life
by Irving Stone
Bookishly Ever After
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Dinner with Edward
by Isabel Vincent
Mistress of Pemberley
by Isobel Scott Moffat
Darkness on the Edge of Town
by J. Carson Black
Love at First Slight
by J. Marie Croft
Cold Betrayal
by J.A. Jance
Moving Target
by J.A. Jance
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts One and Two
by J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany and Jack Thorne
A Searing Acquaintance
by J.L. Ashton
The Story of Kullervo
by J.R.R. Tolkien and Verlyn Flieger
Mr. Darcy's P&P POV - the abridged version
by Jack Caldwell
Pemberley Ranch
by Jack Caldwell
The Last Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel
by Jack Caldwell
Variations -- a series of Jane Austen “what-ifs”
by Jack Caldwell
Stop Prediabetes Now
by Jack Challem and Ron Hunninghake
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
by Jack Weatherford
Heads in Beds
by Jacob Tomsky
Cooking from China’s Fujian Province
by Jacqueline M. Newman
Journey to Munich
by Jacqueline Winspear
Another Brooklyn
by Jacqueline Woodson
Two If by Sea
by Jacquelyn Mitchard
The Essential Rumi
by Jalaluddin Rumi and Coleman Barks
by James A. Michener
A Memoir of Jane Austen
by James Edward Austen-Leigh
Travellers' Rest
by James Enge
Buenos Aires
by James Gardner
The Garner Files
by James Garner and Jon Winokur and Julie Andrews Edwards
Is That All There Is?
by James Gavin
Gone Again
by James Grippando
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
by James Joyce and Seamus Deane
House of the Rising Sun
by James Lee Burke
Inside Inside
by James Lipton
The Three Roosevelts
by James MacGregor Burns
Rainy Day Poems
by James McDonald
Cradle and all
by James Patterson
Cross Fire-Free Preview
by James Patterson
Tick Tock - Free Preview
by James Patterson
Truth or Die
by James Patterson and Howard Roughan
10th Anniversary
by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
12th of Never [Excerpt
by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
14th Deadly Sin
by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
Unlucky 13
by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
Woman of God
by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge
by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge
That Girl, Darcy
by James Ramos
The Marriage Challenge
by James T. Wood and Andrea Wood
Lies My Teacher Told Me
by James W. Loewen
by James Wallman
Three Graves Full
by Jamie Mason
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
by Jamie Ford
The Engagement
by Jan Hahn
Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good
by Jan Karon
Jan Karon's Mitford Cookbook and Kitchen Reader
by Jan Karon and Martha McIntosh
Troublesome Creek
by Jan Watson
Thaddeus of Warsaw
by Jane Porter
Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon
by Jane Austen and Margaret Drabble
Lady Susan
by Jane Austen and R.W. Chapman
More Letters from Pemberley
by Jane Dawkins
The World Within
by Jane Eagland
Intimations of Austen
by Jane Greensmith
Darcy At Last
by Jane Grix
Darcy Unmasked
by Jane Grix
Nine Women, One Dress
by Jane L. Rosen
Jane Austen Lives Again
by Jane Odiwe
Lydia Bennet's Story
by Jane Odiwe
Project Darcy
by Jane Odiwe
Willoughby's Return
by Jane Odiwe
Traditional British Biscuit Recipes
by Jane Romsey
Traditional British Cake Recipes
by Jane Romsey
Traditional British Pudding Recipes
by Jane Romsey
Traditional British Scone Recipes
by Jane Romsey
Early Warning
by Jane Smiley
Golden Age
by Jane Smiley
by Jane Stern and Michael Stern
Just You Wait
by Jane Tesh
A Square Meal
by Jane Ziegelman and Andrew Coe
New Illustrated Darcy's Story
by Janet Aylmer
Mid Life Meltdown
by Janet C. Maccaro
The Job
by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
The Scam
by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
Improper Relations
by Janet Mullany
The Rules of Gentility
by Janet Mullany
Fools Rush In
by Janice Thompson
Open Your Eyes
by Jann Rowland
My Heart and Other Blackholes
by Jasmine Warga
Little Victories
by Jason Gay
The Eyre Affair
by Jasper Fforde
Secret Sisters
by Jayne Ann Krentz
Trust No One
by Jayne Ann Krentz
The Self-Compassion Diet
by Jean Fain
The 6
by Jean-Philippe Blondel and Alison Anderson
Backstabbing in Beaujolais
by Jean-Pierre Alaux and Noël Balen and Anne Trager
Hope For Mr. Darcy
by Jeanna Ellsworth
Pride and Persistence
by Jeanna Ellsworth
The Glass Castle
by Jeannette Walls
Then Everything Changed
