January 6th and the Millenial Horde
by Andy lazris
Good Sexual Hygiene & Spiritual Attitude
by Anthony A. Morris
Walden 3.0
by Arthur Sullivan & Mary Houghtaling
by Ayn Cates Sullivan
From GED to PhD
by Barbara Crump
The Proximity of Stars
by Benedict Stuart
Keys to Healthy Communication
by Bobby R Patton, Rusalyn H Andrews, Jennifer Page Daily
Mr. McTavish Goes to the Library
by Bon Kay
Living Through the Mist of The Soulslonging
by Brad Leslie
The Irish Skateboard Club
by Brinn Colenda
Peril and Splendor
by Caleb Birch
Book 1: The First Four Dog Vacations
by Carolyn West Meyer
The Smartest Person in the Room
by Christian Espinosa
Is Eternity Already Here?
by Christian Howard
Whole Lot of Hullabaloo
by Christopher Fried
This May Be Difficult to Read
by Claire Rubman
winter branches
by Coda Plain
Two Minutes for Talking to Myself
by Curt keilback
The Rock at the Bottom
by Cynthia Hilston
The Socratic Contract
by D C Russell
From Hell to Home
by DJ Power
Sunshine Among the Clouds
by Dan "Axe" DeKruif
The Biblical Clock
by Daniel Friedmann and Dania Sheldon
Fair Game Foul Play
by Daniel Pascoe
Bright Expanse
by Daniel Zeigler
Kaleidoscopic Shades
by David A. Neuman
The Diary Of An Immortal (1945-1959)
by David J Castello
Thin Places
by Diane Owens Prettyman
Whispered Secrets Whispered Prayers
by Donna Mack
Alpha Buddies Land
by Donna Marie Rink
E M P Honeymoon
by Dorothy May Mercer
Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
Once Upon a Scare
by Dr. Bon Blossman
What The Pet Food Industry is Not Telling You
by Dr. Stephanie Krol
by E.W. Johnson M.D.
by E.W. Johnson M.D.
by E.W. Johnson M.D.
Down Heartbreak Boulevard
by Efren O'Brien
The Frazzled Parent
by Elaine Hogan
by Ellen Dee Davidson
Nell's West
by Erin Eldridge
by Frank Baillargeon
Billy Jones's Father
by Fred Engh
Agatha the Beloved Queen
by Fred Pilcher
Grace Revealed
by Frederick J. Sievert
The Attunist
by Gary B. Haley
Either Peace or War
by Graydon McWilliams
by Great-aunt Rita(and she really is GREAT!) with lots of help from Jake and Elina Farber
War is Just a Word
by I.J. Gysen
Out of the Bronx, a Memoir
by Irene Sardanis
Overcoming Systemic Prejudice and Discrimination
by J. Dawson Williams, D. Min.
The Prism Effect
by J. Wint
Slave to King
by J.E. Hibpshman
Fish Wielder
by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
The Unraveling
by JP Franklinn
Devil Among Us
by Jack Winnick
Devil in False Colors
by Jack Winnick
East Wind, 2nd Edition
by Jack Winnick
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
by Jack Winnick
Life Lessons From a Late Bloomer
by Jackie Ewing
Sonora Pass
by Jaime Olmos
The Temple Of Truth And Lies
by James Duvall
Fact Check and More Probing Tales
by James Hanna
Family Business
by James Jack Fauser
A God-Balanced Life
by James Puckett Sr.
Unspeakable Acts (New Edition)
by Janet Leigh Green
by Jayme A. Oliveira Filho
Your S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Blueprint
by Jean Tien
Devil's Ice
by Jefferson Thomas
Snatched Up to Heaven!
by Jemima Paul and Arvind Paul
Snatched Up to Heaven for Kids
by Jemima Paul, Arvind Paul
Maximise Your Child’s Performance
by Jennie Segar
Certain Cure
by Jennifer Valoppi
The Noble Adventures of Beryl and Carol
by Jeremy Sherr
Murder in the Garbage
by Jerry A Greenberg
by Jerry A Greenberg
Tree of Redemption
by Jim Davidson
Cajun Crow and the Mockingbird
by Jimmie Martinez
A Walk in the Twilight
by John J Bosco Jr.
