The Bomb Shelter
by Avam Hale
The Message?
by Avam Hale
Purgatory's Angel
by B Hughes-Millman
Temptation Trials
by B. Truly
Temptation Trials Part II
by B. Truly
Temptation Trials Revolution
by B. Truly
Primeval Origins
by B.A. Vonsik
When It's Over
by Barbara Ridley
The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci
by Belle Ami
The One (The Only One) #1
by Belle Ami
Vengeance (Tip of the Spear Book 2)
by Belle Ami
What's College About Anyway?
by Betty Thomas Patterson
From Earth to Terra
by Beverly Jenness
Murder at Broadcast Park
by Bill L. Evans
Abate the Nuisance
by Bill Sage
by Billie Kowalewski
Bama Boy
by Bobby Morrison
Tales from Piney Grove
by Bobby Morrison
The Limitless Real Estate Leader
by Brenda Fontaine
The Vatican Protocol
by Brian Gallagher
Serial K
by Brian Gallagher
Serial K Returns
by Brian Gallagher
The 11.05 Murders
by Brian O'Hare
Island Games
by Caleb J. Boyer
Monsters in the Hallway
by Capt. Jim Kosmo
Hope Deferred
by Carole Dougherty
Journey of a Bedroom Poet
by Catherine Napalai Faulder
by Charles J Haubner III
Black Mirrors of the Soul
by Charles W. McDonald Jr.
by Charlie Green
by Charlie Sheldon
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
The Legend of the Dragon Child
by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait
Trust Me, I’m a Careworker
by Christopher Bulteel
Anastasia’s Book of Days
by Cindy Maynard
The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy, Box Set
by Claire Youmans
What Lies Within
by Clare de Lune
The Last Stop
by Clive La Pensée
Teachings of a Shaman
by Corey Stultz
by Courtney Shepard
Eyes Don't Lie
by Crystal Dawn Mason
The Cartel Crusher
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Candle Room
by Daniel K. Gentile
The Yoke
by Darrell Dunham
Mysteries of Brettenwood
by David Blank
Programmed To Kill
by David Murray
by David Taylor Black
Reaching the Shore
by Davin Jake Douma and BonnieJane Hall
Real Principals Have No Class
by DeLene Sholes
The Blessing of Movement
by Deborah Konrad
Tai Solarin
by Dele Babalola
Practice the Jealous Arts
by Delia C. Pitts
Willy's Ballgame
by Dennis N. Ricci
Acts of Sedition
by Dennis Stephan
Beyond the Fire
by Dewayne A. Jackson
Mistress Suffragette
by Diana Forbes
Lost in the Reflecting Pool
by Diane Pomerantz
The Fine Print and Other Yarns
by Dinesh Verma
Of Illusions and Ink Spills
by Divya Hirani
Do a Little Wrong
by Don Dahler
Two Sheldon Iowa Summers
by Donald De Vries
Five Knocks
by Donna Vincent Roa
Dead Fix
by Douglas Stewart
Hard Place
by Douglas Stewart
The 5-Day Stage Fright Solution
by Dr. David Lee Fish
Lord I Surrender
by Dr. Esther Ula Cofer
Growing Up Carrie
by ED Massey
When Ice Cream is Not Enough
by Ellen Gendelman
Success with Goals
by Eric T. Whitmoyer
The Word Collector
by Evelyn Dunbar Webb
Riding Shotgun on the Normal Stage
by F. Richard Allen
We Live in Social Space
by Fred Emil Katz
Transforming Faith
by Fred Howard
The Watchmaker’s Doctor
by G. M. T. Schuilling
by Garon Whited
Nightlord: Sunset
by Garon Whited
The Ways of Cats
by Garon Whited
The Piketty Problem
by Garth Hallberg
The Sword Swallower and a Chico Kid
by Gary Robinson
Dyed Souls
by Gary Santorella
Awakening A Leader's Soul: Learnings Through Immortal Poems
by Gaurav Bhalla
The Prize
by Geoffrey M Cooper
Playing Hurt
by Gerald L Nardella
Good Vibrations
by Gina Marie
Skills of the Warramunga
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's Aftermath of War
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's War