by Jeff Greenfield
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoë François and Mark Luinenburg
A Blaze of Glory
by Jeff Shaara
A Chain of Thunder
by Jeff Shaara
The Fateful Lightning
by Jeff Shaara
The Final Storm
by Jeff Shaara
The Smoke at Dawn
by Jeff Shaara
Praying for Sleep
by Jeffery Deaver
The Bone Collector
by Jeffery Deaver
The Broken Window
by Jeffery Deaver
The Steel Kiss
by Jeffery Deaver
by Jeffery Deaver and Linda Barnes and Brett Battles and Lee Child and David Corbett and Joseph Finder
Interpreting Italians
by Jeffrey Bailey
by Jeffrey Eugenides
Age Smart
by Jeffrey Rosensweig and Betty Liu
The Elizabeth Papers
by Jenetta James
Books Can Be Deceiving
by Jenn McKinlay
Pride & Popularity
by Jenni James
It Ended Badly
by Jennifer Wright
Christmas Bells
by Jennifer Chiaverini
The Christmas Quilt
by Jennifer Chiaverini
Flirting with Pride and Prejudice
by Jennifer Crusie and Glenn Yeffeth
Paleo Breakfast Recipes
by Jennifer Harris
Skinny Dish! Cooking with Trader Joe's Cookbook
by Jennifer K. Reilly and Kris Carr
Mr Darcy's Waterloo
by Jennifer Lang
The Life Organizer
by Jennifer Louden
The Happiness Myth
by Jennifer Michael Hecht
All the Bright Places
by Jennifer Niven
Queen Bess
by Jennifer Preston
Moonlight over Paris
by Jennifer Robson
Furiously Happy
by Jenny Lawson
Fabulous Freezer Meals
by Jenny Ahlstrom Stanger
by Jenny Downham
The Last Days of Video
by Jeremy Hawkins
Island Dreams Mediterranean
by Jeremy Horner
Hope after Faith
by Jerry DeWitt and Ethan Brown
Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls
by Jes Baker
September Fair
by Jess Lourey
by Jessica Brody
And Again
by Jessica Chiarella
A Shadow Bright and Burning
by Jessica Cluess
Annabeth's War
by Jessica Greyson
by Jessica J. Jones
Luckiest Girl Alive
by Jessica Knoll
The Women in the Castle
by Jessica Shattuck
The Muse
by Jessie Burton
Bridge To Happiness
by Jill Barnett
The Hours Count
by Jillian Cantor
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by Jimmy Carter
A Weekend to Change Your Life
by Joan Anderson
Emma Watson
by Joan Aiken and Jane Austen
Jane Fairfax
by Joan Aiken and Jane Austen
Mansfield Park Revisited
by Joan Aiken and Jane Austen
The Youngest Miss Ward
by Joan Aiken and Jane Austen
The Year Of Magical Thinking
by Joan Didion
The Ladies of Covington Send Their Love
by Joan Medlicott
The Unthinkable Triangle
by Joana Starnes
Cut, Crop & Die
by Joanna Campbell Slan
The Trouble with Goats and Sheep
by Joanna Cannon
Darcy's Salvation
by Joanna Hudson
Sense & Sensibility
by Joanna Trollope
Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder
by Joanne Fluke
Manage Your Day-To-Day
by Jocelyn K. Glei
The Orphan Queen
by Jodi Meadows
Handle with Care
by Jodi Picoult
Leaving Time
by Jodi Picoult
Nineteen Minutes
by Jodi Picoult
Plain Truth
by Jodi Picoult
Sing You Home
by Jodi Picoult
A Trail Through Time
by Jodi Taylor
The Haunting of America
by Joel Martin and George Noory
The Healthiest Diet on the Planet
by John A. McDougall and Mary McDougall
A Song of Shadows
by John Connolly
A Time of Torment
by John Connolly
Night Music
by John Connolly
He Said, She Said
by John Decure
A Time to Kill
by John Grisham
A Prayer for Owen Meany
by John Irving
The Hotel New Hampshire
by John Irving
A Separate Peace
by John Knowles
The Fall
by John Lescroart
Rumpole of the Bailey
by John Mortimer
What Matters in Jane Austen?
by John Mullan
The Book of Spice
by John O'Connell
A New Christianity for a New World
by John Shelby Spong
grapes of wrath
by John Steinbeck
Love, Laugh, and Eat
by John Tickell
AARP New American Diet
by John Whyte
Final approach
by John j nance
Me Before You
by Jojo Moyes
Terrifying Tales
by Jon Scieszka and Adam Gidwitz and R.L. Stine and Dav Pilkey and Michael Buckley and Claire Legrand
Everything I Don't Remember
by Jonas Hassen Khemiri
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared
by Jonas Jonasson and Rod Bradbury
The Absolution
by Jonathan Holt
This Is Your Life, Harriet Chance!
by Jonathan Evison
by Jonathan Friesen
The Murderer's Daughter
by Jonathan Kellerman
Carter & Lovecraft
by Jonathan L. Howard
The Anxiety Book
by Jonathan R.T. Davidson and Henry Dreher
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
by Jonathan Safran Foer
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
by Jonathan Safran Foer
Of Darkness
by Josefine Klougart and Martin Aitken
The Triumph & Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson
by Joseph A. Califano Jr.