Ten Commandments for Church Reform
by John Wijngaards
Project Tau
by Jude Austin
Magna Carta R.I.P?
by Jude Meritus
Bone Necklace
by Julia Sullivan
House of Eire
by June Gillam
The Parrot's Perch
by Karen Keilt
Becoming Athena
by Katherine Lore
Farmer Beau's Farm
by Kathleen Geiger
Catch a Falling Star
by Keith Julius
The Truth Together
by Kelly Rodgers
by Ken Hannaman
The Bulletproof Missionary
by Keriz Rosado
Of the Earth
by Kim Cousins
Callaghan, vol. 1 & 2
by Kim Ekemar
Masked Intent
by Kimberly Greer
Beyond the Bowling Ball Bombing
by Kordel Lentine
by Kristal DeSantis
Chief Among Us
by L. A. Noble
Crazy Time
by L. Andrew Cooper
Dead Reckoning
by Lea O'Harra
Free Fish Friday
by Lee Stone
Handmaidens of Rock
by Linda Gould
Against the Glass
by Linda M. Habib
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
Skull's Vengeance
by Linnea Tanner
See a Witch About a Curse
by Loen Hussain
Where's Hare's Tooth?
by Lois Solverud
Please! Just Call Me Kevie!
by Lord Christopher
Distorted Days
by Louise Worthington
Ethereal Ascendant
by Luke DeSalvo
The Blackest Blue
by Luna Wright
On the Trail of the Unseen
by Lynne Armstrong-Jones
Tyler's Promised Gift
by M. C. Abushar
The Very Hungry Beagles Guide to Poop
by M. Jackson, Lucky, Mr. Beckham, Peanut
The Fifie
by Marco Collina
Orcas Forever
by Marie-Paule Mahoney
Along the Way
by Mark DuPre
First Survivor
by Mark Unger
The Promise of Whiteness: Its Past and Its Future
by Martha R. Bireda
Their Winter Burn
by Mary Ann Trail
2X2 on the Ark: Five Secrets of a Great Relationship
by Mary J Giuffra, PhD
by Mary and Stephen Weller
Not What Meets the Eye
by Matrika Hay
The Viewfinder
by Michael J. Bowen
One Step at a Time
by Michael L. McCord
A Mechanic's Handbook To The God Of The Bible
by Michael O Borthwick
The Raven Conspiracy
by Michael Spratt
Sebastian and the Invisible Island
by Michael William Hogan
Make Your Message Matter
by Michelle Bybel
The Reel Sisters
by Michelle Cummings
Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless
by Mitzi Perdue
The Architecture of Historic Clinton Hill
by Mr Rickie James
Once We Were Family
by Nancy Saling Graham
What Do You Think, Mr. Collins?
by Neal Bialostosky
Pandora's Lockbox
by Nico Griffith
Walking Innocence Fence
by Nikki James
After Dark
by Noel Hankin
ADHD Can Be Improved With Your Bare Hands
by Norio Ando
Stubborn Children
by Norio Ando
Chaos Rising
by P.D. Blackwell
by Peter J. Boni
The Second Five
by Raymond Maher
Gold Digger
by Rebecca Rosenberg
Books of Being
by Retsim Laudividni
Stolen Grace
by Rev Errol E Leslie
by Riano D. McFarland
Nemesis 6
by Richard Mollinger
Diabolus In Musica
by Richard Rees
Somebody Wants To Kill Me
by Richard Rees
The Early Years of 'Squirt' Malone
by Richard W. Kelly
Somebody’s Watching You
by Robin D'Amato
Spirit Women
by Rolando Garcia
Dancing on Bones
by Ross Gordon
Loss and Discovery
by Russell M. Linden
Cut Yourself a Break
by Sarah Fletcher
The Shaft
by Scott B Delaney
A Frame For Flowers
by Sean Storin
Orlando in the Cities
by Sebastian Michael
Catnip of Life
by Sharla Lee
Found: Health, Wealth and Time in a Grocery Bag
by Sheryl Rothert
The Story Of...
by Shirley B Novack
“The Dogs of Brownsville”
by Stan Weisleder
Discovering Twins
by Stella Claire ter Hart
Cruise Ship Heist
by Stuart St Paul
Time for Justice
by Susan C Muller
by Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Eddie the Elephant’s Magical Ear
by Suzanne Picerno, MA,MBA
Silent Voices-A Mother’s and Teacher’s Perspective of Autism
by Suzy Dell (Pseudo name)
Chaos in Our Schools
by T.L. Zempel
Seven at Two Past Five
by Tara Basi
One Jesus, One Way
by The Proving Jesus Group
Factfulness Sustainability
by Thomas Unnerstall
by Tim Outlaw
Endeavor’s Run
by Tobin Marks
The Unfakeable Code®
by Tony Jeton Selimi
Gularian Islands
by Tracey C Ayres
Mum, The Fairies Stole my Glasses
by Tracey C Ayres
Pepperoni Pizza Pinching Chimps
by Tracey C Ayres
Final Notice
by Van Fleisher
Making Life-Changing Decisions
by Victor Chukwu
Merlin's Rings: Book One: Young Crusaders
by Virginia Hoyt
by Vladimir fleurisma
Slay the Dragon
by William McGinnis
Warrior Entrepreneur
by Zachary L Green