by Greg Kater
Voice of the Elders
by Greg Ripley
The Maverick's Roundup
by Gwenneth Leane
A Little Lost A Little Found
by HM Irwing
The Crimson Heirlooms
by Hunter Dennis
We Won't Forget You Mr. McGillicuddy
by Ira L. White
Last Seen
by J L Doucette
A Kingdom's Cost
by J. R. Tomlin
Demon Freaks
by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
Fish Wielder
by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
The Matriarch Saved
by J.Y. Olmos
Save the Last Bullet for God
by JT Alblood
A Lifetime Of Fishing
by Jack Walsh
The Coal'd War
by James Alan Thompson
The Last Assassination
by James E Doucette
Russia's Biggest Hack
by James E. Doucette
A Second, Less Capable Head
by James Hanna
Call Me Pomeroy
by James Hanna
A Ton of Gold
by James R. Callan
by James Schannep
Goodnight Irene
by James Scott Byrnside
Cracking the CODE to Marital Bliss
by James T. Horning with Kimberly A. Horning
Eden: A Novel
by Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg
It's My Party
by Jeannette Watson
Ironbark Hill
by Jennie Linnane
Shellbee's Story
by Jennifer Flynn-Campbell, PhD
War Serenade
by Jill Wallace
Out of the Storm
by Jillian Elizabeth
Beyond Embarrassment
by JoAnne Lake with Julia Parker
Damn the Diagnosis
by Joel Nathan
My Thirty Years In New York City
by John Joseph Strangi
Decide Success
by John M Baumann, BBA, JD
The Boy who Lived with Ghosts
by John Mitchell
Morning Is Always Nigh
by John Wickersham
The Carbynarah Chronicles, Book #1
by Jon Franklyn
Blood and Roses
by Jordan Petrarca
Burn Zones
by Jorge P. Newbery
The Selfie
by Juanita Tischendorf
I Can See Peace
by Julie Penshorn
A Life Before
by Julien Ayotte
How To Talk With Spirits: Séances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts
by June Ahern
Beyond Denial
by Juri Vancans
Salt of the Earth
by Kate Moschandreas
Dodging Satan
by Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Resilience: A Workbook
by Kathryn Den Houter, Ph.D.
A Day in Eternity
by Kathryn Gabriel Loving
Twisted Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
Small Change
by Keddie Hughes
The Lost Identity Casualties
by Kim Ekemar
Holy Here Wholy You
by Kim Lincoln
Real Secrets Of Life
by Krishna Jagarnath
The Quantum Cartographer
by Kristen Keenon Fisher
by L. Anthony Skelton
Adventures of Little Yaga and Her Friends
by L.B. O'Milla
The Engine Woman's Light
by Laurel Anne Hill
Asia's Financial Industry 1986-2016
by Lawrence Au
Sigfried’s Smelly Socks!
by Len Foley
Raven's Peak
by Lincoln Cole
The Everett Exorcism
by Lincoln Cole
The Vatican Children
by Lincoln Cole
The Dream Keepers
by Linda Keen
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
Dagger's Destiny
by Linnea Tanner
Out of Rushmore's Shadow: The Luigi Del Bianco Story
by Lou Del Bianco
by Lucas Sterling
The House of Trysts
by Lucy white
Out of Darkness
by M A Richards
Death Must Go On!
by Mac Fletcher
American River: Tributaries
by Mallory M. O'Connor
by Marc Secchia
Kidnapped by Columbus
by Marc Wilson
Breast Cancer, an Emotional Journey
by Margaret Phalor Barnhart
Personal Encounters with Cancer
by Margaret Phalor Barnhart
Beautiful Imperfections
by Marjorie Vernelle
30th Century: Escape (First Edition)
by Mark Kingston Levin, PhD
The Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series
by Mark M. Bello
Miller's View: La Isla de la Muerte
by Marlene W Potts
Hiking Tall: Survival on Mount Whitney
by Marvin D. Cope
One Way or Another
by Mary J. Williams
CBD Made Easy!
