The Lady with a Shamrock
by Donaldl Ray Cobb
What I Did and Do and Why
by Kaiulani Facciani
The Guardians of Erum and the Calamitous Child of Socotra
by A Ali Hasan Ali
Raptor Canyon
by A.W. Baldwin
That One Person
by Annie Farris
Catapulting Commissions
by Anthony Garcia
Christmas Murder
by Betty Schultz
Miss Centipede
by CP Wilson
Victoria's War
by Catherine A. Hamilton
by Charles Williams
The Expansion
by Christoph Martin
The Commander
by Dan E. Hendrickson
God's Plan For Your Future
by David Charles Cole
Blind Evolution?
by David Frost
by Dennis Santos
Cynthia and Dan
by Dorothy May Mercer
Jesus, Prosperity Gospel and Poverty in Africa
by Elijah Oladimeji
Desert Sanctuary
by Fred G. Baker
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
by J.K. Rowling
Devil in False Colors
by Jack Winnick
East Wind, 2nd Edition
by Jack Winnick
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
by Jack Winnick
by Jayme A. Oliveira Filho and Jayme S. Alencar
Debt Cleanse
by Jorge P. Newbery
Saving Superman
by Kathleen Sales
The Poe Consequence
by Keith Steinbaum
The Bulletproof Missionary
by Keriz Rosado
The Last Consort
by Lauren Schultz
Another Poor Cow
by Martins Agbonlahor
3 Magic Dreams
by Matt Bolton Art
Wasting Time
by Mike Murphey
Bird in a Snare
by N.L. Holmes
Scepter of Flint
by N.L. Holmes
The Lightning Horse
by N.L. Holmes
The Greatest Game Ever Played...Maybe
by Otto L. Wheeler
Elizabeth's Garden
by Phillip Leighton-Daly
Pearl River Mansion
by Richard Schwartz
Short Stories from Saskatchewan and Beyond
by Ryan Thaddeus
The Last Lumenian
by S.G. Blaise
In Hindsight
by Sharon Bonanno and Lisa Scott
Rulers of the Galaxy
by Tayma Tameem
by Tayma Tameem
The Stolen Heir
by Tayma Tameem
The Unborn
by Tayma Tameem
Let The Children Come
by Tom Fay
by William Reese Hamilton