Black Mirrors of the Soul
by Charles W. McDonald Jr.
by Charlie Green
by Charlie Sheldon
A Bloody Book
by Chris Bowen
The Expansion
by Christoph Martin
Trust Me, I’m a Careworker
by Christopher Bulteel
The Yoke
by Darrell Dunham
Rebranding Branding
by Darren Taylor & Mark Schreiber
The Tragedy of King Lewis the Sixteenth
by David Lane
Programmed To Kill
by David Murray
The Blessing of Movement
by Deborah Konrad
by Don Foxe
Contact and Conflict
by Don Foxe
Hell Holes 2
by Donald Firesmith
Hell Holes: What Lurks Below
by Donald Firesmith
God is Alive and Well
by Dr. Robert W. Walker
Solid Stone
by E.G. Patrick
When Ice Cream is Not Enough
by Ellen Gendelman
We Live in Social Space
by Fred Emil Katz
The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology
by Göran Therborn
The Piketty Problem
by Garth Hallberg
How to Dance with the Universe
by Goran Spasa
The Maverick's Roundup
by Gwenneth Leane
Across the Ocean
by Hawa Crickmore
Wrong Turn, Right Guy
by Haylie B. Fox
Mark of the Remaker
by Ian Yamagata
We Won't Forget You Mr. McGillicuddy
by Ira L. White
Through the Hostage
by J C Steel
Demon Freaks
by J.R.R.R. (Jim) Hardison
The Matriarch Saved
by J.Y. Olmos
Chasing Diana - Perception Vs. Reality
by Jack & Robin Firestone
A Lifetime Of Fishing
by Jack Walsh
Call Me Pomeroy
by James Hanna
Digital Secrets
by James Lee
Eden: A Novel
by Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg
From Drift to SHIFT
by Jody B. Miller
My Thirty Years In New York City
by John Joseph Strangi
Burn Zones
by Jorge P. Newbery
Gideon: The Sound and The Glory
by Joseph Ganci
Piazza Carousel
by Jule Selbo
How To Talk With Spirits: Séances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts
by June Ahern
Soft Underbelly
by Kat Powell
Farmer Beau's Farm
by Kathleen Geiger
Lindsey's Angel
by Katina Gavin
Banished Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
Severed Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
An Obstinate Vanity
by Keddie Hughes
Just Do Something
by Kevin DeYoung
The Lost Identity Casualties
by Kim Ekemar
The Quantum Cartographer
by Kristen Keenon Fisher
30 Minute Body
by Lance McCullough
Sigfried’s Smelly Socks!
by Len Foley
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
30th Century: Escape (First Edition)
by Mark Kingston Levin, PhD
The Last Soldier
by Marsha Landreth
Wheel of the Infinite
by Martha Wells
The Last Dragon Slayer
by Martyn Stanley
CBD Made Easy!
by Mary Minchin
Once in a Blue Year
by Michael D. Durkota
The Vampire Gaytooth
by Michael John
Murder in Memory
by Mike Thorne
Effective Leaders and Leadership
by Mildred Stallworth
Shadow of the Raven (Book I of Sons of Kings trilogy)
by Millie Thom
by Mitchel Street
Raquel Says (Something Entirely Unexpected)
by Mois benarroch
The Immigrant's Lament
by Mois benarroch
The Nobel Prize
by Mois benarroch
Tears and Trombones
by Nanci Lee Woody
James and the Birthday Balloon
by Nicola J Rowley
Bad Choices Make Good Stories
by Oliver Markus Malloy
A Book Without Dragons
by Olivia Berrier
If The Bed Falls In
by Paul Casselle
The Tattered Box
by Paul Schumacher
That Place of Knowledge
by Philip Alan Shalka
Sylvio: Past and Present
by R. E. Beebe
The Face of Fear
by R. J. Torbert
by R. Kent Smith
Ninja Spy Cats
by R.F. Kristi
Bishop's War
by Rafael Amadeus Hines
Daddy 3.0
by Rob Armstrong
One Last Lie
by Rob Kaufman
And Then I Met Margaret
by Rob White
The Touch
by Robert Flynn III
God? Very Probably
by Robert H. Nelson
When No One Else Believed
by Ron Tripodo
Notes To Jacqui
by Ronald A. Tomo
Flash Point (Elemental Trials, Book 2)
by Ronelle Antoinette
by Sam Venstone
The Second Cup
by Sarah Marie Graye
Rage and Mercy Part 1
by Scott Dresden
by Sergiu Viorel Urma
A Home from Home
by Susan Barrett
A Bend In The Willow
by Susan Clayton-Goldner
Bluewater Walkabout
by Tina Dreffin
The Vampire Secret
by Tricia Barr
Final Notice
by Van Fleisher
Hostile Intent
by W.M. Allen
Horse Manure Grows Great Roses
by W.roy sommerville
Guardian of Deceit
by William H. Coles
Illustrated Short Fiction of William H. Coles: 2000-2016
by William H. Coles
by William H. Coles
The Surgeon's Wife
by William H. Coles
The End of the Beginning
by Zachary Eichholz