Still Coming
by Joseph Flynn
by Joseph Heller
Leaving Berlin
by Joseph Kanon
Dead Ends
by Joseph Michael Reynolds
The Torture Trial of George W. Bush
by Joseph Suste
The Opposite of Everyone
by Joshilyn Jackson
The More of Less
by Joshua Becker
A Heart Revealed
by Josi S. Kilpack
Forever and Forever
by Josi S. Kilpack
Pride and Promises
by Josie Case
Someone Is Watching
by Joy Fielding
Jack of Spades
by Joyce Carol Oates
Under the Influence
by Joyce Maynard
The Emperors of Chocolate
by Joël Glenn Brenner
A Reunion of Ghosts
by Judith Claire Mitchell
Suddenly Sixty And Other Shocks Of Later Life
by Judith Viorst and Laurie Rosenwald
In the Unlikely Event
by Judy Blume
An Incomplete Education
by Judy Jones and William Wilson
The Third Sister
by Julia Barrett
You Are Not Alone
by Julia Thorne
The Lock and Key Library - Classic Mystery and Detective Stories
by Julian Hawthorne
Declutter You
by Julianne Neilson
Tell Me Three Things
by Julie Buxbaum
In Another Life
by Julie Christine Johnson
Organizing from the Inside Out
by Julie Morgenstern
When Organizing Isn't Enough
by Julie Morgenstern and Karen White
Persuade Me
by Juliet Archer
The Keeper of Lost Causes
by Jussi Adler-Olsen and Lisa Hartford
We the Animals
by Justin Torres
A Peculiar Engagement
by Kara Louise
Out of Africa
by Karen Blixen and Isak Dinesen
The Tao of an Uncluttered Life
by Karen Hicks and Steve Allen
Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui
by Karen Kingston
by Karen M. Cox
Celia and the Fairies
by Karen McQuestion
Easily Amused
by Karen McQuestion
Life on Hold
by Karen McQuestion
I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company
by Karen Phelan
The Food and Feelings Workbook
by Karen R. Koenig
The Rules of "Normal" Eating
by Karen R. Koenig
by Karen Russell
Asian Pickles
by Karen Solomon
Georgiana's Story
by Karen V. Wasylowski
The Best of Polish Cooking
by Karen West
The Sound of Glass
by Karen White
The Gilded Years
by Karin Tanabe
The Age of Reinvention
by Karine Tuil and Sam Taylor
The Five Kisses
by Karla Darcy
Through a Glass Darkly
by Karleen Koen
The Choices We Make
by Karma Brown
Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
by Karyl McBride
P.S. I Like You
by Kasie West
A Touch of Stardust
by Kate Alcott
Darcy and His Elizabeth
by Kate Bedlow
The Awakening
by Kate Chopin
by Kate Clifford Larson
The Land of 10,000 Madonnas
by Kate Hattemer
The Friday Night Knitting Club
by Kate Jacobs
The Secret Keeper
by Kate Morton
the house at riverton
by Kate Morton
Fiercombe Manor
by Kate Riordan
Eyes on You
by Kate White
Arsenic with Austen
by Katherine Bolger Hyde
Unclutter Your Life
by Katherine Gibson
Grace Without God
by Katherine Ozment
Forever Amber
by Kathleen Winsor
The Distance Between Lost and Found
by Kathryn Holmes
The Far End of Happy
by Kathryn Craft
Passionate About Pierogies
by Kathy E. Gary
The Family Affair Cookbook
by Kathy Garver
Queen of Your Own Life
by Kathy Kinney and Cindy Ratzlaff
The Storytime Craft Book
by Kathy Ross
Little White Lies
by Katie Dale
Healthy Speedy Suppers
by Katriona MacGregor
The Remains of the Day
by Kazuo Ishiguro
Doing Harm
by Kelly Parsons
In Need of a Good Wife
by Kelly O'Connor McNees
The Nest
by Kenneth Oppel and Jon Klassen
James Madison and the Making of America
by Kevin R.C. Gutzman
A Thousand Splendid Suns
by Khaled Hosseini
Kite Runner
by Khaled Hosseini
The Drafter
by Kim Harrison
Tea with Jane Austen
by Kim Wilson and Tom Carpenter
Joyful Momma's Guide to Shopping & Cooking Frugally
by Kimberly Eddy
Reconstructing Amelia
by Kimberly McCreight
The King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion
by King Arthur Flour
The King Arthur Flour Cookie Companion
by King Arthur Flour
The Assassin Game
by Kirsty McKay
The Comedians
by Kliph Nesteroff
The Antiques
by Kris D'Agostino
Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral
by Kris Radish
Hearts on a String
by Kris Radish
Bonjour Kale
by Kristen Beddard
Meryton Matchmakers - Lottie Pursues Bill
by Kristi Rose
The Nightingale
by Kristin Hannah
When We Meet Again
by Kristin Harmel
by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Citizens Creek
by Lalita Tademy
Savaged Lands
by Lana Kortchik
Sherlock Holmes and the Red Demon
by Larry Millett
Real Food/Fake Food
by Larry Olmsted
As Good as Gone
by Larry Watson
I'd Rather We Got Casinos
by Larry Wilmore
Shakespeare Saved My Life
by Laura Bates
Eight Hundred Grapes
by Laura Dave
Mercy's Embrace
by Laura Hile
Mercy's Embrace
by Laura Hile
Mercy's Embrace
by Laura Hile
by Laura Hillenbrand
Wilde Lake
by Laura Lippman
My Sparkling Misfortune
by Laura Lond and Alla Alekseyeva
And After the Fire
by Lauren Belfer
Someday, Someday, Maybe
by Lauren Graham
fates and furies
by Lauren Groff
Love Sex Again
by Lauren Streicher
by Laurence Bergreen
The Heir to Longbourn
by Laurence Fleming
The Kennedy Women
by Laurence Leamer
What Would Jane Austen Do?
