The 5-Day Job Search
by Annie Margarita Yang
The Incarnation
by Arthur Telling
Keys to Healthy Communication
by Bobby R Patton, Rusalyn H Andrews, Jennifer Page Daily
In the Shadow of a Dark Star
by Brent R. Mekosh
The 11.05 Murders
by Brian O'Hare
The Shot Not Heard Around the World
by Charlie damitz
by Cheryl Richardson
Lost Secret of the Ancient Ones
by Chris Reynolds
Reflections: Words From the Soul
by Dan Babcock
The Da Vinci Code
by Dan Brown
The Half Book
by Dan Duffy
Magi Apprentice
by Dan E. Hendrickson
Fair Game Foul Play
by Daniel Pascoe
Kaleidoscopic Shades
by David A. Neuman
Gone Bodfishin’
by David Done
Charlie's Diner
by Dennis F Killeen
The Reverend Psychopath
by Dr Andrew Rynne
America: Lost in Place
by Dr. Joe Brickner
Spirituality In Practice
by Dr. Krishnamoorthy (Subbu) Subramanian
Fireproof Happiness
by Dr. Randy Ross
In It Together
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
3 Sisters 3 Weeks 3 Countries (Still Talking)
by Elizabeth Moore Kraus
The Universal Call
by Fatima El-Hindi
9 Rules to Dominate Your Money and Learn What 67% of Adults Don’t Know
by Finley Lewis
The Fish House
by G L Rockey
The Reluctant Refugee
by George M Decsy
The Intrepid Brotherhood
by Gordon Graham
Saving KC
by Grinnell Desjarlais
Madame Ph.D.: Growing Up Black in DC and Beating the Odds
by Gwynette Ford Lacy, Ph.D., MBA
Contemplacion. Thoughts and Poems.
by Ileana Gonzalez Monserrat
The Prism Effect
by J. Wint
Sonora Pass
by Jaime Olmos
A God-Balanced Life
by James Puckett Sr.
Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
Ironbark Hill
by Jennie Linnane
Maximise Your Child’s Performance
by Jennie Segar
By Accident
by Joanne Greene
Stage Fright
by John Gore
Holy Terror
by John R. Dougherty
Catch a Falling Star
by Keith Julius
You Say Goodbye
by Keith Steinbaum
The Bulletproof Missionary
by Keriz Rosado
Beyond the Bowling Ball Bombing
by Kordel Lentine
Love, Flesh, and Spirit
by L. Adlai Boyd
Crazy Time
by L. Andrew Cooper
The Eschatology of the Christian Era
by L. D. Swift
Marc Marci
by Larry G. Goldsmith
Against the Glass
by Linda M. Habib
Dagger's Destiny
by Linnea Tanner
A Brighter Tomorrow
by Lori Schneider, MD
Children of Violence
by Luke Gherardi
The Maple Seed Helicopter
by Marco Collina
Black, Red, Yellow and White Lies Matter Too
by Marie Arruda Machado Medici
You Won’t Get It…Until You Get “It”
by Mark A. Pellón
Their Winter Burn
by Mary Ann Trail
We are Voulhire: A New Arrival under Great Skies
by Matthew Tysz
Harper's Bizarre
by Mike Thorne
Inner Trek
by Mohan Ranga Rao
Stepping TwoGether
by Nancy Landrum
Once Upon A Time In Afghanistan
by Nazila Sawhney
All the Targets
by Noah Bond
by Patrick C. Notchtree
LaBlance Fish Tales Two
by Peter F LaBlance
Young Americans
by Peter S. Rush
by R.K. Higgins
Jake Fortina and the Roman Conspiracy
by Ralph R. "Rick" Steinke
Zen and the Art of Writing
by Ray Hodgson
The Curse of the Mystic Lakes
by Riano D. McFarland
Because He Loved Us
by Sharon Williams
Found: Health, Wealth and Time in a Grocery Bag
by Sheryl Rothert
In DeLorean's Shadow
by Stephen Lee Arrington
by Steven A. Yagyagan
Teetering On A Tightrope
by Steven W Wilson
Time for Justice
by Susan C Muller
A Week's Worth
by Thyme Lewis
Let The Children Come
by Tom Fay
by Tommy L. Peck Jr.
The Unfakeable Code®
by Tony Jeton Selimi
Say My Name
by Vickey Robinson
Making Life-Changing Decisions
by Victor Chukwu
Slay the Dragon
by William McGinnis
Millennial Apocalyp$e
by Zane E Brown and Dr. Donalee Brown
The Amazing Bees
by yoel silber