britt13's Bookshelves


britt13's Shelves

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Going To Read (136)

Previously Read (28)

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Sci-Fi/Fantasy (25)

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britt13's Currently Reading Shelf

the last of the really great wangdoodlea

the last of the really great wangdoodlea
by julie andrews

britt13's 'To Read' Shelf

Beyond Denial

Beyond Denial
by Juri Vancans

When It's Over

When It's Over
by Barbara Ridley

The Water Trade

The Water Trade
by Rob Smith

Death Must Go On!

Death Must Go On!
by Mac Fletcher

Nightlord: Sunset

Nightlord: Sunset
by Garon Whited

The Unfortunate Expiration of Mr. David S. Sparks

The Unfortunate Expiration of Mr. David S. Sparks
by William F. Aicher

The Prize

The Prize
by Geoffrey M Cooper

The Lost Identity Casualties

The Lost Identity Casualties
by Kim Ekemar


by Tesha Finley

The Diary Of An Immortal (1945-1959)

The Diary Of An Immortal (1945-1959)
by David J Castello

In Your Dreams

In Your Dreams
by Rick Incorvia

The Touch

The Touch
by Robert Flynn III

britt13's Previously Read Shelf

4-Star Shelf (15) | 3-Star Shelf (9) | 2-Star Shelf (3) | 1-Star Shelf (1)

4 Star Shelf


by Alex Fayman
britt13's rating: 4

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
by Anne Frank
britt13's rating: 4

The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci

The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci
by Belle Ami
britt13's rating: 4

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
by J.K. Rowling
britt13's rating: 4

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
by J.K. Rowling
britt13's rating: 4

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
by J.K. Rowling
britt13's rating: 4

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
by J.K. Rowling
britt13's rating: 4

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
by J.K. Rowling
britt13's rating: 4

The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner
by James Dashner
britt13's rating: 4

Four Funny Potatoes!

Four Funny Potatoes!
by Len Foley
britt13's rating: 4

Toni the Superhero

Toni the Superhero
by R.D. Base
britt13's rating: 4


by Robert Leet
britt13's rating: 4

3 Star Shelf

Superhighway 2

Superhighway 2
by Alex Fayman
britt13's rating: 3

The 11.05 Murders

The 11.05 Murders
by Brian O'Hare
britt13's rating: 3

The Killing of Cristobel Tranter

The Killing of Cristobel Tranter
by Dennis Talbot
britt13's rating: 3

Diary of a Snoopy Cat

Diary of a Snoopy Cat
by R.F. Kristi
britt13's rating: 3

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn
by Stephenie Meyer
britt13's rating: 3


by Stephenie Meyer
britt13's rating: 3

New Moon

New Moon
by Stephenie Meyer
britt13's rating: 3


by Veronica Roth
britt13's rating: 3

Insurgent (The Divergent Series #2)

Insurgent (The Divergent Series #2)
by Veronica Roth
britt13's rating: 3

2 Star Shelf

Into Thin Air

Into Thin Air
by Jon Krakauer
britt13's rating: 2

The Broadcast

The Broadcast
by Liam Fialkov
britt13's rating: 2

Final Notice

Final Notice
by Van Fleisher
britt13's rating: 2

1 Star Shelf

The healing process

The healing process
by cassandra wade
britt13's rating: 1