by Laurie Brown
Crossing the Horizon
by Laurie Notaro
by Laurie Notaro
There's a
by Laurie Notaro
Dreaming Spies
by Laurie R. King
Justice Hall
by Laurie R. King
Locked Rooms
by Laurie R. King
Mary Russell's War
by Laurie R. King
O Jerusalem
by Laurie R. King
The Game
by Laurie R. King
The Language of Bees
by Laurie R. King
In the Company of Sherlock Holmes
by Laurie R. King and Leslie S. Klinger
Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict
by Laurie Viera Rigler
Son of the East
by Lavinia Angell
The Sheik of Araby
by Lavinia Angell
Tangled Webs
by Lee Bross
The Case for Christ
by Lee Strobel
For Peace of Mind
by Leenie Brown
Listen to Your Heart
by Leenie Brown
No Other Choice
by Leenie Brown
Blood Axe
by Leigh Russell
A Darker Darcy
by Leo Charles Taylor
Darcy Waits
by Leo Charles Taylor
Pride & Prejudice & Assassinations
by Leo Charles Taylor
Leonard Maltin's 151 Best Movies You've Never Seen
by Leonard Maltin
The Magicians
by Lev Grossman
Big Little Lies
by Liane Moriarty
The Hypnotist's Love Story
by Liane Moriarty
Three Wishes
by Liane Moriarty
Pemberley Interludes
by Lilian M.
The Red Leather Diary
by Lily Koppel
Laughter Through Trials
by Linda Thompson
The Companion's Secret
by Linda Thompson
Perfect Fit
by Linda Wells
Health at Every Size
by Linda Bacon
The Corrupt Plan
by Linda Blanchette
The Potluck Club
by Linda Evans Shepherd
The Secret's in the Sauce
by Linda Evans Shepherd and Eva Marie Everson
The Mandibles
by Lionel Shriver
Blood Feud
by Lisa Alther and Martha Kaplan
That Darkness
by Lisa Black
Why Simple Wins
by Lisa Bodell
The Tide Watchers
by Lisa Chaplin
Still Alice
by Lisa Genova
Walking the Labyrinth
by Lisa Goldstein
The Girls in the Garden
by Lisa Jewell
The House We Grew Up In
by Lisa Jewell
Not Working
by Lisa Owens
Easy Weeknight Dinners
by Lisa Patricia James
Hollywood Nobody
by Lisa Samson
by Lisa Scottoline
Final Appeal
by Lisa Scottoline
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
by Lisa See
Ink and Bone
by Lisa Unger
Senseless Acts of Beauty
by Lisa Verge Higgins
Juno's Daughters
by Lise Saffran
The Status of All Things
by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke
The Cornish House
by Liz Fenwick
Mr. Darcy's Christmas Dilemma
by Lizzie Elliott
Rejecting Mr. Darcy
by Lizzie Elliott
5 of USA's Best Trips
by Lonely Planet
by Lorena McCourtney
A Dark Lure
by Loreth Anne White
The Mind Readers
by Lori Brighton
Claimed by Darcy
by Lori Lipps
Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons
by Lorna Landvik
Oh My Stars
by Lorna Landvik
The View from Mount Joy
by Lorna Landvik
Honor, Pride, and Prejudice
by Lorraine Hetschel
The Walking Drum
by Louis L'amour
Corelli's Mandolin
by Louis de Bernières
The City Baker's Guide to Country Living
by Louise Miller
Shadow tag
by Louise Erdrich
The Forgotten Sister
by Louise Hathaway
The Book of Lost and Found
by Lucy Foley
City of Halves
by Lucy Inglis
Special Dream
by Luellen Hoffman
His Indecent Proposal
by Lynda Chance
Jane Steele
by Lyndsay Faye
The Whole Art of Detection
by Lyndsay Faye
The Art of Arranging Flowers
by Lynne Branard
Ten of Swords
by Lynne Carol Austin
Wait Until...
by Lynne Robson
Maids of Misfortune
by M. Louisa Locke
Uneasy Spirits
by M. Louisa Locke
Death of a Bore
by M.C. Beaton
Death of a Gossip
by M.C. Beaton
Death of a Liar
by M.C. Beaton
The Path of the Bullet
by M.C. Jacques
The Secret Language of Stones
by M.J. Rose
by M.J. Ryan
The Happiness Makeover
by M.J. Ryan
The Power of Patience
by M.J. Ryan
The Light Between Oceans
by M.L. Stedman
My Sunshine Away
by M.O. Walsh
Elizabeth Darcy of Pemberley
by Maggi J. Coxon
The Daughters of Pemberley
by Maggi J. Coxon
Love of Cooking Salads Love of Cooking Volume I
by Maggie Brooks
The Secrets of Flight
by Maggie Leffler
by Malcolm Gladwell
The Tipping Point
by Malcolm Gladwell
The Altogether Unexpected Disappearance of Atticus Craftsman
by Mamen Sánchez
Every Day A Hope
by Marci M. Matthews
Death in Florence
by Marco Vichi
by Marcus Aurelius
Yes, Chef
by Marcus Samuelsson
by Margaret Atwood
The Seven Sisters
by Margaret Drabble
The Naked Foods Cookbook
by Margaret Floyd and James Barry
Under Their Skin
by Margaret Peterson Haddix
by Margot Livesey
The Pilates Powerhouse
by Mari Winsor and Mark Laska
A Jane Austen Christmas
by Maria Grace
The Trouble to Check Her
by Maria Grace
Tears to Triumph
by Marianne Williamson
Mr. Darcy's Cousin
by Mariele Kirkby
Moon Rise
by Marilee Brothers
Moon Spun
by Marilee Brothers
Shadow Moon