by Mary Minchin
When Angels Play Poker
by Maura Oleary
The McTavish Regressions
by McTavish & Buret
Everything Solid Has a Shadow
by Michael Antman
by Michele I. Khoury
The Reel Sisters
by Michelle Cummings
Murder in Memory
by Mike Thorne
Effective Leaders and Leadership
by Mildred Stallworth
by Mitchel Street
The Expelled
by Mois Benarroch
Andalusian in Jerusalem
by Mois benarroch
The Nobel Prize
by Mois benarroch
Alphabet Motivation
by Nakita Jackson
Tears and Trombones
by Nanci Lee Woody
The Relik
by Nathan J Keller
Relentless Alien Eyes
by Nina Hann
The Devil's Astronaut
by Noah Bond
A Book Without Dragons
by Olivia Berrier
Elastic Girl
by Olivia Rana
What Happened To Flynn
by Pat Muir
The War Within, the Story of Josef
by Patricia Walkow
The Clouds Still Hang
by Patrick C Notchtree
The Honorable Knight
by Patrick John Donahoe
Something Happened Today
by Paul E. Kotz
The Tattered Box
by Paul Schumacher
That Place of Knowledge
by Philip Alan Shalka
Think-Engage-Thrive: Marketing Actions To Skyrocket Your Brand In The Digital Age
by Philip Masiello
The Face of Fear
by R. J. Torbert
Toni the Superhero
by R.D. Base
Diary of a Snoopy Cat
by R.F. Kristi
Ninja Spy Cats
by R.F. Kristi
Serendipity Mystery: Diary of a Snoopy Cat
by R.F. Kristi
My Trip To Adele
by R.I.Alyaseer and A. I Alyaseer
Bishop's War
by Rafael Amadeus Hines
Dancing with Sophia
by Ramalho Almeida
The Bigfoot Paradox
by Rebecca Coyte
Inspirience: Meditation Unbound
by Richard L Haight
The Unbound Soul
by Richard L. Haight
In Your Dreams
by Rick Incorvia
The Water Trade
by Rob Smith
And Then I Met Margaret
by Rob White
The Touch
by Robert Flynn III
The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman
by Robin Gregory
The Life and Times of a Black Prince in America
by Robin R Rabii
4 Shots
by Roger C. Blomquist Ph.D.
Rogue Captain
by Roger C. Dunham
When No One Else Believed
by Ron Tripodo
California: On the Edge of American History
by Ronald Genini
by Ronald McQueen
The Brotherhood of Merlin, Book Two
by Rory D. Nelson
The Moreva of Astoreth
by Roxanne Bland
The Underground: Second Edition
by Roxanne Bland
Why Do We Quote?
by Ruth Finnegan
by Sam Venstone
Toxic Side Effect
by Sandy Magner
The Second Cup
by Sarah Marie Graye
Achieve Your Dreams
by Scott Hughes
The Different Kinds Of Monsters
by Seth Chambers
Raging Falcon
by Stephen Perkins
Shot Down
by Steve Snyder
Master the Law of Attraction
by Steven Marie
Deadly Focus
by Sue Hinkin
Another Summer
by Sue Lilley
A Home from Home
by Susan Barrett
First Fruits
by Susan Butler
When Pigs Fly
by Susan Fries
Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
Ripcord Recovery
by T.T. Sawyer
by Tara Basi
The God Debate - Dawkins in Denial
by Terry Higham
Alien in the Delta
by Thankful Strother
Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery
by Tiffany Anderson
World, Incorporated
by Tom Gariffo
The Vampire Secret
by Tricia Barr
Final Notice
by Van Fleisher
Bet On Yourself
by Vernard L Hodges
Anna and the Snowglobe
by Vicki Jones
End of the Last Great Kingdom
by Victor Rose
It's Hard to Be a Vampire
by Viktoria Faust
Immortals' Requiem
by Vincent Bobbe
Horse Manure Grows Great Roses
by W.roy sommerville
One for the Road
by Will Roberts
The Cocaspore Project
by William Claypool
The Unfortunate Expiration of Mr. David S. Sparks
by William F. Aicher
Guardian of Deceit
by William H. Coles
Illustrated Short Fiction of William H. Coles: 2000-2016
by William H. Coles
by William H. Coles
The Surgeon's Wife
by William H. Coles
The Bellringer
by William Timothy Murray
Christmas with Snowman Paul
by Yossi Lapid
Halloween with Snowman Paul
by Yossi Lapid
Snowman Paul at the Winter Olympics
by Yossi Lapid and Joanna Pasek
Opposites Attract
by Zahra Habib
Stepping Up
by donalyn Powell