Free Will, Do You Have It?
by Albertus Kral
Silent Lee and the Adventure of the Side Door Key
by Alex Hiam
Deadly Odds 4.0
by Allen Wyler
Immigrant Hustle
by Amine Rahal
No More Dodging Bullets
by Amy Herrig
by Anderson Gomes
Walt Disney's Way
by Andrew Lock
The Society of Living Poets
by Andrew McCollister
by Andrew Slac
The Despicable Missionary
by Annie Bradley with Julie Dass
Catapulting Commissions
by Anthony Garcia
Magic Blue Rocks
by April Shprintz
The Message?
by Avam Hale
by Ayn Cates Sullivan
Scorn of Secrets
by B. Truly
Surviving the Business of Healthcare
by Barbara Galutia Regis PA-C
Jenny's Heroes
by Barry Litherland
by Beatriz M. Robles
When North Becomes South
by Becky Bronson
Body in the Woods
by Behcet Kaya
In the Land of Myth
by Bernard Kuckuck
The Process of Living
by Bill DeBarba
Links in the Chain
by Billy Christie
Utopia Project
by Billy Dering
Poems About Things That Mattered Most
by Bob Dowell
Wandering Feelings
by Boyko Ovcharov
The Fourth Kinetic
by Brady Moore
The Coven Murders
by Brian O'Hare
The Dark Web Murders
by Brian O'Hare
Make Me Exist: A Heart-Pounding Sci-Fi Romance (Lost in Time Book 1)
by Brittany Ziegler
The Child Development and Positive Parenting Master Class 2-in-1 Bundle
by Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana
by Calix Leigh-Reign
The Site
by Carlos Valrand
Guilty When Black
by Carol Mersch
Victoria's War
by Catherine A. Hamilton
To God Be The Glory! We Must Never Give Up
by Charles Wiley
A Shield in the Shadows
by Cheryl Bristow
Energy Dependence Day
by Christian F. Burton
Hemingway's Daughter
by Christine M. Whitehead
The Expansion
by Christoph Martin
Always a Princess
by Clyve Rose
Summer of the Second Coming
by Colin Hayward
The Defeat of COVID
by Colleen Huber, NMD
The New Eugenics
by Conrad B. Quintyn
Rescuing General Patton
by Curtis Stephen Burdick
Lilly Of The Mountains
by D. L. Yoder
Good and Evil
by Dale Lisi
Brandy, Ballad of a Pirate Princess
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Cartel Crusher
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Legend of Deputy Jim
by Dan E. Hendrickson
Speedy Hurled Through Havoc
by Dave Letterfly Knoderer
He Goes Out Weeping
by David A. Fiensy
Molly's New Pony, Sir Wallace McGee
by David Casentini
Sister B
by David Charles Hart
Blind Evolution?
by David Frost
The Diary Of An Immortal (1945-1959)
by David J Castello
Break the Chains of Dieting
by David Medansky
Skullduggery at Quanah
by Dennis Boyd Call
Unremembered Victory
by Dennis H. Klein
Takes More Than Heart
by Dennis Mellen
by Don Womble
E M P Honeymoon
by Dorothy May Mercer
Functional Dysfunction
by Dr C. Errol Ball
Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
by Dr Monica Young Andrews
OUCH! The Pain of Modern Civilization
by Dr. Ajay Issar & Alka Issar
How My Brain Works
by Dr. Barbara Koltuska-Haskin
The Pro-Achievement Principle
by Dr. Deborah Bright
If Your Water Cooler Could Talk
by Dr. Jim Bohn
Hope Rises
by Dr. Randy Ross
Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand
by E. L. Seer
Fifty Shades of Grey
by E.L. James
Storm Front Over Atlantis
by E.W. Roberts
Jesus, Prosperity Gospel and Poverty in Africa
by Elijah Oladimeji
Quinn's Bluster
by Ena Kosmo
The Omicron Six
by Endy Wright
The Kahler Files #4
by Eric Safflind
Anthros Galactica - Rise of the Omicron
by Erik P. Antoni
Covet Not
by Errin P. Stowell
At the Feet of Serenity
by Eve Gwartney
Double Redemption
by Francis Gene Collins
Desert Sanctuary
by Fred G. Baker
Lena's Secret War
by Fred G. Baker
Agatha the Beloved Queen
by Fred Pilcher
Fast-Starting A Career of Consequence
by Fred Sievert
by Fred Witzgall
The Exfiltrator
by Garner Simmons
Nightlord: Sunset
by Garon Whited
Darkness of Blue
by Gary A James
Stone of Gabriel
by Gary A. Pattillo
Stolen Virus
by Gary F. Jones
The Machine
by Gary Green
What’s Forever For? A Physician’s Guide To Everlasting Love And Success In Marriage
by George P “Jeep” Naum, III
Man Shark
by Gerald Knight
Fourfold Kingdom of God
by Gerald Paul Kooyers
Beyond Pipe Dreams and Platitudes
by Geraldine K. Piorkowski, Ph.D.
by Gordon Wesley Simmons
The Memory Painter
by Gwendolyn Womack
Twinkle twinkle little starr
by H. M. Irwing
Surviving Chaos
by Harold Phifer
Provocative Catholic
by Hilary L. Hunt M.D.