by Marilee Brothers
According to Jane
by Marilyn Brant
Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Match
by Marilyn Brant
by Marilynne Robinson
Italian Grill
by Mario Batali and Judith Sutton
The Diary of Henry Fitzwilliam Darcy
by Marjorie Fasman
Georgia Bottoms
by Mark Childress
One Mississippi
by Mark Childress
The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask
by Mark Mittelberg
The Paris Librarian
by Mark Pryor
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines
by Mark Ribowsky
Yoga Adjustments
by Mark Stephens
Broadmoor Revealed
by Mark Stevens
Africa's Top Wildlife Countries
by Mark W. Nolting and Duncan Butchart
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The Ballad of Gregoire Darcy
by Marsha Altman
The Knights of Derbyshire
by Marsha Altman
Young Mr. Darcy in Love
by Marsha Altman
Steering by Starlight
by Martha N. Beck
The Girl from Venice
by Martin Cruz Smith
The Mirror Thief
by Martin Seay
Simply in Season
by Mary Beth Lind and Cathleen Hockman-Wert
The Mare
by Mary Gaitskill
Let Me Call You Sweetheart
by Mary Higgins Clark
The Woman in the Photo
by Mary Hogan
The Bullet
by Mary Louise Kelly
A Killing in Kensington
by Mary Lydon Simonsen
Anne Elliot, A New Beginning
by Mary Lydon Simonsen
Mr. Darcy Bites Back
by Mary Lydon Simonsen
The Hurt Patrol
by Mary McKinley
The Space Between Sisters
by Mary McNear
The Jazz Palace
by Mary Morris
Back Care Basics
by Mary Pullig Schatz and William Conner and B.K.S. Iyengar
The Burden
by Mary Westmacott and Agatha Christie
The Winter Girl
by Matt Marinovich
Scrooge & Cratchit
by Matt McHugh
Isaac's Army
by Matthew Brzezinski
How to Get a Grip
by Matthew Kimberley
'Tis Herself
by Maureen O'Hara
With Every Breath
by Maya Banks
Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet
by Mayo Clinic
The Mayo Clinic Diet
by Mayo Clinic
Royal Wedding
by Meg Cabot
The Boy Is Back
by Meg Cabot
We Are Unprepared
by Meg Little Reilly
You Will Know Me
by Megan Abbott
Reading Picture Books With Children
by Megan Dowd Lambert and Laura Vaccaro Seeger
All the Missing Girls
by Megan Miranda
Follies Past
by Melanie Kerr
Chasing Amanda
by Melissa Foster
Come Back to Me
by Melissa Foster
The Fisher King
by Melissa Lenhardt
The Book of Joan
by Melissa Rivers
Witches 101
by Melissa de la Cruz
Nose Down, Eyes Up
by Merrill Markoe
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down
by Merrill Markoe
His Right Hand
by Mette Ivie Harrison
Thinner Leaner Stronger
by Michael Matthews
The Power of When
by Michael Breus,
Manhood for Amateurs
by Michael Chabon
If I Fall, If I Die
by Michael Christie
The Black Echo
by Michael Connelly
Maggie Smith
by Michael Coveney
by Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz
Messenger of Fear
by Michael Grant
The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet
by Michael Mosley
2Do Before I Die
by Michael Ogden and Chris Day
Love and Other Ways of Dying
by Michael Paterniti
The Omnivore's Dilemma
by Michael Pollan
The Hanging Judge
by Michael Ponsor
Her Again
by Michael Schulman
Jane Bites Back
by Michael Thomas Ford
Victoria Crossing
by Michael Wallace
Rhapsody in Schmaltz
by Michael Wex
Above Us Only Sky
by Michele Young-Stone
The Touch Remedy
by Michelle Ebbin
I'll See You in Paris
by Michelle Gable
The Wit & Wisdom of Wilde
by Michelle M.
Revenge and the Wild
by Michelle Modesto
Mata Hari's Last Dance
by Michelle Moran
Real Tigers
by Mick Herron
Love Becomes a Funeral Pyre
by Mick Wall
Miss Dimple and the Slightly Bewildered Angel
by Mignon F. Ballard
Killing Maine
by Mike Bond
The Unwritten
by Mike Carey and Peter Gross
Can We Live 150 Years?
by Mikhail Tombak and Jan Madejski
Come Back to Me
by Mila Gray
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
by Milan Kundera and Michael Henry Heim
Little Heathens
by Mildred Armstrong Kalish
A Madness So Discreet
by Mindy McGinnis
The Pioneer Cookbook
by Miriam Barton
Pride's Prejudice
by Misty Dawn Pulsipher
Love Comes Later
by Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar
Catalog Living at Its Most Absurd
by Molly Erdman
Bill of Wrongs
by Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose
Tuesday Nights in 1980
by Molly Prentiss
Mr. Darcy's Pride and Joy
by Monica Fairview
The Darcy Cousins
by Monica Fairview
The Other Mr. Darcy
by Monica Fairview
Nutrition Diva's Secrets for a Healthy Diet
by Monica Reinagel
The One-in-a-Million Boy
by Monica Wood
The Pearl that Broke Its Shell
by Nadia Hashimi
Social Security Works!
