Going Gone
by Abraham Lopez
The Dinosaur Lawyer
by Adam Van Susteren
The Disembodied
by Anthony Hains
The Bomb Shelter
by Avam Hale
The Message?
by Avam Hale
Temptation Trials Part II
by B. Truly
Temptation Trials Revolution
by B. Truly
Walk Shepherdess, Walk
by Barrett Cobb
Genesis (The Infinity Series, Vol.2)
by Bellamy Westbay
The Girl Who Loved Caravaggio
by Belle Ami
Chrome Mountain
by Ben Schneider
by Billie Kowalewski
The Vatican Protocol
by Brian Gallagher
Serial K
by Brian Gallagher
Serial K Returns
by Brian Gallagher
Kill Abby White! Now!
by C.B. Huesing
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
Almost Mortal
by Christopher Leibig
Anastasia’s Book of Days
by Cindy Maynard
by Courtney Shepard
by Dan "Tito" Davis
The Cartel Crusher
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Eleventh Commandment
by David W. Florence, M.D.
Reaching the Shore
by Davin Jake Douma and BonnieJane Hall
Do a Little Wrong
by Don Dahler
Five Knocks
by Donna Vincent Roa
Hard Place
by Douglas Stewart
The 5-Day Stage Fright Solution
by Dr. David Lee Fish
Lord I Surrender
by Dr. Esther Ula Cofer
Too Many Secrets
by EB Corbin
The Deserving
by Efren O'Brien
The Cult Next Door
by Elizabeth R. Burchard, Judith L. Carlone
Code Name: Dodger
by Eric Auxier
Kat Tales
by Fernando Ochoa
Transforming Faith
by Fred Howard
The Attuned
by Gary B. Haley
Crude Currency
by Gary Stull
The Wicked Wives
by Gus Pelagatti
The Crimson Heirlooms
by Hunter Dennis
Killing Vincent; The Man, The Myth, and The Murder
by I. Kaufman Arenberg MD
A Kingdom's Cost
by J. R. Tomlin
Demon Freaks
by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
The Copyist
by Jack Karasch
The Last Assassination
by James E Doucette
Managing With Respect
by James P DuBreuil
by James Schannep
Goodnight Irene
by James Scott Byrnside
All in the Head
by Jean Francois Rogeon
It's My Party
by Jeannette Watson
Blue Sky Lightning
by Jeff Kuhn
Altered Reality
by Joel Knox
Damn the Diagnosis
by Joel Nathan
The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green
Blood and Roses
by Jordan Petrarca
A Life Before
by Julien Ayotte
Salt of the Earth
by Kate Moschandreas
Breaking Sandcastles
by Kirk Burris
The Quantum Cartographer
by Kristen Keenon Fisher
Voices of Hope
by Kristine Irwin
The Red Light
by L. H. Roberts
Call of the Couch
by Larry Schneiderman
Out of Rushmore's Shadow: The Luigi Del Bianco Story
by Lou Del Bianco
The Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series
by Mark M. Bello
The Mask of Perpetuity
by Martin Jones
One Way or Another
by Mary J. Williams
Formatting Your Fantastic Book
by Mary Korte
When Angels Play Poker
by Maura Oleary
Forever Twelve
by Meg Kimball
Everything Solid Has a Shadow
by Michael Antman
by Michele I. Khoury
Murder in Memory
by Mike Thorne
Alphabet Motivation
by Nakita Jackson
The Relik
by Nathan J Keller
60th & Haverford
by Neal Goldstein
The Last Song
by Nicholas Sparks
The Notebook
by Nicholas Sparks
What Happened To Flynn
by Pat Muir
The War Within, the Story of Josef
by Patricia Walkow
The Blacksmith's Daughter
by Patrick John Donahoe
Something Happened Today
by Paul E. Kotz
The Face of Fear
by R. J. Torbert
My Trip To Adele
by R.I.Alyaseer and A. I Alyaseer
Wilderness of Mirrors
by RJ KapHart
A Loaf Of Bread
by Rana Bitar
by Randalle Love
The Lightning Thief
by Rick Riordan
One Last Lie
by Rob Kaufman
And Then I Met Margaret
by Rob White
The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman
by Robin Gregory
The Life and Times of a Black Prince in America
by Robin R Rabii
4 Shots
by Roger C. Blomquist Ph.D.
When No One Else Believed
by Ron Tripodo
by Ronald McQueen
by Ronald McQueen
The War and Hannah Thaller
by Ronald McQueen
Ten Directions
by Samuel Winburn
The Different Kinds Of Monsters
by Seth Chambers
The Navigator II
by Steve Coleman
Shot Down
by Steve Snyder
Deadly Focus
by Sue Hinkin
Holding Fire
by Ten Awesome Writers!
Alien in the Delta
by Thankful Strother
Jane Grace: Library of Light
by Trace Sonnleitner
End of the Last Great Kingdom
by Victor Rose
Paint Her Dead
by Wanda Shelton
Big Things Have Small Beginnings
by Wes Berry
One for the Road
by Will Roberts
Illustrated Short Fiction of William H. Coles: 2000-2016
by William H. Coles
by William H. Coles
The Bellringer
by William Timothy Murray
Stepping Up
by donalyn Powell