The Bright One of the Skillful Hand
by Hugh Marchand
The Haunted House
by IB Gumnut
10 Spiritual Little Nuggets On Business
by Irene Jones
Care and Feeding of the Aging Human Male Species
by Irene Shere
White Smoke
by Itamar S.N
Noble Traitor
by J R Tomlin
The Devil Pulls the Strings
by J. W. Zarek
Death in Central America
by Jack L Hafferkamp
Devil Among Us
by Jack Winnick
Devil in False Colors
by Jack Winnick
East Wind, 2nd Edition
by Jack Winnick
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
by Jack Winnick
Mountain of Life
by Jackson Gakonga
Shadow Wolves
by Jake Kaminski
Christina Powers American Goddess
by James Aiello
The Demon of the Well
by James B. Hendricks
The Ping-Pong Champion of Chinatown
by James Hanna
The Alex Cave Series Book 5. Pandora’s Eyes
by James M. Corkill
Bloody Redemption
by James Meenagh
Who Says, Women Can't Lead?
by James Rondinone
Findin9 H2OM3
by Jameson B Grant
by Jayme A. Oliveira Filho and Jayme S. Alencar
Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
Speaks for Itself
by Jeffrey Paul Bailey.
Intensive Therapy
by Jeffrey Deitz
Snatched Up to Heaven!
by Jemima Paul and Arvind Paul
Snatched Up to Heaven for Kids
by Jemima Paul, Arvind Paul
Everyone Needs a Companion
by Jerry A Greenberg
At Day's End, I'll Always Be Me
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Chasing the Rabbit
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Dreams Are to Be Lived
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Filling Up a Hole
by Jerry A. Greenberg
The Bronze Bear
by Jerry A. Greenberg
The Price of Dreams
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Working At The Warehouse
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Your Soul Is Calling: Healing Our Ego Addiction
by Jerry Hirschfield, Ph.D.
Surviving Life As An Actor
by Jerry a. Greenberg
Carry the Moon Across the Sky
by Jillian Rose
Absolute Truth
by Joab Russo
Your Costly Blood Covenant
by Joel Cupps
SALES FIRST!: Growing Our Company the Old-Fashioned Way
by John Haugh and Michael Shaughnessy
Solstice Series
by John J Blenkush
This Our Faith
by John Leslie Hart
Cleared for Takeoff
by John R. “Rusty” Potter
Always Before Me
by John Servant
The Healer
by John Thomas Tuft
Brendan Kinneen
by John Worth
Burn Zones
by Jorge P. Newbery
Rise and Conquer
by Juan Partida
Project Tau
by Jude Austin
Nettie Boo
by Judy Adams Brown
Just Give Me a Soft Place to Land
by Judy Condon
Twice a Daughter
by Julie Ryan McGue
The Treasure
by Julien Ayotte
House of Cuts
by June Gillam
Not the Same Water
by Karen Black
Diamond in the Desert
by Karen Gilleland
The Ghost Of Llano Estacado
by Karl May and Herbert Windolf
Living Forward After Loss
by Kathleen Ho
Saving Superman
by Kathleen Sales
Shadow's Adventure Home
by Kathy Kovar
Soul Seeker
by Kaylin McFarren
The Poe Consequence
by Keith Steinbaum
Rough Way to the High Way
by Kelly Mack McCoy
Making Waves
by Kim J Boland
Descendant Deception
by Kimi Baibre Jackson
For the Love of Suzanne
by Kristi Hudecek-Ashwill
Bonnie’s Adventures in a Storybook World
by Kristie Schubert
Bagels & Salsa
by Lara Reznik
by Lauren Grabois Fischer
The Light Within Me
by Lauren Grabois Fischer
Running For One's Life
by Lauren Jedlan
The Last Consort
by Lauren Schultz
Free Fish Friday
by Lee Stone
Flunking first grade and shooting trout
by Lester D. Flake
The Eagle and the Dragon, a Novel of Rome and China
by Lewis F. McIntyre
Gilded Prisons
by Linda Gould
Montana Creeds
by Linda Lael Miller
The Raven's Trail (Book 1)
by Liz D. Marx
The Prodigy Slave, Book One: Journey to Winter Garden
by Londyn Skye
Forgotten Heroes of wW-II, the French Resistance
by Luis Gil Armendariz
Key to Eternity
by Mallory M. O'Connor
Running the Sahara
by Marcel Nickler
Plume of Fire
by Marie Fostino
My Fellow Americans: I Am an Angry, Tired, Black Woman
by Marjorie J Frazier
Sword of the Spirit
by Mark Norris
A Script For Aspiring Women Leaders
by Mark Villareal
Acts of Hope
by Martin Elsant
The Freedom Building