by Nancy Altman and Eric Kingson and David Cay Johnston
Aunt Dimity and the Family Tree
by Nancy Atherton
These Is My Words
by Nancy E. Turner
Against His Will
by Nancy Kelley
Love in a Cold Climate and Other Novels
by Nancy Mitford
The Hot Flash Club
by Nancy Thayer
The Mistresses of Cliveden
by Natalie Livingstone
Journeys of a Lifetime
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Challenger Deep
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Eternity's Wheel
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by Niall Leonard
Five Days That Shocked the World
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The Seven-Percent Solution
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The Notebook
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Missing Pieces
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London Rain
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The Debt of Tamar
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Children of the Self-Absorbed
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Twisted Fate
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Complete Works of Oscar Wilde
by Oscar Wilde
Lady Windemere's Fan
by Oscar Wilde
She's Not There
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'Tis the Season for Matchmaking
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Dearest, Loveliest Elizabeth
by P.O. Dixon
Impertinent Strangers
by P.O. Dixon
Lady Harriette
by P.O. Dixon
To Refuse Such a Man
by P.O. Dixon
Hope and Sensibility
by P.O. Dixon and Jane Austen
The Concubine's Daughter
by Pai Kit Fai
How to Cook Without a Book
by Pam Anderson
Family Portraits
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Sketching Character
by Pamela Lynne
The Water Knife
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The Girl from the Garden
by Parnaz Foroutan
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by Patrice Hannon
The Unexpected Miss Bennet
by Patrice Sarath
Depraved Heart
by Patricia Cornwell
Facial Fitness
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Slaying Is Such Sweet Sorrow
by Patricia Harwin
Strangers on a Train
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Deep South
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Beyond the Woods
by Paula Guran
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Eating the Moment
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Darcy's Wager
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Intrigue at the Ball
by Penelope Swan
Secrets at Pemberley
by Penelope Swan
The Poisoned Proposal
by Penelope Swan
Presto! How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear and Other Magical Tales
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The Heart of Henry Quantum
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Lady Carpathian and the Bennets
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by Perpetua Langley
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Convergence Healing
by Peter Bedard and Brian Hunt
Comeback Love
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In the Dark Places
by Peter Robinson
When the Music's Over
by Peter Robinson
Last Lion
by Peter S. Canellos
Madeleine's War
by Peter Watson
by Phil Klay
Make the Most of Your Time on Earth
by Phil Stanton and Rough Guides
by Philip Freeman
A Place Called Hope
by Philip Gulley
Front Porch Tales
by Philip Gulley
Home to Harmony
by Philip Gulley
If Grace Is True
by Philip Gulley and James Mulholland
Get What's Yours for Medicare
by Philip Moeller
John Lennon
by Philip Norman
Three Sisters, Three Queens
by Philippa Gregory
Life Code
by Phillip C. McGraw
The 20/20 Diet
by Phillip C. McGraw
Now I'll Tell You Everything
by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Red Rising
by Pierce Brown
by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac
The A to Z of Lipstick
by Poppy King
Wild Wood
by Posie Graeme-Evans
Cover Before Striking
by Priscila Uppal
How to Take Over Teh Wurld
by Professor Happycat
Bearing witness
by R Nazir
Meeting Elizabeth - Pride and Prejudice Inspired
by R.J. Weinkam
Emma & Knightley
by Rachel Billington
Walking on Sunshine
by Rachel Kelly
A Love Affair With Green Smoothies
by Rachel Lane
Old Havana Cookbook
by Rafael Marcos and Rosemary Fox
by Rafael Yglesias
by Rainbow Rowell
Coconut Oil Recipes
by Ranae Richoux
Safely Home
by Randy Alcorn
The Ishbane Conspiracy
by Randy Alcorn
Fahrenheit 451
by Ray Bradbury
The Sugar Men
by Ray Kingfisher
The Shadow Behind the Stars
by Rebecca Hahn
The Secrets of Blood and Bone
by Rebecca Alexander
Netherfield Park Revisited
by Rebecca Ann Collins
The Ladies of Longbourn
by Rebecca Ann Collins
The Legacy of Pemberley
by Rebecca Ann Collins
by Rebecca Lim
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
by Rebecca Skloot
The Troutbeck Testimony
by Rebecca Tope
The Windermere Witness
by Rebecca Tope
Innocent Monster
by Reed Farrel Coleman
WordPress For Beginners
by Reeta Krishna
Captain Wentworth's Persuasion
by Regina Jeffers
The Disappearance of Georgiana Darcy
by Regina Jeffers
The Mysterious Death of Mr. Darcy
by Regina Jeffers
The Prosecution of Mr. Darcy's Cousin
by Regina Jeffers
by Reina M. Williams
Swear on This Life
by Renee Carlino
White Collar Girl
by Renee Rosen
A Wicked Thing
by Rhiannon Thomas
Malice at the Palace
by Rhys Bowen
Time of Fog and Fire
by Rhys Bowen
Who Killed Piet Barol?
by Richard Mason
The Boys of Summer
by Richard Cox
The God Delusion
by Richard Dawkins
Bridge of Sighs
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Empire Falls
by Richard Russo
Everybody's Fool
by Richard Russo
Legends, Lies & Cherished Myths of American History
by Richard Shenkman
Critical Thinking
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The Sword of Summer
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Travel as a Political Act
by Rick Steves
Carpe DiEmily
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Irony and Influence
by Riley St. Andish
The Girl from the Well
by Rin Chupeco
by Rita Mae Brown
Unfollow Vol. 1
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by Robert B. Cialdini
The Tourist
by Robert Dickinson
Stop the Presses!
by Robert Goldsborough
Pieces of My Heart
by Robert J. Wagner and Scott Eyman
Mute Witness
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The Falcon and the Snowman
by Robert Lindsey
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
by Robert M. Pirsig
Bitch In a Bonnet
by Robert Rodi
The Big Bad Book of Bill Murray
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An Ocean Apart
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Starting Over
by Robin Pilcher
Girls on Fire
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Forgotten April
by Robyn Bradley
Deadly Stillwater
by Roger Stelljes
The Guy-Friendly YA Library
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Remember Me
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Kiss Me, Stranger
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Wading Home
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Crimson Bound
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A Sense of Obligation
by Rose Fairbanks
Letters from the Heart
by Rose Fairbanks
Mr. Darcy's Kindness
by Rose Fairbanks
No Cause to Repine
by Rose Fairbanks
Undone Business
by Rose Fairbanks
Her Sudden Groom
by Rose Gordon
The Travel Book
by Roz Hopkins and Lonely Planet and Janet Austin and Laetitia Clapton
Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life
by Russell L. Blaylock
by Ruth Phillips Oakland
Dark Corners
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No Man's Nightingale
by Ruth Rendell
The Woman in Cabin 10
by Ruth Ware
in a dark, dark wood
by Ruth Ware
Second Life
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The Hating Game
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The Sisters of Versailles
by Sally Christie
The Things We Keep
by Sally Hepworth
The Man Who Loved Jane Austen
by Sally Smith O'Rourke
If Venice Dies
by Salvatore Settis and André Naffis-Sahely
Darcy's Yuletide
by Sam Black
John Wayne Gacy
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I'll Be There
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The Bone Season
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The Bringer
by Samantha Towle
What You Left Behind
by Samantha hayes
The Beekeeper's Daughter
by Santa Montefiore
The Trials of the Honorable F. Darcy
by Sara Angelini
How Can I Be Your Lover When I'm Too Busy Being Your Mother?
by Sara Dimerman and J.M. Kearns
Urban Venus
by Sara Downing
The Possessions
by Sara Flannery Murphy
At the Eater's Edge
by Sara Gruen
Relations Such As These
by Sara O'Brien
Brush Back
by Sara Paretsky
A Universal Truth - Compendium Edition
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The Master of Pemblane
by Sarah Bevan Fischer
The Postmistress
by Sarah Blake
Eight Flavors
by Sarah Lohman
The Time It Snowed in Puerto Rico
by Sarah McCoy
by Sarah Rees Brennan
Ms. Hempel Chronicles
by Sarah Shun-lien Bynum
The Not So Big Life
by Sarah Susanka
40 Days to Better Living--Anxiety
by Scott Morris and Church Health Center
by Scott O'Connor
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Starlight Over Pemberley
by Sebastian Di Mattia
Where My Heart Used To Beat
by Sebastian Faulks
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Prince of Darkness
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13 to Life
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Midnight in Austenland
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Return to Longbourn
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For Myself Alone
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Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain
by Sharon Begley
A Darcy Christmas
by Sharon Lathan
Miss Darcy Falls in Love
by Sharon Lathan
The Passions of Dr. Darcy
by Sharon Lathan
These Violent Delights
by Sharon Linnea
The Tea House on Mulberry Street
by Sharon Owens
South Beach Cinderella
by Sharon Potts
Prayers the Devil Answers
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Violent Ends
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Rat Pack Confidential
by Shawn Levy
Whisper Beach
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Chemical Sensitivity
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The Sharp Hook of Love
by Sherry Jones
Mending Fences
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Above the Line
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The Romanovs
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The Visitors
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Father's Day
by Simon Van Booy
An Unlikely Missionary
by Skylar Hamilton Burris
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The Diet Dropout’s Guide to Natural Weight Loss
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The Chicago World's Fair of 1893
by Stanley Appelbaum
Messages from a Lost World
by Stefan Zweig and Will Stone
Jane and His Lordship's Legacy
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Barque of Frailty
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Ghosts of Netley
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Man of the Cloth
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Prisoner of Wool House
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Stillroom Maid
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor
by Stephanie Barron
Jane and the Wandering Eye
by Stephanie Barron
by Stephanie Danler
100 Places Every Woman Should Go
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Oil and Marble
by Stephanie Storey
Moab Is My Washpot
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The Hippopotamus
by Stephen Fry
The Language of the Dead
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Different Seasons
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Hearts In Atlantis
by Stephen King
Mr. Mercedes
by Stephen King
Needful Things
by Stephen King
Lord Foul's Bane
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Perk's of being a Wallflower
by Stephen chbosky
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
by Stephen chbosky
Waiter Rant
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The Ridiculous Race
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The Calm Center
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Beatles '66
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Test Pilot's Daughter
by Steve Ward
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The Last Leaf
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Dishonorable Intentions
by Stuart Woods
Ghost a la Mode
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The Senator's Wife
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The World Below
by Sue Miller
Pride & Princesses
by Summer Day
The Art of War
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The Second Mrs. Hockaday
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50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food
by Susan Albers
Hanging Mary
by Susan Higginbotham
For You Alone
by Susan Kaye
None But You
by Susan Kaye
Shadows in a Brilliant Life
by Susan Kaye
The Fall of Lisa Bellow
by Susan Perabo
Family Tree
by Susan Wiggs
Starlight on Willow Lake
by Susan Wiggs
Summer At Willow Lake
by Susan Wiggs
A Death Along the River Fleet
by Susanna Calkins
Named of the Dragon
by Susanna Kearsley
Fast, Fresh, & Green
by Susie Middleton and Ben Fink
Fat Is a Feminist Issue
by Susie Orbach
Letter from Ramsgate
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Hotel Ruby