by Martin Kendall
Another Poor Cow
by Martins Agbonlahor
Now Unto Him
by Melissa Huggins
Charlie's Secret
by Melody Law
Running the Sahara
by Mercel Nickler
by Michael Waddington
Grand Lure: Africa
by Michel L'Aventure
The Reel Sisters
by Michelle Cummings
Please Don't Tell Cooper He's A Dog
by Michelle Lander Feinberg
Killing Time
by Mike Murphey
Section Roads
by Mike Murphey
Wasting Time
by Mike Murphey
The Dragons of Chiroptera
by Milan Seeff
Cultural Chauvinism
by Minabere Ibelema
Bird in a Snare
by N.L. Holmes
Scepter of Flint
by N.L. Holmes
Finding James
by Nancy Blaha
The Greater Understanding
by Nanna Pete
Overcoming Adversity ( Relaunched)
by Nelson J Fowlkes
ADHD Can Be Improved With Your Bare Hands
by Norio Ando
Stubborn Children
by Norio Ando
Remembering Hope
by Parastoo Rezai
Casino Chronicle
by Pascale Batieufaye
The Finesser
by Patrice Brown
Unknown Vengeance
by Patrick O'Brien
by Pattie Palmer-Baker
“In Search of Jesus of Nazareth and His Original Teaching”
by Paul A Weekes
A Long Night of Chaos
by Paul Clark
The Price of Dreams
by Paul Clark
The Importance of Now
by Paul Schumacher
The Vanished
by Pejay Bradley
Elizabeth's Garden
by Phillip Leighton-Daly
The Average Joe's Guide to Success
by R. C. Farrington
My Trip To Adele
by R.I.Alyaseer and A. I Alyaseer
The Devil's Fool
by Rachel McClellan
Short Poems, Long Tales
by Rashid Osmani
the REMF, Hurry Up and Wait
by Ray Dyer
My Infinite Self
by Rev. Lisa Rae Brooks
Wolfgang's Castle
by Rex W Last
Pearl River Mansion
by Richard Schwartz
How to Survive the Coming Retirement Storm
by Robert Margetic
The Sylvan Horn
by Robert Redinger
Misreading Judas
by Robert Wahler
Home Again 2020
by Roberta M Roy
Strange Stories II
by Roger Mannon
Hollywood Deco Fashions of the 1920s
by Roland J. Bain
Short Stories from Saskatchewan and Beyond
by Ryan Thaddeus
The Last Lumenian
by S.G. Blaise
Lily's Quest
by S.J. Savage
Guardians of the Solar Shield
by Sam Bleicher
by Samuel J Murray
Trauma To Triumph
by Sandra Cooper
by Sarah Biglow and Molly Zenk
Lizzy Baby
by Sarah P Blanchard
And Throw Away The Skins
by Scott Archer Jones
The Tiger's Eye
by Scott Delaney
Her Lost Words; Her Broken Silence
by Shantanel Payne
In Hindsight
by Sharon Bonanno and Lisa Scott
The Ultimate Love
by Sherine Anniruth
Hello God Where Are You
by Sherryann Philogene
by Shira Shiloah
The Little Book For Big Transformations (2nd Edition)
by Skip Jennings
Survival of Species
by Sol Rothman
Last Star Standing
by Spaulding Taylor
The Last Raider
by Spencer Anderson
Future Plans
by Stacy Lee
The Hundredth Time Around
by Stacy Lee
Last Dance
by Stephen Manning
Omega Crisis
by Steven E. Wilde
by Strobe Witherspoon
Callisto 2.0
by Susan English
No One Must Know
by Susan Frances
Anstey's Revenge
by Susan Hancock
winning the war on cancer
by Sylvie Belijanski
Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
Escape the Maze
by T. Mertz
by Tayma Tameem
Memory Thieves
by Tayma Tameem
Rulers of the Galaxy
by Tayma Tameem
by Tayma Tameem
The Stolen Heir
by Tayma Tameem
The Unborn
by Tayma Tameem
The Impossible Mock Orange Trial
by Thad G. Long
The Northern Pike Story
by Thomas Ashmore
Learn to Love: Guide to Healing Your Disappointing Love Life
by Thomas Jordan, Ph.D.
Salt Water and Spear Tips
by Thor F. Jensen
Ark of the Apocalypse
by Tobin Marks
Let The Children Come
by Tom Fay
The Reality Games
by Tom Reissmann
When Life Doesn't Turn Out The Way We Hoped It Would? Volume 2
by Tom Wick
When Life Doesn't Turn Out the Way We Hoped It Would? Volume 1
by Tom Wick
Go Forth from Where You Are
by Tova Herman
There's a Rooster in My Bathroom!
by Trish Ostroski
It Strikes Again
by Tristen O Treal
I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation
by Val D. Greenwood
Final Chance
by Van Fleisher
by Vee (Vijaya) Kumari
God’s Victorious Army
by Vicki Troup
It's Hard to Be a Vampire
by Viktoria Faust
Beyond the Hayfields
by Vincent De Young
by W. D. County
The Bird Ride
by Wade W. Bergner
Apotheosis Now
by Yanhao Huang