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We Could Be Beautiful
by Swan Huntley
Deadly Sanctuary
by Sylvia Nobel and Christy Moeller
The Bell Jar
by Sylvia Plath
Jane Austen's First Love
by Syrie James
The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen
by Syrie James
Darkness at Pemberley
by T.H. White
The Once and Future King
by T.H. White
War of the Wives
by Tamar Cohen
Down the Darkest Road
by Tami Hoag
The Secret Place
by Tana French
The Trespasser
by Tana French
The Tusk That Did the Damage
by Tania James
These Vicious Masks
by Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas
The Adventuress
by Tasha Alexander
A Secret Kept
by Tatiana de Rosnay
Sarah's Key
by Tatiana de Rosnay
The Lotus Eaters
by Tatjana Soli
One of Us
by Tawni O'Dell
Maybe in Another Life
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One True Loves
by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Good Tidings
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The Silver Suitcase
by Terrie Todd
i am pilgrin
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I Almost Forgot About You
by Terry McMillan
Good Omens
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The Surgeon
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A Fitzwilliam Legacy
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How to De-clutter and Make Money Now
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Smart Women Don't Retire -- They Break Free
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Not Even My Name
by Thea Halo
Cook Once a Week, Eat Well Every Day
by Theresa Albert-Ratchford
Beyond Blue
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Making Space
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Peace Is Every Step
by Thich Nhat Hanh and Arnold Kotler and Dalai Lama XIV
You Are Here
by Thich Nhat Hanh and Sherab Chödzin Kohn
The Strange Death of Sullivan Chance
by Thierry Maugenest and David Beardsmore
Reading the Silver Screen
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If I Forget You
by Thomas Christopher Greene
In the Company of Angels
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The Wisest One in the Room
by Thomas Gilovich and Lee Ross
The Baker's Tale
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Napoleon's Last Island
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A Very Special Year
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Irena's Children
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Tiger Shrimp Tango
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The Things They Carried
by Tim OBrien
The Diet Myth
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Mr. Darcy and Mr. Collins's Widow
by Timothy Underwood
Blood Orchids
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Animals in Underwear ABC
by Todd Parr
Sedition. A Political Thriller
by Tom Abrahams
Boom! Voices of the Sixties Personal Reflections on the '60s and Today
by Tom Brokaw
The Bear and the Dragon
by Tom Clancy
That Old Black Magic
by Tom Clavin
Rules, Britannia
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Keep Your Brain Stronger for Longer
by Tonia Vojkofsky
Her Wiccan, Wiccan Ways
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Happy Family
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At the Edge of the Orchard
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Breakfast at Tiffany's
by Truman Capote
Organized Simplicity
by Tsh Oxenreider
On Talking Terms with Dogs
by Turid Rugaas
Rebuild the Dream
by Van Jones
Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years
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Mansfield Park and Mummies
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Food Junkies
by Vera Tarman and Phillip Werdell
A Weekend with Mr. Darcy
by Victoria Connelly
Mr. Darcy Forever
by Victoria Connelly
Mrs. Houdini
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When Mary Met the Colonel
by Victoria Kincaid
It's Me or the Dog
by Victoria Stilwell
Man's Search for Meaning
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The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
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The Book of Joe
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Moonlight Falls
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Early One Morning
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A Dog's Purpose
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Wishin' and Hopin'
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A Reporter's Life
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Passenger 19
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A New Way of Thinking, A New Way of Being
by Wayne W. Dyer
Excuses Begone!
by Wayne W. Dyer
The Black Widow
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The Fate of Mercy Alban
by Wendy Webb
The Little Bookstore of Big Stone Gap
by Wendy Welch
A Land More Kind Than Home
by Wiley Cash
This Dark Road to Mercy
by Wiley Cash
Happy This Year!
by Will Bowen
The End of Your Life Book Club
by Will Schwalbe
Iron Lake
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Tamarack County
by William Kent Krueger
Windigo Island
by William Kent Krueger
The Task
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Light in August
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The Death of a President
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My Mrs. Brown
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Die Laughing
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A Midsummer Night's Dream
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Shakespeare's Sonnets
by William Shakespeare
Much Ado About Nothing
by William Shakespeare and Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine and Gail Kern Paster
William Shakespeare Complete Works Ultimate Collection
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Sophie's Choice
by William Styron
The complete poetical works of William Wordsworth
by William Wordsworth
Lyrical Ballads
by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Mr Darcy's Legacy
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Black Clover, Vol. 1
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Life of Pi
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Hungarian Cookbook
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Fidelity & Affection
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The Weeping Woman
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Decisions and Consequences
by Zoe Burton
Lilacs & Lavender
by Zoe Burton
Mr. Darcy's Love
by Zoe Burton
Next Year, for Sure
by Zoey Leigh Peterson
Their Eyes were watching God
by Zora Neale Hurston
Being a Dog
by alexandra horowitz
Healthy Cooking
a fine imitation
by amber brock
Yes please!
by amy poehler
The View From Where I Sit
by darcysfriend
The Fate of the Tearling
by erika johansen
The true adventures of fitzwilliam darcy, Time Traveler
by kathy
The Chosen
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The Seven Sisters
by lucinda riley
A Few of the Girls
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Minding Frankie
by maeve binchy
The September Letters
by maeve binchy
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The Day We Met
by rowan Coleman
The Runaway Wife
by rowan Coleman
Sacred Books of the East
by various
The World's Greatest Books - Volume 12 - Modern History
by various
Ross Poldark
by winston graham